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Everything posted by TrunkzTomorrow20111488313311

  1. Does anyone know when I will get the Tax documents from Second Life. For the last year I was supposed to have all my cash outs taxed and have been waiting for the tax info in the mail. Any ideas??
  2. You are right but that probably would have been a better idea years ago. For me there seems to be too much going on with the "new world" stuff for me to want to invest any money in SL. Maybe I'm just buggin but that's a whole different topic lol.
  3. Yea thanks guys. They went ahead and put it online for 24 hours for me so I could get my things. So cool becuase it was a store that covered the entire sim and tons of stuff. I got a new sim from a company thats been around awhile so hopefully that will last.
  4. Garsh that would be awesome. I sent a ticket but my have sent the wrong one sounds like I should have sent one for a rollback then. Hopefully my long note will get it to the right people lol
  5. Ive had a sim wide store for almost 7 years that I rented. I log in todaty and sim was gone....Its been sold to 3 or 4 different owners over the years but now owning the sim myself ive always known this was a possibilty. Though i do save everything from time to time I didnt have every updated item I was selling saved and nothing was or has been returned to me. I am guessing my next step is contacting LL and seeing if they can help me but at the least let this be a lesson to anyone renting land. Off to rebuild for me not the first time and im sure wont be the last....
  6. Happens to me to from just editing any listing at all - Edited some of my best products and felt the burn for awhile cause they were dropped so far
  7. I did report the review but I think after so many they started ignoring me at some point through the years lol
  8. Now Im getting neg reviews for it! Ughhhhh :matte-motes-stress:
  9. SAME HERE!! OMFG! Please don't do this..........:smileymad:
  10. Dont know whats going on but you are right. Mine hasnt changed and ive been watching for about 3 days. Blah my count was real low when it got stuck too lol
  11. My sales are consistant and have been lately. The problem is that today - my best selling products are ranked lower than worse selling products under relavence search. sucks becuase already today my sales are down 8-(
  12. This AM I checke my store and noticed my products in a strange order in my store. For forever my products have been in about the sae order and ranked in just about the same places in search. Sales have not changed on any items drastically and my best products are wayyyy down in search for no apparent reason. Has this happened to anyone else today or before? Any educated thoughts?
  13. 6 MONTHS?!!? Haha Might as well all get our signs and start protesting now Random - High to Low Please NO - That will not make them more money. People will see tons of garbage that anyone just throws on MP How does LL not make the most money having the best items at the top? Thats what people are buying the most.
  14. lol I deff give you an A for effort but sorry you have failed. You wont guess it and id rather not share.
  15. Thank you Ariel Vuissent for actually saying something helpful and thought out. Everyone else YOURE FIRED!
  16. SMH these forums have gone to hell I think people are just saying things to sound witty or get the little number next to their name better to try to look cool. Very few things said here were witty and an informed answer was the only cool thing.
  17. Well either you can not figure out the reason or there is no reason ill let you decide
  18. What does me replying to another question have anything o do with this? I asked a question if you cant answer it go be a troll in another thread...you dont know the answer to my question - you might as well of just said that instead of looking like Ms brainy
  19. Thank you but what I am asking is Would LL have a problem with a person setting up a website - and people buying lindens from the website? Like selling lindens on Ebay - Does LL allow or not allow this? I understand the trust issue but i am asking if it is against TOS or if it would be any type of Trademark Infringement
  20. Does LL allow me to sell my lindens to other residents or on a website? Or would that be some kind of TM nono
  21. The search results havent changed in weeks - that sucks for merchants AND for customers - Not to mention anyone who has new products to launch, all those products will be stuck at the bottom of every search IMO Milk what you have going on for eveything you can becuase it wont last much longer
  22. WEB-4587[c] Changes were made to fix updating search results in Merchant stores, which will occur over a period of time. We will provide more details on the Merchants Forum Does anyone know when this is supposed to start? Cause all my listing are in the same exact position they have been in all along which SUCKS!!!
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