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Posts posted by davidventer

  1. 1 hour ago, Ansariel Hiller said:

    In fact, LL had to use a bunch of my fixes for that to actually get it into release state - man, what an outdated codebase!

    Thank you for your hard work. I look forward to a Firestorm update. Meantime…

    1 hour ago, Ansariel Hiller said:

    If the official viewer or "AgileHarakiri" runs better for you, then for the love of god use it - but please also bugger their developers constantly as well.

    … I’ll do just that, and I’ll continue to recommend just that to anyone having performance issues.

    1 hour ago, panterapolnocy said:

    I hope that you documented - with logs, facts and in a replicable way - the issues you've mentioned on the Firestorm JIRA bug reporting system in order for devs to be able to check them, fix them and give an answer - and not just "spread the word" on the forums.

    I’ve attempted to start doing just that but my bug reports get closed as “fixed” even though they’re clearly not fixed otherwise why am I still experiencing the bug? If they’re fixed in an unreleased branch, perhaps set the issue as Pending fix, since it’s clearly not fixed in your public release yet. But after that, I’ve given up attempting to report more bugs because I don’t want to “bugger” (As Ansariel said) the FS devs with issues that will just go ignored in any case, or blamed on settings and hardware when other viewers don’t have such issues on the same settings and hardware - making them Firestorm-specific issues that need to be addressed.  

    There were many occasions throughout the years when Firestorm did outperform the official viewer and on those cases I recommend Firestorm to everyone. I’m not biased. Update the viewer, fix the performance issues, the crashes, etc, and then all will be well again and I’ll go back to recommending Firestorm to everyone. Meantime, the other newer viewers are better for performance. I’m looking forward to the next FS update. Hopefully some of the issues I’ve reported that have been closed as Fixed will actually be fixed in the next release. 

    Thanks for at least providing some honest transparency in these responses, despise the snakiness. Keep up the good work. 

    • Like 1
  2. 39 minutes ago, KatePlus said:

    thanks everyone for your help, and yes you are right, ban lines are not able in new linden homes... i guess i should do it using a group if anyone know how to do it... smiles

    The security system provided by Linden Lab in the content creation pack can be set to allow access to a group, that way you don't have to manually add all names to the access list.

    Separately from the security system, you can also give others access to open doors and windows through the control panel by the front door inside the house. However, that functionality can't be set to group. You'll have to manually add the names of those you want to give permission to open doors and windows. Since the security system will anyway push unwanted visitors away from your property, you can safely set the door and window access to "anyone" if you don't want to bother with adding every name to the access list. 

  3. 16 hours ago, Ansariel Hiller said:

    I see you can't stop telling nonsense.

    Sorry, I forgot about the Firestorm cult-like mentality of pretending that it’s perfect, stable; that nothing is ever due to Firestorms perfect codebase, and that it’s the norm to blame the users, their hardware or Linden Lab instead. My bad. /s

    16 hours ago, Ansariel Hiller said:

    There have not been any significant performance improvements in the LL release viewer in the last few months

    So you’re saying the release notes of the past couple of months are all lies and that the actual greater performance that myself and others are experiencing on the official viewer compared to Firestorm is nonsense? There’s been many improvements. Improved cache handling being the most significant so far in the main release.

    I was using Firestorm, voicing my performance related issues while driving around in-world and someone from the Drivers of SL and the Bellisseria Citizens group actually TOLD ME to try the official viewer instead, and guess what? I did and It does have far greater performance with none of the issues I’ve mentioned above. So I’m just here spreading the word in an attempt to help users have a smoother in-world experience. Seems like you’re the one talking nonsense. 

    Look, we all love Firestorm features. Using an alternative viewer until you guys bring the codebase on par with Linden Lab’s latest improvements is a temporary workaround for the sake of experiencing far greater performance.

    Pretending that your 6-7 month old codebase is perfect and that any issue is a user fault or hardware limitation isn’t helping anyone have a better in-world experience. I get you’re proud of your viewer and like to pretend that nothing is ever wrong with it but the fact remains, it’s currently outdated with terrible performance compared to other, more recently released viewers. I’m sure everything will be fine again once you release an update and we’ll all be grateful for it, but in the meantime, stop pretending that there’s nothing wrong.

    This cult-like elitism and blame projection while pretending that Firestorm is the best and most stable is not helping anyone have a better Second Life… In fact, it’s doing the complete opposite. People experience terrible performance, reach out for help, and you blame them, their setup, or Second Life as a whole, so they end up thinking it’s just generally that bad when in actual fact it’s not, and they’ll have a much smoother experience on the official viewer - or any TPV that remained on par with Linden Lab’s latest improvements. 

    How about, instead of alienating your users, or those who suggest alternative temporary solutions; you maybe try to display some honest transparency and at least inform users that an update is in the works but in the meantime, as a workaround, the official viewer does in FACT provide far greater performance. The performance on Firestorm is not the norm on Second Life. Stop pretending that it is. 

    On Firestorm I get 5-7 FPS with Advanced Lighting enabled, so I simply can’t use ALM on Firestorm. On the official viewer I get 20-30 FPS with Advanced Lighting enabled; and double that in more sparsely decorated regions. I can even drive on the mainland with ALM enabled on the official viewer. That’s a HUGE difference and Firestorm’s terrible performance is most definitely NOT the norm.

    • Haha 2
  4. 4 hours ago, CaithLynnSayes said:


    I really don't mind if people look at "my avatar", not actually me.


    Same. It’s just pixels on a screen in a Sandbox MMO. Cam and stare all you like. But I would just prefer it if others didn’t get all rude and defensive in my DM’s based on what they think I’m apparently looking at. Like WTF lol. Yeah… it’s amusing at first, but the fun of it wears off after a while and it just becomes annoying.

    Pro tip for the people who get upset when others’ crosshairs are near them: Disable the “look-at” debug tool and you won’t see the crosshairs; you don’t have to stress about who’s crosshairs are near you. Peace of mind for all and less clutter on your screen. You’re welcome. But seeing as some people do take such things way too seriously, and can’t seem to live without it; it’s useful to be able to hide it from them. Here’s hoping that Linden Lab will integrate a toggle to easily hide it without having to modify XML files. I want no part in anyones “why are you looking at me” BS and drama. 

  5. 3 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

    We had a giant train wreck of a thread a short while ago on this very subject, so generally I don't want to rehash it.

    I have begun to wonder, though, if people getting upset at being "looked at" (or having their gf looked at) aren't engaged in something a little bit like RP. Not consciously or deliberately, but reacting in an overly dramatic way because it feels "immersive" and "real." Like a scene from a bad teen movie, or Taxi Driver. And maybe some men (and doubtless some women) think it makes them look "gallant" and "protective" (and pretty damned possessive, too) to "defend the honour" of their partner?

    Just idle thoughts. Anyway, I'm glad this worked out well for you! Nicely handled!

    In an RP setting that actually makes a lot of sense yeah. I hadn’t thought of it in that way. I can see how it’s super useful in such regard. But in that case, Linden Lab should consider exposing it as an easy-to-disable setting in the official viewer so that cross-hairs of those using the official viewer can also be hidden from other people, that way RP’ers won’t pull random people into their personal RP. And those who want to be pulled into it can keep their cross-hairs enabled. Time to file a Jira, I suppose. 😬

    • Like 2
  6. Okay, so, funny story…

    Due to the performance issues of the Firestorm viewer, I’ve been using the official Second Life viewer a lot lately.

    I was recently at a club and some girl In front of me DM’s me and tells me to “take a picture it lasts longer” and then the dude next to her turns around, flips me off (I guess he’s got the new Vista AO, since I have it too and it can actually do that), and he also DM’s me, angry about apparently perving his girl. 

    At first I thought; WHAT TF are they on about? I wasn’t even looking at them until they DM’d me. Then I realized, they can obviously see my “look-at” crosshairs since it can’t be hidden on the official Second Life Viewer. I wasn’t even looking at them, I was just dancing there, enjoying the tunes. But since they were right in front of me, my idle crosshairs must’ve been right on them. 

    I found this interaction extremely amusing, but once again baffled by why people get so uptight about being looked at on Second Life, using a debug function to see what everyone is looking at, as if it’s some “privacy” feature. 

    I responded to the situation by telling the girl that I’m staring at her boyfriend and not her (but I really wasn’t staring at either of them) and then I told her boyfriend (the one flipping me off) “that’s hot” and he should let me know if he wants me to sit on his finger. After this, their defensiveness towards me died down and we ended up having a fun and playful back-and-fourth banter session. But then the guy sends me a Gyazo snapshot of where to disable my look-at, and I explained that I know where, but I’m not using Firestorm at the moment due to its terrible performance. 

    Then I discovered the new Alchemy viewer, which also has the ability to disable the “look-at” crosshairs, featured as a “Privacy” setting. Alchemy has epic performance so now I’m using Alchemy instead and have look-at disabled but, funny stories and musings aside; WHY is the community as a whole so obsessed with this debug function? Why is it being used as a “Privacy” feature? And WHY do people take such offense when they think they’re being looked at, even when they’re not?!

    And I’m quite annoyed that I have to use a TPV in order to not get stupid DM’s related to what or who I’m apparently looking at. 

    It’s funny and bizarre when some people hide their look-at, but they insist on being able to see other people’s look-at. Like why is this even a thing? Why is it even an issue? It’s a DEBUG function, it’s not supposed to be a “Privacy” feature. I wish Linden Lab would update their TPV guidelines to prevent TPV’s from exposing it as a Privacy feature. Or if that will upset too many people, perhaps include it in the official viewer as a “Privacy” feature then too. But ultimately what’s the point of even having it when everyone disabled their own look-at and just use it as a tool to bother those who are apparently looking at them, or to obsess over what other people are looking at…. Like WHAT the actual F…. Lol. 

    This is both really funny and tragically sad at the same time... This debugging tool being used as a Privacy feature to bother other people about what they’re apparently looking at… Like WHAT?! 🤷🏻‍♂️😂

    • Like 10
  7. The terrible FPS is currently a Firestorm-only issue. The Firestorm codebase is based on Linden Lab's old viewer code from some time before July of last year. That's over half a year of performance improvements missing from Firestorm, and there has been A LOT of performance improvements from Linden Lab. Until there's a Firestorm update, my advice is to try the official Second Life Viewer, the performance project viewer, or the Alchemy AgileAkita viewer (available from their discord project-viewers channel). Until Firestorm gets updated you will probably experience some or all of the following:

    - Terrible FPS

    - Attachments taking long to attach or detach

    - Wearing the Firestorm Bridge causes excessive lag in some cases. I've found that detaching it sometimes helps.

    - Frequent viewer lock-ups - Perhaps a memory leak of some kind, I don't know?

    Seriously, try the default viewer, the performance project viewer, or the Alchemy AgileAkita viewer (if you need radar, built-in ao, look-at privacy, RLVa) etc. You'll be amazed at the difference. Personally, I do miss some of the Firestorm features and hope they'll update it soon but in the meantime, the performance of the other viewers take the cake. 


    • Thanks 1
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    • Confused 1
  8. 6 hours ago, Suga Bunny said:

    I mean Some people unconsciously do impolite things on a daily and don't realize it at all

    This. I do this. The thing is, I realize I’m doing this but I still struggle to not do it because, being on the Autism Spectrum, it’s difficult to behave in a neurotypical and socially acceptable manner at all times, and it becomes rather exhausting to even try. Many things I say or do often come off as rude, entitled, elitist, or just disingenuous when in actual fact that’s not my intention at all. 

    • Like 8
  9. Just now, Johnnycash Stromfield said:

    I tried Alchemy I think, and Singularity to but they just lacked the features of Firestorm. I might have to use FS for performing and stuff and use another viewer just when I go traveling.

    Thanks so much for the advice mate!

    Yeah, I miss the Firestorm features too. But Alchemy does have radar, built-in ao, RLVa, quick prefs, look-at privacy, legacy profiles… so that’s maybe the best one to try until Firestorm gets an update. 

    • Like 1
  10. This was happening to me a lot too. Then there was also the issue of attaching or detaching things taking forever on Firestorm. The solution for me was to switch to a different viewer. Try Alchemy (the download link for their latest project viewer is in their Discord), or use the Default Second Life viewer. Both will give you about 2x the performance and FPS than Firestorm and no freezing. Firestorm needs an update. Until they update it, the other viewers are far superior if you’re looking for great performance. 

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    • Haha 1
  11. What scares me?… 

    There’s this shiny rectangular thing on the wall. When I look at it there’s this creepy dude that looks almost just like me but he’s kinda weird and scary. He also shows up on the rectangle in the bathroom when I go there to pee. It’s super creepy. 

  12. 10 hours ago, animats said:

    It's .com, not .org - They have the wrong URL in their marketing material... https://www.operationmainland.com

    Related: I went to their HUB in-world, read the boards and joined the group. It seems like a really cool project! 

    Also, not related, but, I was just looking around the area and I wish I could also afford land in Bay City! Those parcels are insanely over-priced though. Does anyone actually buy land at that price point? I assume the majority of people in Bay City are renting from land barons, or got lucky and got the land for a reasonable price upon release? It's crazy when a 1024sqm parcel costs more than a full private region, like WHAT?! Who wants to be in Bay City THAT badly? Do people really pay THAT much for land? Are any of those parcels actually selling at that price point?  

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. 34 minutes ago, Beth Lamplugh said:

    Hi All

    I have a few Gacha shops on the grid.  On Monday I'd redecorated a sale stall on one of the sims that I rent a shop on ready for the promotional event we have.  I'd put out around 2000L work of no copy/transfer Gacha items.  When I next logged on on Wednesday morning (GMT) I was surprised to see that the stall her reverted back to how it was on Monday before I changed the Gacha items...even down to the textures of the wall and floor! I thought I was going mad for a while!  I've double checked my inventory and the new items that I'd put out for sale have gone...they're not in my inventory nor are they on my stall.  I've submitted a support request to the Lindens but as yet haven't heard anything.  Please can anyone advise me on what to do or if there's a way to get my lost inventory back...or have those items been lost in the virtual ether for good?  Thanks so much!  Beth x

    Sounds like something may have gone wrong during the region restarts. The Lindens should be able to do a roll-back of the region, to get your stuff back. You'll have to wait for them to get back to you. If you're premium, hop into support chat to speed up the process. If it's a private region, ask the region's owner to request a roll-back from Linden Lab.

    • Like 2
  14. I recommend Speedlight - You can buy the app on the iOS App Store or use it for free in Safari on iPhone, iPad or macOS. 

    If you're worried about your login details. Don't be. It's only stored on-device, not shared with Speedlight. 

    • Like 1
  15. I would like to see some more realistic mesh bodies proportioned correctly for realistic physiques and “life-sized” avatars. - Getting a mesh body to appear proportionate and realistic at the right size meant that I ended up using de-formers for skinnier arms and more shapely shoulders (I’m still trying to find a de-former for a flatter butt).

    Most mesh bodies look like they’re “perfect” gym bunnies with muscular arms and bubble butts. Where’s the realistically sized and proportioned skinny guy, or even the plus-size guy body? It’s kind of boring and unrealistic when everyone looks like a 9ft tall perfect gym bunny. Remove the heads and tattoos and everyone looks the same… we need more unique and realistic bodies, and fitmesh clothes that work with all of them. Maybe some day… 

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