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  1. I assume the difference between King and Kang is that a King actually has power and authority where a Kang is contantly trying to prove their self worth while fighting their constant banishments from the real power behind SL.
  2. The hand simply indicates the object is set for "Touch", it does not necessarily mean it will have a menu. Try to right click and see what appears in the upper left of the Pie On on V2/V3, the pull down menu. It may just say Sit but it can also be scripted to define what it is supposed to do.
  3. ok, i think i know what you are saying. You are accessing a pull down menu that has an option button? In most cases, if you have a options button on a blue pull down menu, it will only work for the object owner or a member of the a group. everything is scripted different and it would depend on how it is scripted. Usually a message will appear in your chat that tells you that you cannot access that.
  4. are these on objects you have mod rights to and are these yours? Also are you clicking a rezzed object or one in your inventory?
  5. Good post! I spent hours in YouTube the other night trying to find some and though I found a ton of really great ones for World of Warcraft, I didnt see much for SL. If there are any WoW fans, I'd post those links here but I don't think SL fans are really big WoW fans.
  6. Welcome back, the name change was nearly a year ago and yes, we all fumed and yes we petitioned it and though they did facilitate some of our concersn, it still went through as stated. Another one of Phillips "Isn't this cool" features.
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