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Boudicca Littlebird

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Posts posted by Boudicca Littlebird

  1. Peak oil in 2006 affected us all, so yes it has affected sl, numbers have dropped a lot since then, any form of recovery will just mean a repeat of 2006, the US has not been able to secure enough cheap oil for any form of recovery, they are using the first use of a printed reserve currency to fuel growth(QE), that is the only thing keeping them afloat

  2. Time will tell and excuses will be made, but unless the USA secure the oil then the days of the dollar being the reserve currency are over, just wait and see, once the dollar is no longer the reserve currency then you will have hyper inflation, you complain of gas prices now, well it could reach 200 dollars a gallon once your reserve currency status has gone, they will have wanted to collect up all the guns by then

  3. But have the Persians walked into the US and told them what to do, I think Persians should be allowed to be Persian, but they have oil.


    The people of the USA must understand that their only concern is what happens in the USA and not anywhere else, wow did you hate us British telling you what to do, you should live by the rules of your founders and stop trying to be an empire, countries normally stand for 1000's of years but empires have a very short life span.

  4. Troop movements there and homeland security movements are all happening now together, yesterday the senate passed a bill that is almost a declaration of war, passed 90/1, rand Paul being the only one to say no, hence this thread to day, ok it was only last night these things were passed so you may not know.



    "A vote for this resolution is a vote for the concept of preemptive war,” Paul said before the Senate.

  5. Wow, don't you know? There are 3 aircraft carrier groups heading there, plus there are warships from 25 countries heading there, don't you get any news in the US, in the UK most of our navy is heading there, the biggest hospital ship ever made is heading there, now I don't think they are going for the fishing, lol.

  6. I am surprised you think that, the ollie north plans have been created, they have all the camps ready, there might be pockets that hold on to guns, but they are ready for that, they wont confront them, they intend to starve them out and will only allow food, water and power back when they are handed them all in, the homeland security people have been practicing this for a year,


    That will happen at the same time that the war gears up to start.


  7. Seems many are not aware of the outside events, it is very likely that the world will be at war in the next 6 months, some say by the end of October, but to say why would take us away from what the thread is, so try to imagine if say world war broke out by xmas and how would that affect SL.


     I myself see it as the only way out the the crisis and the only way to secure the dollar as the reserve currency, because oil has become like gold now, a limited supply but needed, so wars for oil are going to be the same as in the times of Rome and the wars to collect up gold.

  8. Well I don't go in clubs much now, but I always mute the host, it is not the begging for money that bothers me it is the gesture spam that drives me mad, I was once at a club in the Dublin sim and the sim lagged like hell, there was this host constantly using those silly gestures, she then complained about the lag and I shouted that she was the major cause of it, she banned me. So what I do is when I enter a club I work out who all the host are and then mute them, not only do you not get the begging but you don't get any of their gestures so can dance and have a good time without the screen full of crap, I mute all that use them, it really is affective, so as your just listening to a stream mute him and his host.


    As for alts, lol, you can only be concerned about that if you want a relationship, if you have come here for that then you get all you deserve, real life relationships are worth a million times more than the fake ones here, you would never fit in a role play sim, how could you be a char from the past if you only concerned with a char of the present and need proof, sown your own seeds of destruction there, forget relationships here they are a joke.

  9. There are stronger and stronger indications that war could break out soon, with out going into who is right or wrong as that is likely to get the thread removed, how do you think it will affect SL.


    Sl is made of of many cultures and crosses all the boarders that will become the front line.

    Do you think the internet will be cut off in places?

    Many from the other side have sims, will they be forced to abandon them?

    How will it affect things like market place?

    Will it be the final straw that closes SL?

    So many other things I can't list them all


    or may be you have your own view as to what will happen.

  10. Bit off topic but some will remember, today is the day of the equinox, it will happen at 14:49, to check it is simple, you can use any thing standing on the ground that you know its height, the exact time that the earth crosses can be worked out by measuring the angle of the shadow it will match your latitude exactly, in the uk it happens in the day time. If you live on the equator then look down a deep well you will see all of the bottom.

  11. A very moving story, glad you posted it, you have made even the red tops humble, welcome back to the forum, tell me what subjects interest you, I will try to come up with an out of the box theory for discussion here, do ideas on what happens to you after death interest you, I have one about that, not really touched on that yet, did put one post in SLU about DNA being a antenna, that being the door to that subject, but never started that one here, ty for the story and making all here feel as one.

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