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Posts posted by Frawmusl

  1. The first link you posted looks pretty good. I have never experimented with hands so I can't really give you much advice. The hands in SL look O.K. but the feet are a must-replace :P 
    The first link has gotten good reviews and gives full perms..Not too bad of a deal. There is a url in the photo, Which links here http://www.youtube.com/amisima

    Check out some of there videos. I suppose that is a bit like a demo!

  2. Sculpties would only be able to do this if you applied the texture via UV map out side of SL. Mesh would be much more preferable for this. You can apply it in-world and it will have the same impact as a sculpty would if its just a simple mesh. Sculpty could work, but would be much more frustrating to create the texture. Making it would a sculpt you might as well just slap a texture with 5 different panels on to a cubed prim.

    • Like 1
  3. I've typically seen that most RP animal avatars bought on the market or RP animal weapons do have all of what you are looking for. They usually use meters like Spellfire, Omega, or the other-ones-I-can't-remember

  4. Join the shop's group, And ask in there if anyone will be willing to show you their skin! In the non-creepy way ha :P
    I would If I had a skin from there, but alas I don't! Good luck :)

  5. First question is...

    Why are you trying to make a sculpty! All the cool kids moved on to mesh!

    Though I am a tad confused on your problem. I do not understand what you mean by "bounding box" I thought the "Bounding box" moved with the shape of the sculpt..Unless certain modifiers are applied onto the sculpt. What modifiers are you using? If any?

  6. -begins a slow clap-

    Very powerful app, I will recommend you if slots become available.. Though what are you interested in doing? Writing I assume (Due to your blogging) ?

    (Though being a day old I can't say you will be trusted very much in SL. Might want to work on filling out your profile, and getting rid of all those linden camping groups so you don't look like a bot.)

  7. Apparently no longer works? I need to have a build with a solid floor, but the sculpts on it are making HUGE physics barriers so I need them to be phantom. But I would rather link everything together. How would I go about doing this if the scripts no longer work? Or is there a new script to take this no-longer-working-scripts place?

  8. Ah A friend of mine would be very interested in talking to you! She is always complaining about how the mesh clothing always has a huge bust and that she didn't want  huge bust so she has refrained from getting mesh dresses etc.

    I'll ask her when she gets online today!

  9. You can use Daz3D (Still currently free) to port those animations in. Set them as "Aniblocks" and put the two blocks next to each other. Effectively creating the two animations as "merged"


    Edit : I wrote animations as animals...My bad.

  10. E-mails are pretty much a requirement for recovering accounts. I doubt support would give you your account back without an e-mail to send it to. Who can prove its really your account? Maybe if you hooked up identification to it they could pull it off of there, but again I don't know how it works. WIthout an e-mail it can be very tricky to get your account back.

  11. From a builder to a builder : Have you tried using Convex Hull? It could greatly reduce the prims you are using here and allow you to place more objects making your game ever better! (Can't see that you have on anything)

    It would be awesome if doors were scripted to open/say on collision rather than having to come out of mouselook

    And barrels take a really long time to go pop!

    But other than that I'm enjoying your game ^.^

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