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Halo Fatale

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Everything posted by Halo Fatale

  1. here's me relaxing in the pool
  2. I watched Naria Panthar YouTube on heads and mesh bodies. Getting there!
  3. well, im in a predicament. ... i tried detaching all clothes and all huds, all attachments, only i look the same, only naked and more deformed. Guess I'm calling it a night. haha
  4. I'm kind of surprised that no one has made a step by step tutorial on this, including which bodies go with what heads, etc. Or is there one somewhere? I'm still working on figuring it out. Thanks for all your help.
  5. i wanted THAT head. 😛 I already bought the maitreya body. I will look for a head. (btw is LOUSEKI - Gigi Skin) a head? i think im not sure how to search for each component. I need a skin, a shape and a head, yeah? (Lelutka can only be found IN game? I tried to search in the marketplace and nothing really came up, just some skins) There needs to be some kinda compatibility chart. sigh. I appreciate everyone's help! I'm returning after 100 years, I can't even imagine how difficult all of this is to navigate, if one wer brand new to all of it.
  6. So I bought a Maitreya body, and I bought a compatible head. (bought not demo). Close enough, orrrrrr? Yeah, def not working. 100% user error, but HOW. I followed the directions.
  7. It's funny because I'm a lawyer IRL and know property law, but this is an entire new planet, literally. Thanks everyone so much for all your advice!
  8. I can't return it because the base of it is not on my parcel. The flag just flaps into my parcel, unfortunately. I am returning after 15 years, so re-learning everything has been a curve. I have figured out how to tweek the environment at the minimum level, but will check into learning how to move the sun.
  9. I have a beautiful parcel of land, where the sunset is viewable from one limited angle. The parcel owner next to me decided to put up a billboard, at the max height, the screams eye sore RIGHT at the VERY TIPPY edge of my parcel, blocking my view. It has flags on it from different levels; all "flap" over my boundary, basically encroaching on my parcel. What are the options other than moving? And, what would prevent someone from putting their land for sale, putting up a bunch of litter on the parcel, just to basically force the owner of an adjacent parcel to buy it to not have to deal with all the crap next door. Like IRL, there has to be some type of land use covenants, right? Can someone link me to where I find these in a TOS or similar? thanks I guess I could put up a huge wall to block it, but I imagine that would trigger some type of neighbor spat.
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