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Parker Lynwood

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Everything posted by Parker Lynwood

  1. Hahaha I love Cheshire! Lovely to meet you!
  2. Hey everyone! I’m returning to second life after a long hiatus! Would love to connect with new people. I’m from the UK so it’s often a bit lonely for us brits as there doesn’t seem to be many of us! Please drop me an IM in-world would love to connect!
  3. Hey everyone, I’ve recently just rejoined SL after a long hiatus. Would love to connect with fellow Brits!
  4. Hello everyone! I’ve recently returned to second life after a long hiatus! One of the main reasons I left was that it was a ghost town during UK hours! Would love to connect with fellow Brits!
  5. I was just wondering if I will lose my Linden home and the parcel it is on if I downgrade my premium account back to a basic account?
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