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Tripp Foxtail

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Everything posted by Tripp Foxtail

  1. Thanks for joining in the dogpile. I hope you enjoyed your ride.
  2. None of these are actual groups in SL. Your AI is halluncinating.
  3. wow ... this question certainly took an unexpected turn ... LMAO - Nevermind, folks. I'm sorry I asked. 🤣🤣🤣
  4. I don't have a problem finding people or meeting people. I have a problem finding people who are not agiest. I recently had to deal with some unpleasant passive-aggressive BS because of my age and I was just wondering if there was another person in SL who knows what that feels like so I could talk to them about it.
  5. Not very helpful. Maybe you should have stayed in the museum. 🙄
  6. Hi! I'm asking because I've found no groups for that category. But ... it "could be" that I'm the only person over 60 who is here to ask this question ... LOL
  7. I'm a small scale, independent builder and I'm feeling frustrated by this new PBR system. I have found much of my older inventory which had materials applied specularity (shininess), now looks wonky. The sky is reflected on shiny chrome, regardless of the object being indoors or outdoors, turning down to specularity to remove the sky makes the chrome look like plastic.
  8. I've just opened the doors to my latest non-profit build - "Travelers Station". Newbie Friendly, featuring walk through portals to all Mainland continents, travel tips, collections of Rez Zone LM's, and a few featured destinations delivered by friendly NPCs Encouraging travel, adventure and exploration throughout Second Life. I created Travelers Station to share my love of exploration in Second Life. Traveling through this wondrous virtual world has enlightened my mind, enlivened my soul, and warmed my heart. It is truly hard to imagine just how big SL is until you’ve traveled its many continents, filled with people from all over the RL world. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Carbonara/80/21/1002
  9. Is there a way to create LM's from SLURL coordinates without visiting the actual place? Like a conversion possess app? Thanks in advance for any info you can provide.
  10. Hi - I just need clarification on a question regarding Homestead Regions - They can ONLY be purchased by Premium Plus members OR those who have Purchased a Full Region - is that correct? So, if someone is only a Premium Member they cannot purchase a Homestead Region from LL, they would need to rent one from a Real Estate company? Is this correct? - Thanks in advance for clearing this up for me. - Drew
  11. Yeah - I listed it as an adult product. Thanks!
  12. If a product has the WORD "*enis" printed on it - should it be listed in the ADULT category or can it be listed as MODERATE?
  13. Not sure I noticed that, but I'm a TG male. SL Pride might be a good place to look for groups and contacts for all things LGBTQ+ Much of what's advertised in SL has to do with sex, BDSM, that kind of stuff. But there's a lot to explore in SL that is not advertised or based on sex and cheap thrills - those more low-key places and groups are the best in my opinion. Your mileage may vary.
  14. By the way Karen - I just logged-in and got this message. So, it seems that OTHERS are also noticing that something is wrong and it's not just me after all. Good Luck Dogpiling on all of them too. **MWAW** PS- https://outpost6sl.wixsite.com/outpost6/post/a-letter-to-karen
  15. Please ... just stop. I apologised to all of you and took down my post and corrected the other one. Find someone else to pick on.
  16. I am SO, SO ,SO Very Sorry I posted something to the wrong thread that you all feel I am actually NOT experiencing. Let's all take a DEEP BREATH and try to go on with our day without being quite so judgy. M'Kay, Karen?
  17. I'm so, SO SORRY I posted this. Nevermind. You can unbunch your panties now.
  18. Gesture - #UNIONSTRONGunionstrong that was it. Jesus - what a night. Thank you everyone one for all your help.
  19. ok - so far all I can figure out is that this is triggered by walking FORWARD - when I stop walking after about 30 seconds my AV stands up straight again. I may have found something a Gesture that begins with a "#" which seems odd - none of the others do - I've deleted it, emptied the trash and now I'll do a restart.
  20. All Release Keys did was render my head invisible
  21. All Gestures have been DEACTIVATED - it's still happening.
  22. Hi - I'm installing another clean version of Firestorm - just did a complete shut down and reboot of my computer - I will let you after I am back in world. I also just put-in a Support Ticket, as I am a Premium Member.
  23. I cleared all my parcels of any objects belonging to anyone but me. Whatever this is it involves the Firestorm Viewer - as it happens to me no matter what region I am on.
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