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Everything posted by Ragged

  1. Thank you for responding! It means a lot! Can't wait!
  2. Anyone have any idea when portal park Halloween tour portal opens back up? I went to it last year and it was amazing and I wanna show some friends of mine how great it was
  3. Hiya! So I recently purchased L$'s and when I went to check my bank I had found 2 transactions from Second life, I charged 20$ so the total was $20.30 for one transaction, but then there was a single 1$ transaction from them that I did not charge, I've checked inworld transaction history to check and see if maybe I accidently bought something using credit card payment method, but I did not. This is the second time this has happened, the first time I figured I'd ignore it, but I think it's 2 times, I should bring it to someone's attention o.o
  4. I've encountered a few people with names of pretty large time companies in their name, and was wondering is it okay for them to have those names? The companies are obviously registered trademarked.
  5. I'm not 100% sure but this may be some plan on LL part to end chat logging, again I say "NOT SURE", But it sounds like a problem with your viewer not allowing you to copy and paste, so it may be some new thing LL is trying with residents.
  6. My friend keeps receiving this message when he tries to log in, after a short time now it says his password or username is incorrect, it doesn't seem like a bann, also he hasn't gotten any emails from LL, anyone know whats up?
  7. I'm not sure my problem has to do with cache, but its a good guess. When I get to the "Downloading clothing" it will finish, and all the functions go away, then my viewer goes to not responding for about a minute or two, timing out the viewer, then I get disconnected, I've been ignoring it and just trying until I get it, but now its getting frustrating. I am on Firestorm viewer by the way.
  8. Plenty of ways! A good way to start off for new people is Earn 2 life Search it in search, they pay you to visit places, But if you want something a little more profiting, you could always try to get a job from a bussiness. Second life is a lot like Real life when it comes to earning money. Jobs are usually best way, but require a lot of dedication.
  9. I can't see Mesh when is worn, but when it is Rezzed I can see it... Anyone know whats up? I am on Phoenix by the way.
  10. Hello! 1st if you wish to rent a skybox instead I recommend just searching skybox in search tp to a place, look around for the perfect one, and rent what yah like... 2nd: Prims are usually listed on the right side bar on marketplace near the "Add to cart", and "Buy" Button... If there is no listing you can always check it in world buy clicking edit and at the top of screen you will see Primitive's and whatever number is next to it is how many prims it is.
  11. LL Has started a new thing where they give EVERYONE except their employees of course the last name "Resident" so for future account creations to anyone your last name will be Resident.
  12. Mk go to secondlife.com login... and when your on dashboard click account on the side bar Then click cancel account and the rest is self explainable BUT keep in mind... Reactivation of any cancelled account, including free basic accounts, will cost a one-time fee of USD 9.95
  13. Ok I need you to make VERY VERY VERY sure you have media enabled within your prefrences... Prefrence > Audio > Enable media If that dosnt work it is most likely your mac book dosnt support it... Sadly. Because if you have it all turned on it should be working...
  14. > Secondlife.com > Login > Dashboard > account > Cancel account Keep in mind that... Reactivation of any cancelled account, including free basic accounts, will cost a one-time fee of USD 9.95
  15. Hello... First you want to hit help on your viewer THen click report... Be as descriptive as you can and once you file the report you will receive a email withing the next couple hours with details and information...
  16. I wanna say "Yes, its your grapics card",but at same time it could be internet... I not sure. I never really wanted the ultra grapics to run even though it looks nicer... So I thinking your grapics can only handly high atm... Don't take my word for it I not 100% on that
  17. Hello! Sadly the only way to get you a Linden dollar without a credit card is to earn it.... There is no way that I know to buy Linden dollars without a credit card.... I have no experience with using any of the other Linden buying services. I recomend Earn2life to earn some Lindens.... http://www.e2l-net.com/?e2l
  18. Ragged

    close account

    Login > Dashboard > Account > Cancel account > And rest is common sence BUT... Reactivation of any cancelled account, including free basic accounts, will cost a one-time fee of USD 9.95
  19. Mk download and install this... You don't actually play on your web browser you play on a program so download this... https://secondlife.com/support/downloads/?lang=en-US Download and install it... Then loging with your information and everything after is mostly easy it should launch tutorial once you login...
  20. Eventually all sims come back online... Unless it has been shut down for good.. If it was shut down for maintenance be pationt and wait for it to come back online If it was shut down for good most likely they will be returned... I not fully sure btw....
  21. Ehh this stuff has happened to me a bunch... somtimes your viewer just didnt show it or for whatever reason... Most likely if you ask nicely enough ask the mercahant that listed the item on Marketplace to please redeliver... He has all records of all his purchases... You can tell who is selling it at the side of the product page for example it would say.... Sold by: XXXXX
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