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Posts posted by JeanneAnne

  1. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    I take Marx's prescription seriously:

    I take John Lennon seriously:

    I think the problem here is that they were both prescribing and/or taking hallucinogens.

    Their tautology of imagining a world in which there are no problems because they've imagined there are no problems is hardly helpful.

    Marx never prescribed hallucinogens. In fact, he criticzed pharmacological respite from the misery imposed on the proletariat by the bourgeoisie. This is where I disagree with him, however. Altering consciousness by means of herbs & fungi is a human universal. And we all know what a stoner John was... :matte-motes-wink:

    Your accusation of tautology here is a non-starter, Madelaine. No one ever called for "imagining a world in which there are no problems." There's always going to be problems caused by accidents and disease, weather and earthquakes, etc. Claiming that Marx, Lennon, or me, have called for imagining such a fantasy is disingenious, and you know it. What we call for imagining, and attempting to actualize, is a world of equality and unconditional human support for one another. A world where resources are shared equitably, in which commodities are distributed fairly and private property & money don't exist. Can you Imagine such a world? If not, why not? Is it because you don't believe it's possible? If so, why not? If you're honest with yourself, is it not because you're afraid to?


  2. Madelaine McMasters wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    "From each according to ability, to each according to need." 

    Who determines the ability?

    Who determines the need?

    The individual him- or herself.

    When you've created an individual for whom that works reliably, let me know.

    The only reason the person of ability would slack, or the person with need would ask for more then they need, is because they are afraid. Afraid of being taken advantage of, for instance, or afraid that if they don't take more then they need now, they will suffer from want later. In a culture where fear prevails, these are legitimate concerns. But Imagine a culture where no one need be afraid because they can count on the unconditional support of everyone around them. Imagine living in a society where one's creativity is fully appreciated and valued, and one's needs are freely and generously provided for. Can you?

    All greed and jealously and resentment, all negative emotions and behaviors, are rooted in fear. For the corporate executive to feel that he "needs" to be a millionaire, while others go hungry, for the "land owner" in SL to put up ban lines & security orbs around the "property" they pay for, are both examples of fearfulness. Imagine living without fear. Imagine not needing to retreat into fear induced selfishness, because you know that all your needs will be met, including your need for recognition for all the wonderful contributions you make. Of course you can dismiss all this as naivety and idealism. Cynicism is the outcome of fear, too. Along with John Lennon, I ask you to Imagine, Madelaine. Imagine a better world than this; two better worlds in fact: the virtual and the actual. My hope for SL is that it can be a place where we practice fearless selflessness, so that maybe it can begin to bleed over into RL. We have to start somewhere. Why not in SL?

    "I hope someday you'll join us."


  3. Venus Petrov wrote:

    Being nice and helping others is a wonderful thing.  As you spend more time in SL, your understanding and knowledge will grow and you will be able to help even more. 

    Thank you Venus. I hope so!

    Happy Halloween!!


  4. "For exemple, one of the best place in Sl have died this week : Lost Gardens of Apollo. I sure would be happy to spent 2 or 3 weeks to rebuild it in an abandonned place, even if it will not stay for long, just to not let that place  disappear for ever in ether."

    Just let it go BornToObey Sideshow. It was never anything but binary data stored in a server. It was ephemeral, as everything is, whether virtual or actual. Enjoy it in the moment, while it exists, or appears to. Then let it go when it goes ~poof!~ . No attachment. Second Life won't last forever, any more than your First Life will.

    Happy Halloween!!


  5. Amethyst Jetaime wrote:

    Having read your previous posts and your last one, it seems to me that you you are back peddling pretty fast to save face in light of  the criticism you received.  You did indeed insult many people here and seem jealous and resentful.  I suggest you retreat to only LInden owned and run locations and stop taking advantage of the generosity of all the land owners and content creators that have provided you with the world you seem to enjoy so much. 

    As far as your last post, if you really feel this way, aren't you being hypocritical  for being in SL at all?  By using it you are supporting the "Corporatism" you are so against.  

    As a land owner and content creator I have absolutely nothing against the people who play for free. They are more than welcome and more power to them.  What I am against is your overblown sense of entitlement. 
    You think everything should be free and there for the taking.
      I guess you work for free in RL, and don't mind people coming into your home and helping themselves to food and clothing.  This is not the way the world goes round.  You must be very young and naive.

    Yes, I do.

    I take Marx's prescription seriously:

    "From each according to ability, to each according to need."

    I take John Lennon seriously when he says:

    "Imagine no possessions

    I wonder if you can

    No need for greed or hunger

    A brotherhood of man

    Imagine all the people

    Sharing all the world"

    Anything that's in my inv that's transferable you are welcome to Amethyst.

    "You may say that I'm a dreamer

    But I'm not the only one

    I hope someday you'll join us

    And the world will live as one"



  6. Venus Petrov wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    Melita! I
    spend real money in Second Life. Not my own US currency. I
    spend Linden dollars that I acquire inworld in one way or another,
    either by being given them by friends or guys I meet in clubs


    Ah.  So you benefit from the kindness/sympathy of others.  How might you pay that generosity forward?

    By being nice to people. By offering friendship. By helping newbies. At this point, this is about the best I can do. If I stick around SL perhaps eventually I can contribute more substantially.. or not. Who knows?

    You know, Venus, I've never once asked to be given anything in SL. I would be perfectly content just wearing one of those avatars that come in the library. I realize that sometimes guys give me stuff hoping that I'll have avvie SLex with them in exchange, and maybe I'll oblige them if I like them, but I feel no obligation to do so. Other times I think maybe club owners give me stuff 'cuz they think that having attractive avatars dancing in their club attracts traffic. Mainly I think that people are just generous. Anything you want thats in my inv that's transferable you can have. That goes for anyone.


  7. Well, I was done with this thread & hadn't intended to revisit it but since some of you seem to be obsessing over my comments, I thot I would clarify a few things.

    I don't resent those of you who choose to spend real money on Second Life, nor am I jealous of you. If you enjoy building stuff and then feel like you need a place to keep the accumulated stuff you build, then fine! go ahead and rent space on Linden Lab servers in order to do so. I don't care. If you want me to thank you for doing so, so that myself and the "vast majority" of SL players or residents with free or "basic" accounts have stuff to look at and interact with inworld, I will. Thank you!  I understand how building & scripting in SL can be an outlet for your creativity altho I am a bit perplexed as to why you would pay to keep the code for the stuff you build stored on some corporation's servers, or pay for the tools for expressing your creativity when there are so many free opportunities for being creative elsewhere on the internet and in RL media.

    My issue isn't with all you "land owners" and "premium" (paying) account holders. My issue is with Corporatism. I understand that most of you realize that "land" in SL isn't spatial, isn't real. I know that when you say that you "own land" you are only speaking metaphorically. (If any or you have forgotten this then you are crazy.) But when everyone speaks "as if" this "land" and these "objects" you "build" actually are spatial, three dimensional and real, I feel appalled at the sociopathic marketing success of a corporation that has managed to acculturate an entire community of people with such an illusory perspective. Those pay-to-play residents who have expressed resentment at us homeless "freeloaders" - and I acknowledge that many of you commenting on this thread have not done so - are directing their resentment at the wrong people. The REAL freeloader is Philip Rosedale and his corporate cronies. I don't know what his personal finances are but I have little doubt but what you who pay for SL have made him a multi-millionaire, even as he lays off staff, fails to listen to your concerns, cuts corners and offers nil support, all for the sake of the corporate bottom line and his own personal enrichment.

    Personally, I would offer solidarity with those of you who financially support these corporate pirates, not offer you scorn or ridicule. It's the rapacious business practices of these 1%ers who autocratically control SL that causes the class distinction between "land owners" and the homeless & $L-less masses. It's their policies that divide us and cause the animosities expressed in this very thread. The Lindens must be laughing when their paying members criticize those who play for free, rather than attacking those who set the policies that result in all the virtual social evils that beset SL. Getting the victims to fight among themselves rather than unite and oppose the oppressor is a tried & true tactic, and it seems to be working here. 


  8. Melita Magic wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    jennylongview Innovia wrote:

    Hi's... I got  divorced (again) and  need some good shaped ideas.. the best of the best please..


    Thank you

    How about a different species? I'm going to buy the Utahraptor avvie as soon as I have the $L850 for it. I'm sickuv being human.


    So what happened to your adamant oath to never spend money in Second Life? 

    Before you know it you will be a land owner as well.  ;p


    Melita! I don't spend real money in Second Life. Not my own US currency. I do spend Linden dollars that I acquire inworld in one way or another, either by being given them by friends or guys I meet in clubs, filling out surveys for marketeers or psychologists, finding those chairs with letters on them & sitting on the ones w/ J, or hanging out in clubs that randomly give small amounts of $L to people just for being there. I never said that I don't sometimes purchase things from inworld stores or from the browser marketplace with $L. I only said that I have not spent any real US $ on SL and I don't ever intend to. See the difference? And as for owning land, I wouldn't accept it if it was given to me, if "owning" it meant that I had to pay tier.


  9. jennylongview Innovia wrote:

    Hi's... I got  divorced (again) and  need some good shaped ideas.. the best of the best please..


    Thank you

    How about a different species? I'm going to buy the Utahraptor avvie as soon as I have the $L850 for it. I'm sickuv being human.


  10. I am relatively new to Second Life and I haven't had time to become acculturated to the mindset of many of you "land owning" old timers. Maybe you have completely forgotten that SL is a virtual world, that there isn't any "land" in it; there isn't even any "space." All there is is binary data in a server somewhere. You don't "own" that server, or the powerplants that supply it with electricity, or the cable network that delivers the data to your computer. You don't "own" anything, least of all any tangible "property" anywhere. You have no control over Linden Lab policy, either. They could change policy in a way you don't like or shut down SL completely, and there would be nothing you could do about it. What you are paying hard cash for is an illusion. It may be a pretty illusion, you may have a lot of time & money & emotional commitment invested in it, but it is in no sense "real." Have you forgotten this? Has Second Life driven you all bat**bleep** crazy?

    I wonder what the ratio of paying players is to those who play for free? I don't know but would be interested to learn, if anyone has that statistic. All the Wikipedia says is "However, the vast majority of casual users of SL do not upgrade beyond the free "basic" account." If those of you who pay to play, pretending that by doing so you "own land" somewhere, resent those of us who pay for free, instead of complaining to me about it, why don't you complain to LL about how they run their business? They are the ones who allow the "vast majority" of us to play for free for very few less tangible perks than those of you who support the rest of us receive. If you don't like this state of affairs then feel free to complain to the corporate overlords, or to decline to participate. Maybe if you went on a tier strike, LL would finally listen to you. In the meanwhile, why don't you build your virtual fortresses on your virtual "land," put up your ban lines & security orbs and enjoy the virtual privacy you pay so dearly for. All the while, we, the freeloading masses, will wander around SL, meeting people, dancing, listening to music & having fun.


  11. Qie Niangao wrote:

    The inworld sound quality is pretty bad - altho, surprisingly, it seems to have improved in the past ten days or so. All the best SL DJs stream thru Shoutcast & I listen to them on Winamp, with the inworld sound turned off. 

    If there's any difference at all between how a stream is played by Winamp or "inworld" then there's something horridly messed-up with the way SL was installed on the machine.  It's not as if the SL viewer is really playing the streams itself, after all.  

    (I suppose it might be 
     for some WinAmp add-on to secretly find a higher bandwidth stream to substitute for the supplied URL, but I don't know of such a thing, and it would be a real timebomb for anybody with a by-bandwidth billing plan.)

    That may well be Qie, I don't know. All I know is that I go into a club to dance and the sound quality is poor and there isn't much volume. So I ask the DJ if they have a stream over the internet and if so, what's it's url. Some do have and others don't. For those who do have a stream, I open it with Winamp and turn off the ltl speaker icon in SL at the top right. The sound quality is immensely better this way. Lately, however, I have noticed that the inworld sound has improved somewhat altho the volume is still low and the Winamp sound better. I don't know if this improvement is due to something LL did or something I may have done playing with the sliders. Many of the DJs who stream via the internet do so 24/7 altho in these cases, of course, they aren't usually "there" and have their playlists randomized. This is how I usually listen to music these days, whether I'm inworld or not. There are no commercials, the DJs I listen to have good taste and huge music files, and the music is absolutely free. Many I've talked to in SL do the same.

    Sometimes I will be in a club and not particularly like the music the DJ is playing, or maybe I do like the music but the sound is poor and they don't have a stream over the internet. In these cases I may still hang out in the club because my friends are there or I like the conversation, but I will have music streaming thru Winamp and not even be listening to the music being played in the club.  Once again, others have told me that they do the same.


  12. Qie Niangao wrote:

    ... you mentioned "sound quality" and that reminds me that land ownership comes with other control of the land than just what's built on it -- including control of the audio stream.

    The inworld sound quality is pretty bad - altho, surprisingly, it seems to have improved in the past ten days or so. All the best SL DJs stream thru Shoutcast & I listen to them on Winamp, with the inworld sound turned off. Sometimes I'll turn the inworld sound on when the DJ isn't streaming over the internet, just to hear what they're playing (which is how I know that sound quality seems to have recently improved) but usually I'll go back to listening to a favorite DJ's 24/7 stream or my own playlist. Since the dance animations aren't specific to the tempo or time signatures of the music, I can be dancing in a club and listening to other music than what's being played there. I wonder if DJs realize how much this goes on? I'm mainly in the club for the convo & socializing anyway.

    As for support, I understand that LL recently laid off 30% of their staff. Wouldn't surprise me that most of those laid off were support staff. I just don't expect any support from LL, & so never file tickets or ARs with them. What's the point?

    Since I don't have any $L besides what ppl give me or I get filling out surveys or from those chairs w/ letters on them, etc., I mostly shop for freebies. I get stuff both from inworld stores & from the browser marketplace, probably about equally. Actually, most of the nice stuff I have in my inv has been given to me by friends cleaning out their inv, or just thru sheer generosity. I've never felt like my SL experience has been compromised by the lack of nice stuff. If anything, my inv is too full.


  13. Celestiall Nightfire wrote:

    JeanneAnne wrote:

    Qie Niangao wrote:

    I still don't see anyone addressing the real issue...

    Nobody is addressing that because it's silly.  It's equivalent to asking why anybody would pay to see a movie when they could see the trailers for free -- and then declaring that all moviegoing is madness.

    No Qie. Your's is a stawman argument. The real analogy would be to ask why anyone would pay to see a movie when they could watch the entire movie for free.


    Your analogy does not go far enough to describe the difference between the two movie watching experiences.  You only mention that one movie watching experience is free, and that the other movie watching experience is a paid one.

    To use you movie analogy to accurately reflect the difference between those that pay to rent server space and those that don't, you need to include the differences between the two experiences.  Just "watching the movie" is not the whole equation. 

    Movie analogy:

    It's the difference between watch the movie in your own specially created home studio, with your best friends invited, and your own background music, and your own special food and drinks being offered around.  It's you controlling what time the movie starts, and how often to replay it, sitting in the comfort of your favorite chair and surrounded by the decor and furnishings that you decided upon.   The movie is played on the best equipment and has the high quality big theater sound system.  Your guests are movie fans, and become quiet as the film starts, as none of them would dream of talking while watching the movie.  It's only adults watching, as this movie is one that everyone wants to focus on, children are all elsewhere being cared for by babysitters. 

    :  You going to watch a free movie at a public park at night, and being bitten by mosquitoes, and sweltering in the night heat.  The projector stops working, and the picture is grainy because the screen is an old public one and not maintained.  While at the free out-door movie you have to sit on the ground, and now you have a leg cramp.  There's some obnoxious family sitting behind you who's child has been throwing little tiny pebbles at you for the last hour.  You asked the kid to stop, but he doesn't, and his family ignores the whole situation.  You think about getting up and moving to a different spot, but dammit, you were here first!   *sigh*  You can hardly hear the movie, over the constant talking from the gaggle of fellow-free movie goers.  Argh! 

    It's the level of control that someone has over their experience, which makes paying for server space, a priority for many in SL

    It's the quality of the experiences that are the deciding factor.  Just like in RL, some things can be gotten "for free", but for those that want a particular level or quality experience...free just does not provide that.     I can go to the homeless shelter in RL and get a free meal.  But, it won't be a superb special dining experience. 

    The only substantial advantage to having a paid account that I can see is that you can "own land" (rent server space) in order to have a place to park the stuff you build. It isn't that you can't build stuff with a free account, it's just that you can't put it anywhere without the permission of a "land owner." Contrary to what you claim, the sound quality isn't any better with a paid account, the social aspect of SL is no different, and the quality of experience isn't any better. So it all boils down to building. Yet, you can't build much with a 117 prim limit, so if you want to build anything very elaborate, or keep it,  you must pay to rent more & more server space from LL. If you are so into keeping the stuff you build, and have the disposable income for this, then fine! Go ahead & serve the corporate bottom line. Just don't expect me, or the vast majority of SL residents, to fall for this.


  14. Hi Sylvia :)

    One suggestion I'd add is that you should come up w/ a system for naming your outfits & dating them, when you 'save as.' For instance: "dance outfit 10-26-11." Otherwise, you'll end up w/ a bunch of outfits like: ______(new)(new)(new)(new)(new)...... and you won't be able to remember what they are. 


  15. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote:

    Simply put, because I like to have the land...it's what *I* enjoy...

    Okay Sylvia, thanks, and you too for your response in post #35 Qie. I guess that the only response that makes sense, to my query about why pay for something that's free, is because you enjoy doing so, so you can build stuff or have privacy, etc. That's fine with me. I'm not disturbed about it. Actually, I wouldn't mind paying a modest fee for my account to LL, so long as everyone had to, and if by doing so the $L was eliminated along with "private property." But under LL's current business model, as soon as SL costs me a cent of real money, I'm out. It's been fun, and all, but... sheesh! I guess we're all free to set our own priorities!


  16. Qie Niangao wrote:

    I still don't see anyone addressing the real issue...

    Nobody is addressing that because it's silly.  It's equivalent to asking why anybody would pay to see a movie when they could see the trailers for free -- and then declaring that all moviegoing is madness.

    No Qie. Your's is a stawman argument. The real analogy would be to ask why anyone would pay to see a movie when they could watch the entire movie for free. The madness is paying for something that others enjoy for free. I enjoy SL and haven't payed a cent for doing so beyond the electricity to run my computer. When I see other paying large sums of real money for doing what I do for nothing, I have to question the logic of that. To my mind, paying for SL, just so you can pretend to "own" something that isn't even real, when LL allows free accounts, is just plain stupid. Or maybe I'm missing something. I can't for the life of me imagine what it might be I'm missing, though. Would I be having any more fun in SL if I had to worry about paying tier? I don't think so. What is "silly," Qie, is paying for something when you can have it for free.


  17. I still don't see anyone addressing the real issue, which goes beyond this "squatting" proposal, which I see as being rather moot when the real question is why anyone in their right mind would pay real US dollars to rent server space belonging to a for profit corporation, and then call doing so "owing (virtual) land," and doing so when access to much of the virtual "land" and other aspects of sl are available for free. Is this not madness?


  18. Cool!

    I think that there ought to be periodic disasters in sl. Along with epidemics & STDs. I think that there also ought to be agriculture & mining & a fishing industry. I think that avatars ought to have to eat. The periodic tornado or tsunami wrecking a sim would be fun! and give people a chance to clear the wreckage & rebuild. Being sucked up by a tornado & deposited in a random region would be cool too. Or when you tp, having a twister take you where you're going rather than just a blank screen & whooshing noise would be a lot more exciting. War & famine & homeless refugees would add realism to sl too. The slavery & prostitution we already have are fine, but we need even more sordid realism. Good work Aylin!


  19. I agree with Daz: good job explaining how to make an attractive shape Robin. ;)

    I spent countless hours tweeking the sliders to get the look I want. It was a lot of fun and I think that those who choose to buy a shape miss out on that fun. The same goes with physics. I've seen threads were the majority of the women say that they don't even bother with physics, that it's to complicated and that the amount of bounciness looks different on different viewers. I didn't think that adjusting my physics to look realistic was all that difficult. I don't have much $L so I wear a freebie skin, freebie hair & eyes, etc. My bare feet were given to me. The only things I've actually paid for are my prim nails, girlie bits and the Mama Allpa hud. Haven't had a chance to play with the pregnancy look because I've yet to find a guy the least bit interested in the male version. I even offered to buy it for my current sl bf and it was no go. Even with a homemade shape & freebie stuff I think that my avvie is as attractive as those people have paid thousands of $L for. I have an alt that I've made taller & purposefully less attractive, with a squarer jaw & an ugly skin, but she's supposed to be a Jötunn rather than human. Anyway, sounds like you've had fun working on your shape & good job explaining to people how to make their avvie look nice. 


  20. What is the point of "owning land" (renting server space) in SL in the first place? I enjoy SL and it costs me absolutely nothing. I honestly don't get the point of paying for somthing that's free. When you log out you disappear and when you log back in ~poof~ there you are. So why does anyone need land or a house or skybox or whatever? To build? SL is already so over built that entire gorgeous sims are often completely deserted and the "homeless" person can roam them at will. Why add to the clutter when someone else can probably build nicer things anyway? And why does anyone need a vehicle when they can fly? I like SL but I just do not understand why anyone in their right mind would pay LL real money for virtual "property" that you don't actually own since you don't own the servers. The only point of this squatting idea is so you can build stuff. Build in a sandbox if you want to build stuff and then delete it, or just give it to some one with land if they want it. Or better yet, get over wanting to build more stuff & just dance, fly around, meet people & chat, listen to music, and explore what other people have already built. You can do all of this for free.


    • Thanks 1

  21. Ceera Murakami wrote:

    If you can fly higher than 300 M or so, you're wearing a scripted gadget like a flight feather that makes it possible. Maybe you don't realize it, because it is integrated into some HUD or attachment that you wear for other reasons, but it is there. 

    I don't think there is anything viewer-specific that can override that height limit. To the best of my knowledge, it requires a scripted attachment.

    You could verify this by doing a "replace outfit" on your avatar and wearing one of the default Library avatars. Then try flying straight up. You'll slow down and stop at 300 M or so.

    Oh okay, Ceera. I see what you mean now. Thanks for the explanation!


  22. Ariel Vuissent wrote:

    Now I'm curious about where you got it. That sounds adorable!

    On the other hand, there are those who might not appreciate the humor, and would be disappointed or irritated to find such a surprise. I can see the benefits of being able to see the back of an item, as well as the front. But, I'll still buy an item if I can't see the back, provided I like the front enough and have a reasonable understanding of what the back probably looks like. (Not all the teeny details, but the general idea of it.) I WON'T buy an item if I can't see the front. I've found a couple of items on the marketplace where the creator used a cute pose and the back of the dress was gorgeous, but I won't buy it because I can't see the front, only the back. The back is easier to extrapolate based on the front; it's much harder for me to visualize the front based on the back.

    Hi Ariel. I got my fur jacket at the Folkvangr site, on the Lexicolo sim. This is one of my favorite places I've found on SL so far. I think I paid $L 250 for the jacket. It has detachable sleeves and comes with a handwarmer... and a mouse! :)


  23. Ceera Murakami wrote:.

    Unassisted flight stops at several hundred Meters.

    Not sure what you mean by "unassisted" Ceera. I've flown >7K m and intend to try & exceed 10K m when I have the time. It's true that it takes longer to go above 4.1K and weird things start happening like my hair comes off, but I can do it. When the teleporter to the skyboxes above the land my friend owns quit working, I just started flying up to them. Please explain the difference between "assisted" & "unassisted" flight.



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