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Halo Fatale

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Everything posted by Halo Fatale

  1. Yeah, I tried that. I think my reports go into a Bermuda Triangle circular file lol
  2. I'm having an issue with my neighbor. He puts weather emitters on the border between our parcels to be hilarious (I guess for his own entertainment). I can usually do an area search for weather emitters and de-render them. But, he's changed the name to "iiiiii" or something similar so that I can't. I have lightning bolts all over my parcel, and even if I view my screen in "CTRL+ALT+t" to display all the invisible objects, they don't flash long enough for me to de-render them or report them. I submitted a grief report, but as per my usual experience, nothing's been done. Any of you Firestorm magicians have any tips?
  3. I updated Firestorm and it fixed it.
  4. and i have found its not just me. im viewing everyone in this way
  5. I put nude stockings on, thinking it would cover it, but it didn't help.
  6. The last couple of days I have had this strange lighting problem. I have a "nude reset" for making new outfits, which hasn't changed. I didn't add or delete anything. Def not sure how to fix it. Would love some insight from an "avatar magician."
  7. Gotcha, thanks. Maybe someday I'll be an SL magician and put the Earth in my other land. Unlikely though.
  8. Thread was about shoes not working, it was the only one I could find. Anyway, thanks all for letting me know of this fad. I'll be more careful when buying shoes now. The ones I bought are so cute; such a bummer.
  9. So at some point, the person who owned the entire Isora? Don't you have to own the entire sim to modify things like that?
  10. (Those are system avie brows, btw). (Maria). I guess they aren't terrible.
  11. I kind of wanna know what's up with all the tip toe shoes that are supposed to be flats. I bought the most ADORABLE pair of shoes, only to realize that they aren't flat. I thought the ad was just an ad, and surely they wouldn't be on the tiptoes. There was no demo, but seller gave me my money back. Is it a "thing" or am I just not putting them on right?
  12. I chose "blank" on the HD brow Lelutka brow HUD. Thanks guys!
  13. Keya Charisma spent some time in game with me, and I am so grateful for her help. I had bought an Implode head and I almost gave up. (Once I actually got it on, found out it wasn't "the one" so got another type). Feeling so accomplished. Next step: figure out makeup. I only have one little issue. I have two eyebrows and I cant figure out how to fix it. I fiddled with all the eyebrow settings, played with appliers, etc. Ignore the pajamas.
  14. Lounging in my swing after a hard day of decorating.
  15. Did you choose "shared environment" on Isora? My property is here. Do the shared environment and camera up and to the right. Does the time of day matter? Its there for me now. (19:00 SLT).It's also there on the OG viewer and the Firestorm. Shooting stars at this moment as well. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Isora/198/72/24
  16. I'm going to submit a ticket and see what that "earth" thing is on Isora.
  17. So the 3.1 v the 5.3 are no different in regards to heads? Do you possibly know why the 3.1 was included in the sale when I bought the 5.3?
  18. It's the "shared environment" of Isora. It's honestly the only reason why I am not selling my parcel.
  19. Removing add-ons totally worked, thanks! I did try and experiment today with some different heads. I think I'm spoiled by the Lelutka heads because the HUD is so helpful, especially to switch on/off the evo v evox versions. The heads I tried on today, I KNOW the evo v evox switch was my issue, but there was no HUD to fix it. Random thought: When I bought the Lara body, it had the 3.1 version included, does this by chance support evo heads? I'm just curious as to why it would have been included.
  20. 1. I want to thank everyone for helping me through this "avatar self-esteem" issue. I was using the Sasha head but I felt that she had a resting b**** face, so now I use Lelutka Erin. I bought a bunch of other demos, but I'm scared to try them after taking so long to fix myself in the first place. 2. I have a Lara 5.3 body. My current issue is that I LOVE these jeans, but I can alpha myself, and move my butt shape around all day long, but this crotch area won't budge. I have been wearing other jeans under them, so it's fine. But, is this a design issue or did I screw something up? 3. I bought a "V". I don't plan on "using" it, but it still kind of bothers me that I can't figure it out. When I watch YouTube videos on it, they're saying "oh hey see, it's easy". Oof. Can anyone recommend a good tutorial on this?
  21. 1. Here is my view from Isora. It's gorgeous. I also see the earth and moon? I don't see it anywhere else. Anyone know? 2. I am having an issue where my water is white. I didn't screw with anything, and I have an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 graphics card, so I can't imagine it's that. Any help would be appreciated!!
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