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Boudicca Littlebird

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Posts posted by Boudicca Littlebird

  1. Anubis was a god feared by all other gods, his real name was Anu, he had an interesting life, he was very vain, a bit of a spoilt child, he was big and strong, he used his strength to challenge the rightful heir to a wrestling match, bit unfair really as he was big and fit and the rightful heir was a bit of a wimp, the rightful heir had ruled for 9 shards when he was challenged, anu beat him with ease, forced him to leave the kingdom of the gods, anu was not bright, you know one of these guys on steroids, huge but an idiot, one day I might tell you all of what happened after that, lol, depends, upset me and I won't lol.

  2. Also I was not an add farmer as such I was more a dealer, my business then was land, add land can be used a hedge, while the value rises faster than its cost so it is an investment that pays so is long, the moment it changes it becomes a liability so is short, it is a game and form of gambling, I rent it out or I put a huge 80 meter obelisk advertising needles estates, but to me it was a hedge against the changing rent prices for private islands, not a place to put ugly pictures, so in a way I was your friend using it like that, but it did rely on others using it to put ugly pictures so giving it's rise in value, for that I am guilty.

  3. I didn't mean it gave land next to it value I mean it gave value to it as a whole, for example large plot of road side land would go up for sale in the auction, it would rise fast as all those bidding intended to cut up the bit along the road into 16sqm plots, this gave road side land a large value but all prices are relative, road side was at the top and all other types valued accordingly, when the top collapsed so all roadside land lost it top spot, this put a large amount of land on the market at once and this drove down prices over all, does that explain it better.

  4. I think it gave land value, it was a form of leveraging, gave a company a higher value, plus could be discounted, it's value was a perceived value, a bubble, no diff from what the banks have done with property now, closing the add farmers ment that bubble burst, people had lost a fortune over night, dropped in value and took most dealers down with it, it was add land that gave ordinary land its value so when the add land bubble burst so it took down all land prices, that had the same affects as in real life, many sat on worthless plots of land.

  5. Wow, are they the original tubes, the chokes of them days were built to last, the tubes have mercury in them, the tubes last as long as the mercury can be a vapor, over time some condenses on the glass those are the dark lines at the ends as it get old, the very first ones had huge amounts of mercury in them and that is not allowed, they are only allowed small amounts and this determines the life, the mercury makes the gas conductive, so see it as a wire that gets thinner and thinner as more vapor condenses at the neck of the tubes, also is it the same starter, starters create a spike to start the current flowing in the mercury vapor, chokes delay the phase of one of the filaments so that there is a potential difference between the two ends that allows the current to flow though the mercury vapor and allows the gas to glow

    Sorry for all that, lol plus it so relevant to the big bang thread as cold plasma is very similar, lol, but are they the original tubes?

  6. ty


    I had 31 sims when the added value statement was made, 5 full sims and 26 OS/homestead sims, I was paying 75 a month for the os/homestead ones and it shot up to 95, so I closed all 31 sims, was "needles estates", I lost a lot of money and have never forgiven the lindens, would never invest money in SL again, but I make things now, being a little land baron was a ego trip, I also had almost 200 mainland parcels when the new add rules came in, lol, they got me from every side, I was add person to, wow did lots of you hate us add land people, people use to lay in wait near the add land waiting for me to show, notice that since the add people were got rid of so mainland lost value and malls took a dive.

  7. LOL, left and right are creations by the same mind, socialism and capitalism are the same, there is another way but the human race will not be allowed to take it, just like the big bang, all science leads to the same end "gods", light being a wave will in the end destroy the foundation of god so wont be allowed to be understood by slaves, plus the third way will destroy the need for gold.


    Now dig holes and find some gold or ask to be paid in gold so some one has to dig a hole, lol.

  8. I see a dark road ahead for the USA, I can't say who and what has done it  because the post will be removed, so I will give a clue.

    I can only say look at history at first 1812, then 1912, and now we are in 2012, all these dates are linked by the same group of people with the same agenda, the root is much deeper and goes back 1000's of years, it all started with gold, gold is a useless metal to us yet it has great value, it only has value so that we find it, then that group collect it, it is important that they control the money supply so that can draw it in when needed, very important now is that they control oil as that is another tool that can be used to draw it in, a lot of what is happening in the US and all over the world is the commencement of another drawing in, war is the best way to do this as you can just take it rather than trade it.

    Solve the above riddle and you will find out who you are, lol.

  9. Sorry didn't mean you and I was talking of 2007, all things changed in 2008 with added value statement, we have ALL suffered since then, when I said you I ment a small group of oldies that were shocked at the number of shops that sprang up and the amount of copies that turned up, but not you personally, sorry.

  10. Wow, ty, that is the best post I have read, wow, I am lost for words, you have if you know it or not explained the very root of some problems, you have also exposed a reason as to why he may have posted there with board support, let me try to explain.


    I came here in 2007, I got into the habit of reading profiles, with in a few weeks I started to see the most important thing in the profile was the date born, I can't help but look for reasons for every thing, I wanted to know why I felt different things with a date pre 2006, this vexed me, so as I interacted with people of these dates a modded what I said to read reactions, I soon found I could do on the web what I can do in real life meeting people face to face, I just had to imagine a face that had said similar words in the past, be honest, you didn't like us, you didn't like most because all you had waited for it to take off so you could at last make some money, but what happened is loads turned up with that intent and didn't care how they got there, that I knew within a month of me setting up my own business, the first sim I was banned from was because I sold items that this particular old resident didn't want me to sell, she even had her own sim in the beta grid so shows how old and important she was.

    Also this was the time of the great explosion of griefing, be honest most of you were behind that and you used linden friends to help, I could give you some linden names and old residents, but you old ones are not reasonable for all the problems, the lindens started the down fall with the "added value" statement, a statement that when history is written will show how greed can kill the goose that lays their golden egg, well that's down to picking the wrong CEO, SL has to recover from that move, it started a destructive whisper campaign that is still running today and gets stronger over time, the only way he can kill that whisper is to make the people that felt robbed have closure, but if you can't see the king has no cloths then there can't be closure and the whisper grows even stronger.


    Ok that is my view of our arrival here, all should read your post, it is honest and said from your point of view and confirms what I felt from you old ones, many times in this forum I have started threads and made post about old ones(some are red tops) being the root of some problems and should talk, the insults I have had to put up with, those av's I was left here, well at last some one has talked, ty.



    oops forgot to put the reason, he wants you back.


  11. The OS software is free so people can make their own sims on their PC, they can even connect to others, they are not any good for boats, I made 30 sims of joined sea only to find out boats don't work, lol, was I upset, I made trees islands the lot, looks great, but boats do crazy things and sim crossing lol, well it never happens, but it is ok to build static things in them


    But what is amazing me about this thread is where it is going, some history.

    Many weeks ago I saw that the CEO had made a comment on SLU, so I joined and watched it for a few weeks, didn't say much just observed, this forum I knew but that one I did not, I tried to role play the CEO in a sense I had to find logic as to why I would post there and not here, was very hard to work out, so I thought if I post one of my theory's in both forums at the same time and try to stay away from commenting on them then I might get a clear idea as to the fundamental differences, this I did, well failed when I got drunk one night, lol, I posted a reply in this forum but only because I was fed up with the official line being sported, any one can copy and paste another idea, anyway that apart, apart from that one weakness I did manage to not interfere with the result, and that is what is posted at the start in this thread, you have a tech view and 58 replies from SLU and over a 100 from here.

    So why would the CEO comment in a forum that is as tech as plastic duck, when here you have tech bursting out at the seams.

    I can only think of 2 reasons.

    1 he is very young and feels at home with the young.

    2. He didn't comment in SLU and that that comment is a fake.

    I would go with 2 because if I was the chairman I would have sent security in his office to remove him and ban him from the building, unless he had backing from the board to divulge such info to the public in a place that is hostile to the company then that is ok as it would be part of a strategy that the board had approved, if not and was on his own back then he would feel the heat of hell within seconds of making the post.

    Tweeting is ok, promoting the company, great, but divulging a major weakness like that would upset shareholder security and give all competitors a wide smile.


    So I think he never made a comment there so there is no not to get upset about him not making one here, he was right to let the comment stand, for to challenge it would to admit some trueness, to ignore would say it is worthless, the owner of SLU was behind it I think, there is a gang of very anti linden people there, love sl but hate the lindens, this was an attempt to discredit the CEO he stood his ground and said nothing so get a pat on the back and not the sack.


    Now a person here complained that I never replied in the slu post, there was one person in that slu thread that was almost convinced in it's truth, they read both I think and could see all arguments like the microwave background radiation could be explained, simple, that is the temp of cold plasma, they got upset that I did not defend my theory so now think that I constructed a complex idea that was fake to test people, let me explain


    It is true that it was a minor test,  anyone can see that once they know the same words are in two diff places, but the theory is real, yes a very real one and I believe to be the true one, I won't alter it or defend it, any truth stands on its own and needs no one to defend it, a untruth just means the quest goes on, a truth is the end of that quest.


  12. Hi, I have found that if I have graphics down to min it improves a lot, I am not sure that it is all the lindens fault, if you look at other things like client and network they are not doing to well either, I think there may be bugs with the viewers that could be overloading the servers, also the suns actively could be affecting the networks, I think the operating systems have been hacked since the new rules on cookies and many now have covert viruses on their machines, bet the excuse to pervert the operating systems is this war on terror.

  13. Well I got out my crystal ball and cauldron out and conjured up a tiny troll to spy on him and climb in his ear to hear his thoughts, this troll tells me he is very disappointed, he was thinking that user created content could help SL grow, games mainly with limited budget he had creator tools improved, but what disappointed him were the users were unstable nuts, people so unstable you could not put a companies future on them, so he now had to steer the company into a more stable pathway of revenue, but his options are very limited because others with far more money may pip them to the post,.

    Then he put his finger in his ear and killed the troll.

  14. What you will learn about me is when I put forward a theory is that it is not up for discussion, if I allowed others to have an input then it would not be my theory would it, the fact that I reply shows I am allowing another to have input so corrupting my original thought.


    The difference between a theory of mine and a discussion is this, it is about the diff views and attitudes of a theory, you post both I see, you should see both are the same, so what does that tell you, it is cast in stone, the discussion is about the reactions to that.

    If it is a theory you wish to talk about, then put your own theory that is in opposition to that, as long as it is not the one currently seen as valid, no point talking about that as that is cast in stone to.


    What I have noticed about so called academics is they don't like their theory cast in stone, they like to be able to adjust and change it, but most of all they like to take credit for it from day one even though they edit it later, you will find that I am not able to be that dishonest.

    So put an opposing theory and I will comment if I can, if you think the current one is right then just say so but that don't need a reply from me does it?

  15. Ty again you explain just how some sailors feel, I feel all reading this thread should read your comments as they show just how different the ww2 and sailors are, it is wrong to force the 2 groups together, this helps in the argument for have another area far from the sailors course in which to have battles.


    I agree that the ww2 battles at mo are a bit child like now, that is because no real ww2 group structure has been created, this would follow I feel once these groups had common sims to meet and fight, at the moment you have one group fighting its self, this is how the old world combat sims started, once you have 2 groups then they start to organize raids, these develop into historical battles, example Sparta v Persia, these became epic battles to all that took part, was easy to get 70 av's in a sim, lagged like hell but none cared, in their minds they really were reliving the film 300, many made sure they used the right weapons and tried hard to out skill the film, even the booting down the well was enacted many times, I been down the bottom of that well a few times, but this how these games evolve in sl.


    Now once the veterans has a place large enough to fight these battle so will they develop things till they are at a point to relive the things they did before or wanted to, you only have to give them the space and they will develop just like the old world ones of Athens, Sparta, Persia and Rome, I was in all armies and was there to see it grow and the same thing can happen in the linden sea for pirates and ww2 groups but all these groups need public and common sims to develop, the old world ones went though a stage of destroying themselves, they are recovering now, because all their sims were privately owned, the rules got stricter and stricter as to what cloths could be worn, that you use the correct greeting, that you role played the age and used the weapons of the age, some got to strict and people complained, this led to bannings, this led to the armies becoming un balanced due to trainers leaving mainly which led to a lopsided battle and the sense of fair play was lost, the bannings were the root of every problem, this is why the sims used for the battle must be public, if one sim banned a popular worrier then half the army would not turn up, so public battle sims are a must.


    I did not know you had left the blake sea, as lucinda you were one of the first people i met there when i went to watch my first race and was not a very good encounter.

  16. It is ok, you did it in good faith, I am a script writer, it only has one script called "dostuff", it started to display menus for shops and special offers, I asked him how it detected things out of interest, he told me what it did and I could not think of any instructions that would do the things he said, he said complex prims, well you can use getobjectdetails to get their info on any object after you have sensed it, but would you have not crashed before that, maybe I am stupid and don't know script as well as I thought.

    Does anyone else know how script can detect if a object is going to crash you, this forum has many scripters maybe one of them could enlighten us.


    But it was the menus offering me deals that upset me and made me remove it.

    I have an alt hovering over the disputed sim now measuring my script time, so far every thing is stable, I will leave it there for a few hours.

  17. Ty for your input, I did mention your name hoping you would respond and you have, you have said exactly what I hope you would say.

    Now I will help you with some info, many of the people you dislike are veterans, it is not about killing is about living the life they use to live and should be rewarded for as they let us sleep safely in our beds, if you don't like combat then you should have asked the lindens to move the combat sims, but the local sim owner makes a lot of money renting to pirates, you failed to mention that, the prejudice you show for the worlds veterans is appalling.


    There is nothing wrong or sick about people wishing to stage historical battles, as the pirates do a lot and I noticed your ex sails about with cannons and enjoys combat in the pirate sims.

  18. I have over 4 years of experience of combat sims in sl, i make combat systems, over 5000 people have mine, no not extreme, I am telling you that the old want to stage battles, the young just want to shoot things up, now go and look at all the ban list in the combat sims, I think you will find the proof you seem to need to have an opinion

  19. Sorry, why do I need proof, it is my opinion, with respect, what you think of my opinion don't mean a thing, tell you what I will have mine and you have yours, I won't try to change what you think and you don't change what I think, "you should provide conclusive evidence" is a bit extreme don't you think.

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