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Boudicca Littlebird

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Posts posted by Boudicca Littlebird

  1. One only needs to prove something if they want to be recognized for it in the current day, that is not what drives me, what drives me is to make a statement then wait for the rest of the world to catch up, call it a game, because what I am doing is taking away glory from thinkers in the future, because when they do discover the truth they will only find out that it was discovered years in the past and see the reaction it created amongst the people of that day, thus proving that stake burning is a popular sport.

  2. I keep telling you that for you I give no proof. I will try to predict but I will not tell you how, why should I try to prove anything to people not able to understand it, if you have a theory of your own that defeats mine then say it, if this place was less hostile with a more mature thinker then I may, but lets face it SL is now a porn site and full of porn type people that you would find in any sleazy bar.

  3. The earth has a rare element, gold, I believe gold is added to food to repair DNA so giving life spans in the range of millions of years, they are still mortal, but makes gold the most valuable and addictive drug in the universe. Simple to prove, we know how much gold has been mined, we only have to do a gold audit, as we have no use for it so every once should still be here.

  4. I have no need for you to believe me, I make these statements for posterity, your comment of my theory of evolution is what I expect, for without it how can I stand there with the greats, do I first need to be burnt at the stake before I am seen as any good, you stand there with the 14th century church with a torch in your had ready to burn all those that contradict the church.

  5. In the world of ohms law you don't need to see anything to calculate its affects, you can use the weather changes and times to calculate its angle off approach, and that is to the south of the planet, you can not tell how big it is as its affects are relative to its size and distance, in other words if it is huge then it must be far away, if it is small then it is near, I think it is a brown dwarf far away about 4 times the size of Jupiter so we wont be able to see it yet, but infrared telescopes should be able to see it, if it is a brown dwarf then it will have a cloud of iron oxide around it so hiding it.

    As for how the universe first started, this is harder to explain as we are creatures of time and must have a start and end, but it didn't start and wont end it only changes, but didn't you ask the question about photons and how it is when you move your eye a fraction to the left or right you still see a star system billions of miles away therefore implying that the universe must have more photons than there is matter, so I know you think light is a wave, but seeing outside time and space is harder.

    As you pointed out in another thread I do get a lot of hostile comments, so not quite sure if you are asking a real question or setting me up for the pack to attack.

  6. Seem we have only two choices as to how we got here, one that we were made in 7 days and the there being that we evolved due to survival of the fittest, I would like to propose a 3rd view, that both the above are wrong and it is food that changes life forms, I give ants and bees as an example, they use food to mod the structure of their body's to make queens, workers and solders, I think that this was well known ages ago by the elite and the GMO crops use these same chemicals which is making the bees die out as they can't make the life forms they need for each job.

    Darwin used birds, he claimed only the ones with the right modded beaks survived, claiming that all birds produce random changes in beak size, well I think he was wrong, I think it is the seeds and flowers that contain the genes to mod beaks, for example they need birds to pollinate so mod the birds beak so it does little damage, also they need the seed of the fruit to pass though the birds gut, so the seeds contain chemicals that will mod its eater so to pass with no damage.

    Darwin could have worked this out by just looking at ants and bees, but he seems to have avoided that like the plague,

    Anyway this leads nicely to the next topic, on how we got here, I will leave that for another day

    So what are you thoughts on my theory of evolution?

  7. Lol, the rapture is a modern day invention, any way the changes are now happening, as this large body gets nearer so our atmosphere will get more active, poor Saturn is having storms that would kill all humans if happened here, any way the next window for a large storm here is on about the 14th of this month, now if the electro magnetic universe was a fantasy I would be wrong and anything entering our solar system would not really affect us but as I know that it is the big bang that is fantasy and that we do live in a electro magnetic universe then any large body entering the solar system will produce huge storms and crust movement, I live on the east side of the UK with a small sea near so the affects to me will be small, but for those living around the coast next to the biggest oceans will be in for a very bad time with huge rises in sea level during the storms and tides, just wait and see.

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