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Posts posted by Dazler

  1. Don't worry. Your multiple objects are most likely shown as one item only in your "lost and found" folder. Navigate to the "lost and found" folder and look for the icon that looks like a bunch of boxes stuck together. These objects will also be named after a single item, named after one of the objects that was returned. Basically, all your objects have been stuck together, named after the item that they were stuck to, and then returned to you. Don't worry, when you rez them in a sandbox, you can pick up up one at a time.

  2. If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day.


    One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time.


    Good luck with your next purchase. Generally, it's quite an efficient way of buying specific products - just, don't expect it to be perfect!

  3. If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day.


    One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time.


    Good luck with your next purchase. Generally, it's quite an efficient way of buying specific products - just, don't expect it to be perfect!

  4. Undelivered Marketplace Items:


    First of all, just be patient. The software for the marketplace is often unreliable and it may take anything from a few minutes up to a few hours for the item to arrive.


    If, after many hours, the item has not arrived, just go to the Marketplace site and click on "My Account" under "My Marketplace" at the very top of the screen. You can see here if you have been billed or not by going to "Order History" on the left hand side of the screen. If you haven't been billed, it will explain that the money has been refunded and a payment of zero will be shown. The on screen notes will leave you in doubt of whether you have been billed or not. If you have not been billed, you may want to make a second attempt at buying the product.


    If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day.


    One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time.


    Good luck with your next purchase. Generally, it's quite an efficient way of buying specific products - just, don't expect it to be perfect!

  5. Undelivered Marketplace Items:


    First of all, just be patient. The software for the marketplace is often unreliable and it may take anything from a few minutes up to a few hours for the item to arrive.


    If, after many hours, the item has not arrived, just go to the Marketplace site and click on "My Account" under "My Marketplace" at the very top of the screen. You can see here if you have been billed or not by going to "Order History" on the left hand side of the screen. If you haven't been billed, it will explain that the money has been refunded and a payment of zero will be shown. The on screen notes will leave you in doubt of whether you have been billed or not. If you have not been billed, you may want to make a second attempt at buying the product.


    If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day.


    One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time.


    Good luck with your next purchase. Generally, it's quite an efficient way of buying specific products - just, don't expect it to be perfect!

  6. Warning: it is down to the goodwill of the merchant whether he or she decides to redeliver. Please don't expect that a redelivery will be forthcoming. In fact, if the item that you lost is transferable, it is my guess that no redelivery will be made - after all, deviant people could abuse the system to gain multiple copies for their alts, friends or resale. Bear this in mind when you write your notecard so that you endeavour to be as polite and respectful as possible when making your request but that you don't have false expectations that a redelivery will be automatic.

  7. Undelivered Marketplace Items:


    First of all, just be patient. The software for the marketplace is often unreliable and it may take anything from a few minutes up to an hour for the item to arrive.

    If, after many hours, the item has not arrived, just go to the Marketplace site and click on "My Account" under "My Marketplace" at the very top of the screen. You can see here if you have been billed or not by going to "Order History" on the left hand side of the screen. If you haven't been billed, it will explain that the money has been refunded and a payment of zero will be shown. The on screen notes will leave you in doubt of whether you have been billed or not. If you have not been billed, you may want to make a second attempt at buying the product.

    If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day.

    One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time.

    • Like 1
  8. If after a few hours, the item has not arrived, just go to the Marketplace site and click on "My Account" under "My Marketplace" at the very top of the screen. You can see here if you have been billed or not by going to "Order History" on the left hand side of the screen. If you haven't been billed, it will explain that the money has been refunded and a payment of zero will be shown. The on screen notes will leave you in doubt of whether you have been billed or not. If you have not been billed, you may want to make a second attempt at buying the product.

    If you have been billed, simply send the merchant a notecard inworld. (A notecard is more reliable than an instant message, as instant messages are often capped for merchants who receive a lot of correspondence.) Make sure that your notecard is polite and contains details of the failed transaction. Most merchants will be very willing to resend the item. Please give them a day or two to reply - don't expect an answer within minutes. You must remember that merchants are no different to you and do not sit by their computers at all hours of the day.

    One final word, to reduce the chances of the problem occurring again, remember not to buy multiple items at the same time,as this may increase the chance of causing the software to fail. It's safer to buy one object at a time.

  9. The viewer is complex enough as it is. I also think that it is the complexity of the Second Life viewer that puts many new-comers from staying after their first visit. I think the current system of uploading sound files suits many residents - it is my guess that only disc jockeys and musicians would need these advanced features.

    • Like 1
  10. If your fairies do not eat and reach 100% hunger, they go into distress. The fairies are not dead, they are simply starving. You will need to buy them some food. Food can be purchased from vendors, the Marketplace or from this location:




    You may find this website the best place to answer your questions and to learn more about this breedable.



  11. By the way, there is no bug - it is just that Linden Labs have not updated their online advice to accommodate the new layout of the latest viewer. You can activate the voice morphing by selecting the word "communicate" in the menu bar. Navigate down to "Nearby voice" and then select the voice you wish to morph with. That is how I solved this issue.


    (PS - I would have preferred it if you did not copy and paste my post in its entirety, without my consent.)

  12. Ah, I found an "activate" function in a different part of the menu - sadly, I think, Linden Labs hadn't updated their instructions for the latest viewer. Anyway, the problem is sorted now. Thank you.

  13. I have the updated Viewer 2 and I have used normal voice for some time with no problems.


    I saw that the option of voice morphing was available and so I bought a month pack for 750 Lindens and the purchase went ahead with no problems.


    I followed these steps: http://secondlife.com/landing/voicemorphing


    There was a hyper link in my chat window when I paid the fee and I was asked to click on it – I did so. I have voice activated on my viewer and (since I am an elf) I bought the tiny voice pack. I can confirm that when I open the voice morphing menu, the set of tiny voices are all registered as being available for my use. The problem is, I simply can’t get my voice to morph – when I talk, my voice is not morphed.


    I found these instructions online:


    • Click the up arrow next to the Speak button to open the Nearby Chat window.
    • Choose a voice morph from the dropdown list below your name.
    • When transmitting, your voice is now altered by the selected voice morph.


    ... sadly, there is no "arrow" next to my speak button.


    Are you able to help me by providing some pointers as how I should activate my voice morphing? Is there something extra I should do?


    Thank you very much for any help you are able to provide.


    Added as an edit: Ah, problemm solved. I hunted around the menus and found a voice morph "activate" function elsewhere. I think the lack of understanding was caused by the instructions by Linden Labs being for an earlier version of the viewer. Anyway, the problem is now solved. Thank you for replying. You may like to know, you can activate the voice morphing by selecting the word "communicate" in the menu bar. Navigate down to "Nearby voice" and then select the voice you wish to morph with. That is how I solved this issue.

  14. I have used Snowglobe and the Linden Lab Second Life viewer and I am not sure what your problem is. If you send an instant message to a person who is muted, a warning dialogue appears on screen to inform you that the person was previously muted. You can only send an instant message to that person if you elect to remove them from your mute list. If you refuse to remove the "mute" status, the message cannot be sent. I assumed other viewers would have a similar system.

  15. To me, the concept of "game" involves strategies, rules, goals ...


    I breed breedable animals and I am also a 7Seas player. I have bred Ozimals, Amaretto and many others - I would consider these to be games. I also catch fish using7Seas and, although I would classify the fishing process as a game, I would name the fish (and breedable fish) simply as prizes or rewards in that game.

  16. I have purchased many breedable creatures in Second Life and would love to see a twist on this over-worked concept. Too many breedables seem to be the same "package" dressed up in a different set of prims. If you were to produce a Pokemon venture, I would be keen to try it out, if there were minimal maintenance expenses. My only advice would be to be sympathetic to your consumer and avoid massive costs and fees.

  17. I congratulate you on the pictures - they look remarkably professional. The price seems very fair to me and, if I were wanting an inworld laptop replacement, I would seriously consider your product. As said above, the only comment I would make for improving the item would be to replace the Dell logo with something similar, but not identical.

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