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Kadah Coba

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Posts posted by Kadah Coba

  1. 16 minutes ago, Matty Luminos said:

    Well this settles my debate on whether to put my alt back on premium - its no longer worth it.

    In all but some very iffy and narrow edge cases, its always cheaper to increase your tier than to premium up an alt. This increase only makes this slightly more true.

    13 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    These changes hurt everyone except land barons and I suspect the lowering of region prices is to combat the expected exodus of users out of estate rental and into Linden Homes.

    Single private region holders will see a $17.75 savings off $255/m. It is literally not much more than a token gesture, but I'll take it. This will help pay for the slight increases in mainland holding I did for frientals and I won't need to sell off any old mainland for now.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Digit Gears said:

    Actually, 25 was a increase. Was around 15 at one point, I can't recall if it was lower than that.

    Was originally 10 groups.

    Nov 10, 2004 it was raised to 15. http://forums-archive.secondlife.com/32/40/26961/1.html

    2006 it was raised to 25.

    2011 it was pushed to 42. If I remember right, there was a technical limitation preventing it from being higher than 25 before this and Oskar or Andrew made it 42 as a reference to HHGTTG.

    2015 was when the 60 bonus was added to premium.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Ani Aunerfal said:

    As a premium user who does not own land, I feel like I have effectively been screwed for the benefit of land owners, especially since the only part of my premium perks that seem to have been adjusted are the parts that have the least value. No increased stipend, no new featuers, no extra allocation of land? You're just gonna.. Let me join more groups and get more offline IMs. 


    Its not land owners in general, its just private full region owners. Mainland only land owners are getting the same bupkis you are.

    • Like 3
  4. 1 minute ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    OMG! Yes! Even though he has been gone for years now some of the crap he pulled (and tried to pull) still chaps my @$$.

    Michael should have been canned years sooner, one of the worst things even to SL. Complete feature stagnation and many dumb mistakes like paying a design firm, who had never touched SL before, to design the Viewer 2.0 UI. It took years to begin to recover.

  5. 1 minute ago, j0Q said:

    ''IMs get capped please send a notecard.'' I pretty sure I will continue to read that.  lol  I want one of those one time fee Charter Memberships I was told some of those old timers are getting L$500 to L$1,000 weekly stipend.

    Offline IMs and group notices to email are not capped, but are subject to the same unreliability.

    1 minute ago, Fox Wijaya said:

    i think we know LL longer than yesterday... if they meant that they would have added that. Or not mention it at all.

    Lawyers usually prevent such things and why we get "may be subject to" instead.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    I think you may have forgotten to take one thing into account on the changing last name thing. A lot of us basic accounts have last names because we've been here that long and longer. So why shouldn't we be able to pay to change our last names?

    From what I remember, the plan with bring back last names was to allow for paid changed. Given how long it has been without any news on it, I think there have been further complications to bring them back. I think we can all agree that this is Michael's fault.

    4 minutes ago, Fox Wijaya said:

    i can have misread but i hear nobody about the VAT... as far i know EU residents now get the VAT on premium waved away, but it seems to come back again according the post!
    That is a adittional 20% for the raised premiums!!! ...ehm...guys that gets a bit nuts!

    VERY small font...


    I think that was more of a "we are not an accredited tax advisory, we cannot speak authoritatively on VAT for your specific situation".

  7. 2 minutes ago, Selene Gregoire said:

    For some reason I rather doubt we shop at the same places for the same things. When the big move to the MP occurred I thought I would be losing the vast majority of the inworld stores I buy from. Fortunately, for me, I've been proven wrong. The majority of the places I shop at still have inworld stores. The ones that are still creating content anyway. Some of them are gone from SL and no longer have either location.

    In my experience, stores for human female shaped individuals are more likely to have an active in-world store. That appears to be one of the larger classifications market segments in SL. For those of us in the margins, the sales volumes on merchandise for our demographic is often not enough to sustain an in-world presence on its own.

  8. I made a long post on my take in the other thread. Dropping a link here so I don't have to duplicate it here in case LL only reads one of these.

    TL;DR, only one narrow class of resident sees any positive from this change and it amounts to saving $17.75 off $255/m. Everybody else gets some level of screwed.

    One additional point I didn't make in that post, the increased processing fees, this is mostly reasonable to me as such became industry standard about a year or more ago. LL seems to have chosen to do a single larger increases later rather than several smaller increases over the past few years.

    • Like 4
  9. 1 minute ago, Digit Gears said:

    That seems a bit petty, probably only like 10% of the stores on MP have a inworld.

    I'd be surprised if its that high. Of the few MP stores I see have an in-world linked, most no longer exist.

  10. The good for region owners: One region will cost $17.75 less per month with the $20 region decrease and the $2.25 member increase.

    The good for all other premium members: ???

    The good for everybody else: ???

    The whatever for all premium: 10 more groups, ok then. Offline messages have been bugged for years and 30 more is unlikely to make a difference.

    The whatever for basic: 10 fewer IM's, see previous line.

    The bad for premium with less than full region: Pay $27/yr for almost nothing more.

    The bad for non-premium, basic plebs: Less groups and if already at the 42 limit, will have to leave 8 groups to join 1 other group.... wtf?


    Since I own a region, this change seems to be a slight positive for me. The region price change isn't enough to actually make a difference, its more of a nice gesture than anything less. Now if they dropped it by around 40%, I'd start consider get another region or two and starting up a resident created experience, but at the current prices, such things are beyond being economical. If they offered the buy-down program again, I would be quite happy (I missed it last time because LL didn't post it anywhere other than the blog).

    I am having a hard time seeing any upside for every other class of resident, eg. all that don't own full region(s). The premium raise doesn't seem too bad given it hasn't changed in forever and inflation is a thing, but it would have been nice if there was actually something of value for non region owners in this. Given how extremely unreliable offline group notices are (50-95% failure rate on average in the tests I have been doing over the last 2.5 years for BUG-40824), the higher limit is near meaningless.

    Making premium more expensive and basic worse is not a good start on convincing more residents to upgrade. The $17.75 savings on $255/m is unlikely to sway more than a handful in to getting a new region.

    • At a minimum, the group limit needs to be unchanged for basic, this alone is the most stupid change. Basic should just remain the same, or at worse, new limits only affect new users (and that would still be poop).
    • There is still a massive volume of abandoned mainland, seriously, another tier boost would be nice to see.
    • If they want more region owners, drop the price to an even $199, lower the setup few to $50-100, and do a week long promo in June to waive the setup fee.
    • After the cloud move: Add more adult mainland regions and finally finish the Zindra continent. Further region and tier price drops to promote more new land owners.


    57 minutes ago, amberstarfield said:

    "Priority support" is useful for billing issues so LL can get your money

    This was the primary benefit, and often whole reason, for being premium long ago when billing was a constant problem and billing tickets were backlogs over 6-9+ months for years.

    • Like 10
  11. In RL, it doesn't cost money for the space you occupy to exist*. That is a general property of RL that SL doesn't have.


    *This may not be true, but we lack the ability to observer the universes which ours may be a simulation within.

  12. On a more serious note, I'm a viewer dev of almost 10 years. My current rate is $500/hour, but if you ideas are impractical or infeasible, you'll still have to pay. My resume includes the reasons why some of your ideas would be implicitly against current TPV polices rather than just implied, being the official source for how non-web profiles work, [redacted due to NDA], and more.

  13. 1 minute ago, Klytyna said:

    I've spent many a night in IT Ops on late shifts at weekends, and it's often acase that the systems by which you normally hear that something isn't working , simply don't work well at these times.

    You don't get calls from the helpdesk call center people because they went home on Friday at 7 pm. You don't get emails from the support ticket team because they went home on Friday at 5 pm.

    You might not notice that anything is wrong at all until you get a frantic phone call from a manager who got bored and logged into the forum and noticed a thread with people complaining that something was broken.


    This. Since Lindens use the service too, one of them will eventually be trying to login too, hit the same issue and call up night shift to check on it.

  14. Zindra tends to be the mainland that typically has a lot of issues. Seems like most sims there are usually TD'd and issues with neighbors appear common.

    Meanwhile on the mainland I've had for like a decade, I've basically never had an issue outside of an invisible region sized mega prim once a long time ago.

  15. If land was cheaper, they'd sell more land.

    At a minimum, making the non-adult mainland tiers either cheaper or each tier having more sqm would go a long way in doing something with all that abundant abandoned land everywhere.

    If full private regions were cheaper, I'd consider getting another or two as many more options start to become more viable.

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