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daquari Stawberry

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Everything posted by daquari Stawberry

  1. I understand the need to raise prices, everyone has their own 'costs' Will the weekly stipends go up for Premium or will they stay the same? <once asked can I ask a stupid question.. answer was ... better than anyone I know> hah
  2. having had a business in SL years ago, I find this very rude towards the designer. People have the right to display how they want.. if you don't like it.. move on....
  3. Kathimac I messaged you inworld, as I could not log on in here. I use to make zooby clothes a few years ago, I assume the process is still the same, If I can help in anyway, please contact me daquari Stawberry < no R in stawberry , thats lindens misspell, not mine LOL >
  4. Did you find the help you needed for making zooby clothing? I have never made 'regular' clothing but I have done some Mesh TD clothes.. to me the process is totally different. At one time there were some tutorials on YouTube, I got my best help by asking people who were willing to help me find the answers. i wish they would come up with a mesh style for zooby clothing they are so much easier, but seeings how the babies are prim and not avatars I don't know if it is possible. If you'd like to contact me in World, I would be happy to answer any questions you might have. daquari Stawberry < no R in stawberry>
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