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Alexandra Actor

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Everything posted by Alexandra Actor

  1. Happy New Year! And may 2013 be a happier, healthier, wealthier, more creative, more successful, and overall better year for y'all than 2012 ever was! :heart:
  2. The slurl on the pic is down on the ground, but since the RPHS is a roleplay rea, the actual entry is via the OOC skybox. And here is the Taxi -> to the Skybox <- .
  3. Text speak. if I get an IM with "How r u?" or "y do u not ansr?" etc, I choose to not understand it. I even reply with asking them to write plain English. Okay my excuse is that English is second language to me, but even in my first language text speak is annoying me like hell. I even refuse to use abbreviations in actual short messages on my mobile. deliberately false pronounciation that isn't even excusable with some dialect. And slang. Examples: "yesh", "newp", "kitteh", "bunneh", et cetera. I do know that there are some people in SL who are dyslexic, who are barely able to write correctly even though they work hard on it, but even their efforts sometimes look more correct than some of these "fun words" "babytalk", especially out of RP areas. No it's not cute. At all. And even if you're IC and role-playing a 4 years old child: no 4 years old child speaks like that in real life. Club-specific phrases and gesture spam, like "show some linden love", gestures like "Ruubga" (what does that word even mean?), "I luv this tuuuuuuuuuune!" etc. Such annoying gestures, especially those with sound, are the reason why I hardly go to clubs anymore. most sound gestures in general - for example those creepy laugh and giggle gestures, the welcome back gestures, etc.
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