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faith Jolifaunt

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  1. Is LL going to start taking a percentage of our in-world sales now?? I don't know if I'm down with this.
  2. Welcome to Shaka Brah Resort. We are a tropical island with so much to offer our renters! This includes a party deck where DJ events are hosted and a gaming area with games such as Greedy, Slurbage, Cribbage and more! We have very spacious homes with a basement and large parcel. There's also smaller houses available. Our condos are great for bachelors or bachelorettes. There's even an area for fishing fun! Our costs are reasonable, and our views are outstanding! Come join our community at http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shaka Brah/86/135/23 . (Must be 18 years of age or over. Child avatars NOT allowed).
  3. Land for sale with 3 sides of LL protected property and sits on open waterway on the continent of Sansara. $30,000L - non-negotiable. 4864m with 1669 LI available. Here's a gyazo of property: https://gyazo.com/8e007a7d3a2072572f65fb984e5e5828 . I will leave the house and landscaping, and you can just send back if you don't want it. You can view it here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shaka/132/165/25
  4. You can analyze the reports on your merchant home, and use that info to your advantage. Look at you top searched products. Why is your #1 product the top searched? Did you use more relevant keywords? Did you list a trending product? Did you categorize it more specifically than the others? Pick your info provided apart and study the trends You're definitely asking the right questions if your serious about making a little ching ching lol. I use the reports offered on the Merchants Home section daily to view trends when pertaining to my products.
  5. Page Views or clicking as you call it may have a small impact on relevance, BUT in my experience, page views can detect if it's the same person clicking the page. So, if the same person views the page 100 times, it will only count as one view.
  6. I'm an e-Comm marketing manager in RL. I can tell you how it works for websites I manage. One factor may be how the MP customer sorts their results (ie relevance, newest, highest rated, etc). It defaults to relevance. So, I'm guessing that would mean how relevant the keywords are. Then sales would probably come into play (only on the relevance sort). So if someone searched for "boat," the results that would be displayed are those that have the word "boat" in the title or keywords. It's crucial you utilize the keywords on the edit item listing page. Although I've seen tons of people abuse that. They'll be selling a tree and put the word boat in their keywords just to show up in the results. That sucks for customers because they get irrelevant results. Another thing to consider is to categorize your product correctly and as specifically as possible. The category probably factors into the algorithm as well. So, if the customer searches "boat" and there is a category for boats and your product is categorized there, that's another level of relevance that will play to your advantage. Keywords and categories are key If you struggle with keywords, I suggest using Google Adwords - keyword planner to try to give you ideas on search trends: https://ads.google.com/home/tools/keyword-planner/ . Second Life does not give you access to search trends on their site. I just asked that question in a meeting with a Linden a couple of days ago. Hope this info helps. I'm only telling you from the perspective of my RL work. Second Life may have a different algorithm to determine how their results are displayed.
  7. Beautiful private island beach sim that currently has established renters. I would love to have time to give them notice for moving if possible. Please contact me in-world with your offers. Transfer fee is $100. Monthly tier is $229. Serious offers only. Low bids will get no response. I will be accepting offers until 9/6/20. Please submit a NC in-world with your offer. I'll contact the winning bidder. You can view the property here http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Shaka Brah/74/112/22
  8. I own a furniture store https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/83970 . I am by no means a mesh creator, but I do spend hours adding animations, texturing products, making huds, and a bit of scripting if I want to add a bit of unique flair to my items. I purchase my mesh from in-world and MP creators, and I love purchasing these full perm items from my fellow residents. I believe we should all support each other. It's a win/win. They make a sale - I get my furniture. My issue is I'm interested in participating in events. When I go to fill out applications, they are very clear that if you use mesh templates, you're not welcome - OR - you have to have created the mesh yourself. Now, I understand that's their prerogative, but am I missing something? It's almost like I should be ashamed that I'm using a mesh item that I've paid for and made it my own. It makes me feel these events are a bit snobby, to be honest. I understand they don't want lots of the same types of items at their events, but it's quite hindering to me. Does anyone know of events that welcome builders that buy mesh from our awesome mesh creators on the grid? Any other marketing tips on how to get my product in the eye of the purchaser? I have placed my products on MP homepage (not much luck). I do product videos. I have a Flickr group page. I have an in-world group. I have a Facebook page. I promote in my profile. I'm just a bit stuck on how to get our name out there. Thanks in advance for any suggestions
  9. BD is amazing! Following this in case there's any news about exporting poses. I would so love if i could also pose other avis (like by asking for perms from them) - Can you imagine the photos?
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