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Everything posted by Workbot

  1. I was gonna do that for someone else in this thread. You beat me to it!
  2. This guy knows what he's talking about. He seems highly intelligent and well versed on many subjects. I suspect he's extremely handsome, too.
  3. No, none of my accounts are premium. There's just not enough incentive for it. I did file a support ticket, but you know how those go...
  4. Well, it does look like GPU issues. Overheating could be caused by other things besides the card itself. Have you checked the temps?
  5. Nah, no phishing emails. The problem is definitely here on the real forums.
  6. Right. My main account is the broken one. This is an alt account.
  7. We're getting too hung up on the reply thing. The thread doesn't matter. I can't even reply to this thread. I can't create new ones either. It's also worth noting that I can't access any kind of private messages. Same error message, no privileges.
  8. Yeah, I can log in fine, on multiple browsers. But I can't create new threads or reply to any existing ones.
  9. The thread is intact. I can't create new threads either. Currently it's not the actions of the moderation team- or if it is, they haven't taken credit for it. They're actually avoiding inquiries. Must be a bug with my account.
  10. I got emails today about replies to a thread I posted in (on my main account). However, once I logged in, I noticed the Reply button was faded out. So was the option to start a new thread. The only thing I could click on was the generic "Reply" button at the bottom of threads, which gave me a page saying :Sorry, you do not have sufficient priviloeges for that action." And I'm confused. It looks almost like a forum ban, except I have no emails or private messages saying so. They say to check junk mail for missing emails, but if I got the subscription update emails, I should have gotten one about that too, if they had sent one. Is anyone else having any difficulty?
  11. Your graphics card is probably overheating, it has nothing to do with your settings or your other computer
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