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Posts posted by Frawmusl

  1. Edit mode -> hit A to select all -> look on left side bar -> "recalculate normals" -> object mode -> delete lamps-> alt+Z to view in textured mode -> check if normals are ok

    Another way is on the N menu (right side bar) in edit more is to look at the "normals" button and check it to see which direction the normals are oriented

  2. Easy fix, depending on what program you're using. If you're in blender go into edit mode and look on the left sidebar/object tools (T) and hit A to select all then recalculate normals this should fix that. If it doesn't you may have to use the button right below it, flip normals which reverses the normals of a face. If you hit N and look for "normals" select face and it will show you 10cm lines that are on the normals helping you orient them and what is in the wrong direction etc..

  3. If you are recording them yourself via a laptop mic, yes it is most likely that. Laptop mics are horrible, almost guranteed to be low quality and distorted. If you want to record at a decent level invest in a headset, or microphone that is made for clear audio or recording purposes even. The laptop microphone will not get you anything you will like :\

  4. There are a lot of things to consider in game design besides just what looks nice. Consider things like Occlusion and what redering engine or physics engine SL uses. A simple google search will turn you over to a lot of information

  5. DUH!

    Thats why they have land impact. The more poly a user has to render the harder it is to render and the more it takes a toll on their computers. I preach optimization with meshes, Proper LODs but people just want the nicest looking thing without realising that maybe its not the server whos always lagging, but rather the person whos wearing the 10,000 polygon ring causing lag :\ Its easier to download a 10 poly well optimized ring than a 10k one. You don't need to zoom and look at highly detailed rings, I mean you can do that... but you won't spend hours examining it..whats the point of it being 10,000 polys. Asidjasidjasfjsa


    (yay for alliteration?)

  6. Message me in-world and we'll see if we can't get you started on learning blender :) Think of a poject you would like to start off working on and through making that project we'll get you on the track to learning blender. Anyhow, message me in-world and I'll try to help you get on the right track.

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  7. I'm just starting to move away from custom buildings and into clothing, send me the sizes you would like to see and I'll include them in the future. Its not hard to make mesh clothes with smaller breast, people are just lazy and want the one (WAY TO LARGE) sizes lol :P

  8. All of those cards should be great for the next 2 years. If you don't burn them out by overclocking etc. I personally am running a GTX 560, and have been for the past year and a half. Works like a charm, will run SL on the highest settings (though nirans I have to set some things down a tad.. SL just pulls so much due to almost literally 0 optimization) 

    I would go with AMD since it is generally cheaper and just as good. (I have a a laptop so couldn't really choose..) the problem with DOA (Dead on arrival) is faced with ANY card from any company. So people might have just had bad luck. 

    Check out newegg.com for some awesome prices and deals. I think they have a video on the 7970 and 670 with speedtest etc. 

    Anyhow, best of luck on the new card! Be sure your mobo can handle it before you confirm your purchase!

  9. Celestine Ghiardie Makes awesome animated mesh :P She could be interested! Though I don't know much of what her schedule looks like.

    You could also ask Domsson Lean, but I don't think hes ever done any animated mesh (That i've seen) 

    (Just two recommendations of personal friends, so I know there work is good :P)

  10. I am currently looking for active weapon systems, popular ones preferably to put my new weapons under. I do not know much about the combat of second life but have some weapons laying about my harddrive (What a weird sentence) that could be uploaded and used :) I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions (With links please!) to developer kits in a popular system!

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