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Posts posted by Frawmusl

  1. Export a simplified version of the wall, following where it would collide and then in your physics tab upload from file and upload the simplified version. 

    Also, Theres a couple of edgeloops there you could remove to optimize it more -wink-

  2. So many buttons mentioned! 

    Another Favorite of mine is (Ctrl+Shift+Alt+C) I think its one of the more complex shortcuts, and its really helpful too :) Allows you to reset geometrys origin to cursor/active/geometry or geometry to origin. Really helpful if you're working with pesky modifiers that you need to move your origin somewhere (IE Cursor to center (Shift+C) And then (Ctrl+shift+alt+c) origin to 3d cursor = mirror :D)

  3. Wanted to get another thread going just to have some fun with the creators here in the mesh forum :P 
    What is your favorite blender button/key combination? Post it (And how to use it if its a bit weird)!

    I love love love Shift+spacebar. If you split your screen a lot and have multiple views hover over one view, IE the 3d view and hit shift+spacebar and it will maximize that view until you hit **bleep**+Spacebar again. Helps when editing UV maps, Full screen moving around your object and marking seams, Then full screen placement of UVs without having to collapse either of them into the other! wooo!


    ETA: Seems I missed an H there... Owell :)

    • Like 2
  4. Pro tip: When asking for graphics cards also post your mobo info. So we don't have to go look up the model then look up your mobo 



    Model doesn't have enough watts to power something that will make a noticeable difference in gaming

    Upgrade your PSU and then you can maybe fit a radeon 5500 series, Bit of a tight fit, possible airflow issue? Anyhow just a quick gander

  5. Thats sort of the attitude I hate with all this

    "It doesn't matter if theres no punishment for it" 
    Well it does matter and it shouldn't be allowed yet it is. So shouldn't the community do something as a whole if the devs aren't? Its as simple as reviewing that its stolen and not to buy or telling your friends X name steals and resells

  6. Rya Nitely wrote:

    It's not OK to download other people's creations from 3D model websites and then sell them as your own, and then feel that there is now no reason to learn a 3D program or pay attention to any of the other advise in this thread because your work is done until the next opportunity to rip off a 3D model and put it up for sale as your own work and then having the nerve to add your TOS and EULA to it. This is not OK.

    I lol'd because of the forum posts earlier and how truly true this is. See it way too often! Kudos :P

  7. Thanks for your reply! I decided to go ahead and not model the texture and sort of make it a leather adventurer's looking thingy ma bob :P 
    I typically don't sell things full perm because to sell full perm I would have to alter my UV map so that users know how to use it, Or give them the blend file set up to be textured. Which, unknowing how I go about texturing my unwraps..can lead to disaster ;P

  8. So I'm sitting at about 1,400 tris with this design, And want to get your opinion. The bottom is  sort of corset (Might pinch it slightly to give it that corset feel) but I wanted to ask. Would the Strings/clips on the corset be worth doing? I know SL is all about detail, but doing it via normal/texture -could- look better than the default system clothing yet people want the models in SL to be extremely detailed. So should I go ahead and create the strings/clips? What is your opinion on this?



    I could make it just a tight leather without clips/strings. A bit more of an leather tight fitting piece, as to match the blouse a bit under it.. So thats always an alternative. I sort of like the idea of that :P

  9. beanster Potato wrote:

    For rigged garments: Duplicate/flip the full (usually already too high poly-) model to make the whole inside non-transparant. Just stick with the edges that will work just fine for most projects.

    That is called a solidify modifier in Blender/3dsMax but yes it is a horrible practice, Creating the edges that you need and then collapsing in-ward is a much more efficient way to create for SL

    • Like 1

  10. chrismignon McDonnell wrote:

    Use your own blog/website for making money and give tutorial about mesh

    There are a lot of places to get tutorials and lessons in creating models for free. http://www.blenderguru.com/  http://www.polycount.com/ tons on youtube, and if you ever need help http://www.blenderartists.org/forum/ users at blender artist are always willing to help.


    steph Arnott wrote:

    It not ok to have no trans items as no copy.

    Added: And that is not just to do with mesh.


    I am not sure how that has to deal with mesh, I am more looking for the creative aspect of mesh than the distribution ^.^

  11. Theres no secret to rigging.. Purchase avastar and watch gaia's tutorials, ask a couple of questions.. Rigging takes maybe an hour at tops with complex mesh. You'll save yourself a lot of money and time in the long run by doing it yourself.

    I also took a look at a couple of your demos to see if I'd be interested in helping you out, because you said you were  trying to make things as low poly as you can and I realy support that. Er.. They're nowhere enar close to low-poly and it might be behind the fact you're using an autocad based clothing designing program. You should import it and clean it in blender before importing it inworld, Having low poly and consistent clothin would make the rigging and weighting process much easier especial if your out sourcing it. I would not enjoy rigging your things because of the inconsistent distribution of polygons 


    I highlighted parts of the arm because at the bicep you have a random strip of TONS of polygons, Then down the arm they become inconsistent. Mid body they go from high poly to low poly and then a strip of low poly popping back to high.

    Now I am not trying to be harsh, just giving you feedback on your mesh. It needs some work before I would go about trying to pump it out as fast as possible and having someone rig it so you can just keep pumping them out. I recommend learning to reduce your polygons, IE your wrinkles can EASILY be done with a texture, they aren't drastic enough to need those polygons there oreven that many! Especially at the wrist, You can have that shape easily without all the polygons you have. 
    This is not a good game model, Please work to improve it! 

  12. So I wanted to start a thread here to sort of share all our opinions on what we feel is NOT O.K. to do with mesh, and why. Feel free to debate and give opinions, but I'll start with a simple one and hope that people follow and give their opinion/reasoning behind why they feel that way.


    It is NOT O.K. To use the highest model for all your LOD levels, there is a reason your LOD is reducing, I do not need to rez a 10,000 poly dress from 50 meters away at the highest detail! Thats just silly! Generate at the very least for your LOD!

    • Like 1
  13. I don't think anyone mentioned this so far in the thread when people are saying "It seems like 5 days when it says 3", I just wanted to point that is does say business days, and sorry but Saturday and Sunday don't count :P So you'll often have to deal with it being a bit longer than you expect unless you wit draw on monday/tueday each time. Otherwise its going to catch the weekend and be longer than what was expected


    Edit :Also @Luna Bliss, I have a very nice RL job and just teach for fun really.. But the drama that students cause when given a free teacher is silly, so I charge to deal with them :P It might be fun being a mole, but I would rather take a dive into the other parts of LL, IE coding and graphics but I am all self taught in that so I would likely be declined. Well if they ever need someone to draft them a new HQ building or Autocad them some pipelines ^.^

  14. Experienced mesh builder is eagerly awaiting new ambitious students interested in learning the magic of “Mesh.”  New students being accepted for ONE-ON-ONE learning that teachers those new to Blender the element of quality mesh designs. Based on YOUR DESIRES of what to learn, a custom lesson plan is developed and hands on experience and assignments are given to you based on your skill and learning curve!

    New to Blender?  It doesn’t matter!  These lessons will start at whatever level you are comfortable and broaden your knowledge!  

    Lessons start at ONLY 3000L per hour and you get:

    • Unlimited assistance;
    • Unlimited questions and answer sessions;
    • Development for clothing, buildings, jewelry and even entire avatar design depending on your own direction of learning and interest levels;
    • Real time voice and visual hands on learning;
    • Development for model game assets to take your skills beyond Second Life Development
    • Efficient model creation that will earn you recommendations based on your sensible modeling skills which include texturing, physics and LOD
    • Free Consulatation Via voice to see what YOU want to do and how YOU learn.

    This IS NOT a video tutorial, this IS NOT a membership blog that gives you only ‘steps’ to follow; THIS IS a reputable experienced developer, builder and instructor that will be there for you through the steps and beyond as you become a fine tuned builder yourself.  

    “I went through the tutorials in YouTube and over several other sites to learn Blender, and nothing gave me the insight to the “Who”, “What”, “Why”, and “How” like Frawmus did.  I couldn’t have continued my education and creative endeavors without him. It was worth every minute and every Linden. I highly recommend his instruction and if his enthusiasm and eagerness to teach doesn’t inspire you to learn, then perhaps I suggest another approach!” ~ Mysteri Fallen

    I assure you, this is a no-nonsense approach to learning Blender the RIGHT way. There is NO cutting corners and NO shortcuts to learning proper techniques and processes to producing effective and resourceful ways of making low-impact items that will easily provide you with a niche and reputable name as a “meshie” on the grid and in any other platform.  

    For more information contact me in Second Life at Framusl Resident or at “Frawmus” via skype


  15. Heh, Online payments have never been a great thing to rely on for a paycheck. Plan out things better so you aren't clinging to the next paycheck to get by? Or are you fine on money and just complaining because you can't have more faster?

    I don't understand the flaming, LL allows you to use their interface to make and sell creations..And be paid real money, I guess I've never understood why people are so hateful on LL. "Oh let us put our virtual world for people to access and use for free, and even let them make money! Im sure they'll all hate us for it, It'll be awesome!"

    Maybe apply for a job at LL and help their market team? That might solve the problems more than being angry about it?

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