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Tripp Foxtail

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Everything posted by Tripp Foxtail

  1. So glad I found this post! My Nvidia GTX770 suddenly started doing this after a driver upgrade and I could not figure out why! Thank you so much for this information! Your fix worked like a charm!
  2. Thanks so much everyone for your time and insight. I really appreictae the help. I must be particularly slow at the concept here - no matter what changes I make to the second script (give book) it still will not execute it after the "sit". The chair has to be clicked on after sitting to get the second script to work. It only executes the sit script. This has been the problem all along - I wanted them to execute at the same time. (I'm not an LSL programer) Well - I've run out of time on this project and must got back to work tomorrow. Thanks for all your help! -Daniel
  3. Yes thank you - I admit I am over my head with this LSL. I simply want an av to sit in a chair and be given a book in one seamless action. I have the sit script and I have the give book script BUT I cannot figure out how to make them act togeher. I'm willing to pay someone at this point to write the script I need! LOL Sit script is this: // Basic sit-pose script by Lex Neva default { state_entry() { llSitTarget(<0.01975, 0.32866, 0.12265>, <-0.00000, 0.00000, 0.70711, 0.70711>); } changed(integer change) { if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY) llRequestPermissions(llAvatarOnSitTarget(), PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } run_time_permissions(integer perm) { string anim = llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_ANIMATION, 0); if (anim != "") { llStopAnimation("sit"); llStartAnimation(anim); } } } Gve Book Script is this: default { touch_start(integer total_number) { llGiveInventory(llDetectedKey(0), "Book for Reading *wear*"); } } If there is anyone out there willing to help I would be very appreciative! Thanks- Daniel
  4. Hi - back again - I moved the 'give book' script to the chair. But the chair will execiute only the 'sit' script. To get it to execute the secondary "give book" script I find I have to click on the chair again after sitting in it. Which leads me to my next question - there are no "If then" operators in LSL? IF I am sitting in the chair THEN give me the book. (?) Perhaps I'm too simple-minded for this LS language? Thanks for any help you can give- Daniel
  5. Thanks all for your responses. I think I'm on my way to fixing this - we shall see. -Daniel
  6. Hi - this is a compound script issue - hope you can help. I have a chair with a standard "sit" script. Once the avatar is seated they click on a stack of books to be given a book. When they wear the book it plays a seated book reading animation. The script that triggers this is called "Play Animation on Equip" but it has no way to STOP the animation when the av chooses to "stand" - I know enough about scritpting to get myself in trouble but have not been able to add the correct code to do this - STOP THE ANIMATION ON STAND COMMAND. Sure would appreciate some help. Here is the script: //Play Animation on Equip Script // drop the script and an animation into the object you want to play the animation. Wear the object and the animation plays. Add the animations name to the script default { state_entry() { llRequestPermissions(llGetOwner(),PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION); } run_time_permissions(integer parm) { if(parm == PERMISSION_TRIGGER_ANIMATION) { llStartAnimation("LP_Reading-v1.2"); // put animation name here } } on_rez(integer st) { llResetScript(); } attach(key id) { llStopAnimation("LP_Reading-v1.2"); // put animation name here } } Thanks for any help you can offer! Daniel
  7. Hi- I have a simple model that has a UV (texture) that applies correctly in both Blender and Photoshop Extended, yet when I upload the object to SL and apply the texture - (the object only has 1 face) it applies it incorrectly and no amount of fiddling with X,Y corrdinates seems to fix it. Is there some sort of formula that applies to this scenario for applying textures to a mesh in SL? Thanks- Appreciate any insight you can offer- Daniel
  8. Hi - I'm new at scripting and would love some help. I have a drinking script in a bottle that works fine EXCEPT when the av's AO is turned-on. (mouth still works but arm does not) How do I override the AO to allow the drinking script to function properly? Thanks for any help you can offer! -Daniel
  9. Hi - Hope this isn't a Noob question - I bought a set of sleeping pose animations (play in world / play locally) they are full pem - yet I cannot figiure out to access the scripts for them to make an adjustment. - Can some one enlighten me? Thanks- Daniel
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