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Posts posted by Frawmusl

  1. Thanks a ton for replying, but my idea is to try and get my impact down while not losing too much in my style points :) 

    As of right now, I have found 0 mesh creators that satisfy this :\ I might end up making my own when I have free time, because there is no way the arc is going down when everyone wastes polygons on hair like this 


    There is so so so many wasted polygons that all the hairs I tried on brought me up from 37,000 to 55,000+

    worse being 70,000 >.> 

    Thanks for taking a look for me, and these styles were really cool, just looking for a better creator of something similar I suppose!

    Ill keep up the search though :D

  2. This is my avatarSnapshot_001.jpg


    His current ARC is at 37,000 about. Why you ask? Because of that damned flexi hair with a buttload of textures on it.
    I do not design or make mesh hair, and am a terrible shopper. Would you lovely people help me find a well made mens mesh hair that could fit my avatar ? I am really looking to reduce my ARC, because I sure can't teach others about arc when mine is in the red (though its a lot better than the 100,000+ that I see everywhere)


  3. Are you using your second screen as a display? For some reason weird stuff happens on it :P

    Other than that! 
    Have you tried rebaking? (Ctrl+Alt+R)

    Have you tried resetting your entire avatar to default? (Avatar-> Avatar Health -> Character test)?

  4. Ah thanks Beanster that gives me a little more perspective! I understand the prices are really cheap, but most people in SL aren't super wealthy and don't want to pay the "serious" cost for classes. I kind of want to reach out and give my time while working for a little above minimum wage for the lessons. I'll keep looking at the prices of everything and see what people find fair or not and so on. I do think private lessons are a little better than training discs because of the interactive and fine tuned learning experience. You can't really ask a disc to try and explain it in a different way :P

  5. Your graphics card may be able to handle the max, the other parts of your PC might not be able to. I noticed a huge performace boost when I went from 8 gigs to 16 gigs of RAM. 
    What are your other specs? SL is VERY resource intensive so having a good CPU and a LOT of RAM to back it up will enhance your performance a ton. 
    Also if you have your draw distance maxed out you're doing it wrong :P There is no need to see beyond 128~200m so I recommend pulling it down a bit if you would like a better viewing experience. 
    (Most games you won't see beyond 200m, They'll derender things at that distance.. Well SL doesn't derender things very well and this will lag the living crap out of you.)

  6. While this is probably one of the better post I've seen on the employment forum theres just things that personally would conflict with someone offering you a position in their business. Now maybe its just me wanting to be professional about most things I involve myself in, but It could be advisable to redo things such as your profile and even consider your username. 
    In your profile it just... doesn't make me feel like you would contribute to my business in any way "Spoiled Barbiedoll, Pornstar...kunt" This is especially not what I want people to see if they were to IM an assistant of mine. 
    I won't go into further detail, but if you're looking for "Professional" work, You might want to look or try to look professional also

    Meant with sincerity, Not trying to attack you in anyway

  7. Mesh lessons would be a full fledge course, We would start where you are and help you learn each aspect and go back to things you might not have mastered IE UV unwrapping or Texturing tricks and tips. I know they are ridiculously cheap, but many people in SL probably wouldn't want to pay much for them.. 1000L/30minutes? Thats a bit more fair to me, and still pretty fair to the user

  8. Sassy Romano wrote:

    Frawmusl wrote:

    ... does anyone have a sort of template for that? There is just so many factors its kind of hard to determain whats fair for what kind of an object


    The price is correct when the customer winces but still pays.

    Price in SL is very contentious as you've got those doing it for a hobby and giving away their time for nothing versus those who are doing it for a living and desperately trying to charge a sensible price.


    Well I will definitely be doing it for a hobby, I charge $20/30minutes for Double Bass lessons, Seems small compared to around $5/hour for mesh lessons. I just like to teach, but I also have to not -totally- get ripped by giving my time for free and teaching someone to make products and not even bother to tip me haha :3

    same with photography and sounds, Cheap, but I understand that not everyone has a great pc to work with and I can let you use my time for a small amount.. Im much cheaper online xD

  9. So I'm looking to get more involved in the SL world and get my name out there, but theres a few problems I am running into.. I really don't know what to price things at! So here are a few of my ideas, and let me know if you recommend something else/another way to go about it.

    The first and foremost is that I want to teach private mesh lessons, beginner level for the most part since thats where the most important influence is. If I can get beginners to learn to make it low poly and a awesome way to do it then they'll be happy and have awesome products to sell.

    Private Mesh Lessons : 700L/30minutes 1400L/1 Hour

    The lesson will be in voice via an alternative program to share screens with the student, allowing them an enhanced and non-static setting to learn. Will go at the students pace. In which anything created during the class will have full rights given to the student. The student is allowed to ask questions for 7 days after the lesson.

    Secondly I've got a realy powerful computer and moderate skill in photography and photoshop so why not also offer photography sessions?

    500L/30minutes + 2 (Fairly) edited photos*
    1000L/1 Hour +4(Fairly) edited photos
    +100L per extra (Fairly) edited photo
    +500L for extremely edited photo**

    *Fixing basic avatar and photo deformations

    ** Custom overlays, Designs, color modifications, diffusions etc etc to enhance your photo


    Sounds and Gestures

    I own a (Legal) copy of FL Studio and a studio quality microphone able to put out high quality sounds and modificatios to those sounds.

    200L+100L each additiona/Gesture (Up to 10 seconds)

    500L custom track (IE guns, springs, quick tunes)

    1000L+(Depending on length and difficulty) Long track (60seconds + seamless)


    One thing I have been unable to really decide a price on is custom mesh work, does anyone have a sort of template for that? There is just so many factors its kind of hard to determain whats fair for what kind of an object


    So that is what I plan as of right now, Any suggestions or different ideas? I am tempted to offer normal map work for in-world builders later on when materials come out.

    Yes I am quite serious about this and plan to keep myself QUITE busy if possible.

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