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Angelina Sinclair

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Posts posted by Angelina Sinclair

  1. It really depends where you show up as an animal. It is quite easy to be disruptive in RP sims with the wrong ava. Say.. a giant dragon flying around in a realistic urban setting. Or a panther standing in the middle of people in an adult sim. These are things I've seen happen. lol

    Though in any other place, I don't see why it would be an issue.

    • Like 2
  2. On 1/20/2022 at 5:05 PM, Oct Oyen said:

    This is a bad thing? Pornhub is a billion dollar company.

    In the wake of Twitter shooting itself in the foot by removing adult content and OnlyFans having to back peddle their decisions to remove adult content as well, this doesn't sound like a bad thing at all.

    The fact SL can stay profitable while having "weird sex fetishes and perverts" should be a testimony to the potential SL has hidden.

    Just imagine what SL could do with a real engine! Real game mechanics! lol

    I just think to Roblox and what they've manage to create and the plethra of games and things you can do there vs SL lacking the tools for people to replicate that here.


    • Like 3
  3. On 1/14/2022 at 6:49 PM, Paul Hexem said:

    If you need more of these, you're the reason SL is so laggy. You're basically asking to buy a GPU crasher.

    The ideas for Tier, Stipend, and limited use homesteads are much better.


    If your GPU will crash over someone having too high of complexity, then it is time for an upgrade. Nothing within the past 5 years will crash from that.

    Avatar complexity is over hyped and dramatized as the ultimate factor in lag. It is not. The mere presence of avas with no scripts, no attachments, is enough to induce lag. The SL engine and architect is the issue.

    Not me wearing an extra piece of jewelry.


    • Haha 3
  4. What I'd love to see is:

    • FREE OUTFIT GALLERY UPLOADS (Seriously, introduce outfit gallery but nickle and dime us per upload for it just asinine)
    • Free uploads (or like free 100 uploads a month or something)
    • Ability to share inventory with an alt. (at least one!)
    • Larger tier/land allowance
    • Being 1st to be able to buy land from LL cause buying it from expensive 3rd parties is terrible.
    • Ability to own homestead without a full sim (thanks Anna Salyx for the idea)
    • Increased attachment limits
    • Increase animesh attachments.


  5. Ok so amazon AWS thingy mentions the issue here: https://status.aws.amazon.com/

    But also includes a fix:


    For immediate mitigation for NLB, customers are able to: 1) disable the subnet for usw2-az2 in Network Load Balancer 2) create a new Network Load Balancer that does not use usw2-az2. For NAT Gateway/PrivateLink, you may modify your route tables to direct traffic to NAT Gateways in other Availability Zones or disabling PrivateLink endpoints in usw2-az2.


    Where's LL's network hamster nerd? Please decipher and fix it! 🥺

    • Haha 2
  6. I've had a few odd chats. With some guys making remarks if my white skin and beauty. I kindly tons them I'm not white but Hispanic save not interested.

    I've also have seen a number of white and black supremacy groups in SL all focused on it being a kink and not you know, neonazis and the such.

    Definitely not a kink for me. I do however find it odd that people have this kink cause like you could still have all the usual bdsm stuff without the racist undertones. Guess there's something there in not seeing but each to their own.

  7. On 8/25/2021 at 7:32 PM, Pixie Kobichenko said:

    But also obviously- transferable.  I don’t know how many times I gave for the sake of helping complete strangers who would ask in various group chats for different things.  Maybe they were new & wanted “cheap” hair- well I’ve got 5 copies of this hair, in such & such colors- let me send you one.  Or someone who was hoping to win a particular item & never could & didn’t find it in a yard sale.  Just bought a new body & needed help building wardrobe?  Guess what- I’ve got plenty.   More often than not I was met with mistrust- or instant responses of “no wait I can’t pay you”.  But I never asked for money.  Just the pleasure of being helpful.  Let’s not forget housewarming & pixel partnership presents.  Not sure how many toasters & cocoa makers I gave away over the years.

    I understand why they’re being banned (the machines) but they weren’t nearly dripping with the evil attributed to them as a whole.

    Nothing is stopping these gacha sellers from trying to recreate this. They could sell no copy/trans items if they wish. Make it cheaper than the usual copy/no-trans version.

    They could even release the items as limited edition until next year to drive demand and that impulse spending.

    But will they? I doubt it. They probably go with this silly conveyor belt idea cause the gacha RNG is too profitable.Customer satisfaction comes second.


  8. 14 hours ago, Da5id Weatherwax said:

    As a proof-of-concept I slapped together a few scripts - all based around a 10-item FIFO fed by a list of 22, items, with odds 18x5%, 1x4% 1x3%, 1x2%, 1x1%

    I made one that randomly fed it with the odds alone, then I added "modifiers"

    One that restricted the 4 "rarer" items to only having one in the FIFO at any time.

    One that wouldn't add a "rarer" item to the list unless the last "player" had made more than 4 pulls out of the last 10.

    One that had both of the above.

    Then a "player" script and a "controller" script. The player script had a 50% chance of being "interested" in the next item, increased by 10% if the announced display contained a "rarer" item, increased by 10% if the display contained at least one item they hadn't already "got" from the set or by 20% if the display contained more than 4 items they hadn't "already got,"  If the display included the ONLY item they hadn't already got, "interest" was hard-jumped to 90%. If a player already had the full set, their interest was hard-jumped down to 20. The controller script registered all the "interest" from player scripts, and if the last player was "interested" gave them an 80% chance of the next pull, if the last player wasn't interested or failed the 80% check it picked one of the "interested" players and randomly assigned them the next pull to them.

    I then dumped a controller, a test script and 20 "players" into a prim and let it run.

    The FIFO sequence still "looked" random unless you analysed it more deeply but the modified scripts drew more pulls in a row from players with identical "interest parameters.

    Now, this was simplistic and NOT a good model of the complexities of human gambling behaviour, but it illustrates the concept of a "rigged conveyor" that would be almost impossible to detect very well.

    Thank you for this!


    Those that support Gacha need to be made aware of how easy it is for the game to be rigged against the customers. It is impossible for LL to regulate this no matter what they try, SL is not build for kind of regulation. Otherwise they would've tried to keep gambling long ago. Given all the laws that are out and will be coming out in the future is just best to nix this method of selling items and try something new.

    • Thanks 1
  9. 10k gacha fatpacks? lol. Ok, it best be the best looking thing around with 100 colors/patterns and various style options for me to change it into. Otherwise, Blueberry has that beat at a better price.

    To Gacha sellers,

    Here's an actual idea you should considered: Limited Edition sales?

    It doesn't have to be a box with 5,000 copies or anything. It could be a limited time sale between a few days to a week. All being no-copy/transfer items just like the usual gachas. Resellers can sell as usual.

    You could try to mimicking the cash shops of Fortnite where they put stuff out for a limited time and then it could be gone forever or maybe be back next year cause it is seasonal or maybe it won't! Up to you.

    This way you encourage the rush, your product is limited as per usual, no more junk items in the marketplace, and those that get one will know they will appreciate in value over time.


    Personally I hate this idea and won't buy Limited Edition items, but I think it is a viable alternative to the gacha system at least. You will probably retain the same resellers and buyers per usual but your audience won't grow to the rest of SL. For that you need to take on a more traditional selling method but hey, you do you and sell how you wish.

    Better than a conveyor belt system at least.


    • Thanks 1
  10. On 8/6/2021 at 6:01 PM, Kyau Brodie said:

    Happy to see some creators already working on the new conveyor vendors!


    Now I don't have to buy a fatpack for 3000L of 20 dogs just to get 1 dog for 50L.

    If the one you want isn't coming up, just get it from a reseller.


    Let's imagine for a moment this replaces gacha and becomes the new trend. Here's what is going to happen:

    • Shoppers will look at the array of 11 items and see no rares or colors they like and move on.
    • Shoppers will notice a color they like and do the mental math and decide if it is worth it.
    • Shoppers will notice that there is a rare and spend wildly to get it so they can resell it or enjoy it. (mostly resell it)

    ^This is what you think will happen. Let me tell you what will really happen.

    1) Gacha Sellers who try this system with the basic Gacha scripts will see a sharp decline in sales because no one cares about teal, green, random pastel color, etc. Sales will drop but they will get a little something. It will be a flop until a savy scripter comes along and changes the game.

    2) Next iteration of this will involved rares showing very frequently. Maybe after 3-5 purchases it will pop up at the end of the train almost requiring you to purchase it cause what idiot is gonna leave a 3,000L gacha item when the price to invest for it is only 500-750L or whatever.  Oddly enough you'll only see 1 rare item ever in a train until it is purchased. Hm it is almost like it knows to not drop a second one... anyway! Vendors start making about what they use to.

    This will catch on until....! Suddenly there is too many rares popping up in the 3rd party market of sales. Suddenly that 3k item will drop in price to like 1500 or 1,000 cause everyone can get it and now sell it. Some resellers won't like that and will avoid Vendors who are known to drop a ton of rares, hurting that Vendor's sales. It'll be tough to figure out the perfect balance, frustrating Vendors over time.

    3) Next iteration comes out and now the Conveyor Belts will conveniently recycle its contents. Those 10 items you see there? Yeah they will just re-roll them all again after the vendor was left alone for 5-10mins. It would be advertised as the new Lucky Chairs! A new way to boost traffic sales! Now if customers aren't getting the rare they want they can wait for it to recycle and see if it pops up or after a few pulls it finally drops and you know, you know... it will be tracking who is around it and how long they've been standing there. You know... cause innocent naive reasons.

    4) The 3rd and final iteration will be birth once customers start complaining about having to wait so long. They hate it, don't like and wish the darn thing will recycle itself when they want it to! Well jolly good! Boy do we have the solution for you! You can PAY to reroll and bonus, it'll even increase the chances of a rare to pop up! If it doesn't, pay again and it'll be even higher! It'll totally not feel like a slot machine and hey, you know, you don't to pay to re-roll them, you can always wait... but who will do that, hm?

    Alternative the nicer ones might let you turn in unwanted gachas for a chance to re-roll it and in doing so they help control the marketplace prices so there is less of the same thing for sale and the prices for them are higher up. They say this is a nice thing they do, to not be predatory like the others but you still gonna be paying cash money either to the reseller or them, regardless.



    There you have it. My predictions for the conveyor belt system over the next year or so.


    Aren't I evil?

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    • Haha 4
  11. 1 minute ago, Faly Breen said:

    hold it. people can use prize giver-boxes and use this system and put the droprates of the items people could cast for extremly low and the rarety extremly high - yes prize boxes are a thing you can set up within the 7seas system so about that.


    It is going to have to reach the levels of LL and governments noticing. Even so the success of this will be near impossible.

    To fish with 7seas you must pay the vendor for bait and it is like 30L for 100 bait. You can even buy more bait if you spend more cash. 600 bait for 150L or 2400 bait for 600L.

    Then you must consider the amount of time it takes to use up all that bait. Then finally the amount said 3rd party seller with prize boxes will make per bait sale. You make 20% per sale on YOUR vendor. So a savy person could make an alt account, buy the 7seas system, buy with their main to fill up on bait, then repay themselves the 20% discount and just go fishing at your Fishing spot for those extremely rare prizes.

    It's been a while since I played this but I am pretty sure there's no way to enforce someone to buy bait from your vendor only to play the game and win your prizes. Also I don't think there is a way to require a certain amount must be spent on the commission vendor you put out. So a person who wins the ultra rare goodie might've not spent a dime on your vendor and walked away happy.

    That is great for customers but utterly terrible for business.


  12. Let's contrast and compare some things:


    • drop coin into vendor, receive a random item.
    • Rarity and market value can vary depending on brand.
    • Sellers are vast, no standardization among gacha sellers.
    • Few laws if any laws are regulating this, for now.
    • Rare items are sometimes needed to complete an outfit or set.
    • No other game elements
    • You must pay to play, no free plays.

    Trading cards

    • Pay cash to receive a random set of cards.
    • Rarity and market value varies depending on brand and poularity
    • Original sellers are big cooperations and rarity of cards is regulated by laws.
    • Some have actual game elements (Pokemon, Yugioh, Magic the gathering, etc)
    • Rare cards are not needed to play the game and sometimes not compete but do help.

    Gumdrop machines

    • Drop coin in machine, receive random item
    • Rarity is random but market value is nonexistent.
    • Sellers are localized to mom & pop shops and do not achieve brand recognization for their gumdrop machines.
    • Laws do exist that might hit a vendor if their gumdrop machine started to have monetary value.
    • No other game elements involved, usually.

    Breedables in SL

    • Pay lindens for a set of pets and food to raise.
    • Rarity and market value can vary depending on popularity AND breeding.
    • Only 1 true seller per breedable brand, but each have a huge community and 3rd party market compared to gacha.
    • Game elements are present in the form of breeding and maintenance of pets. (Meeroos had petting for example)
    • Rarity of breed can be stacked in your favor with planning and proper breeding. Showing skill is a factor
    • Original vendor does not sell a chance for a rare breed. They only sell you the food to keep it going, like a token.
    • You can not cash dump a ton of money into original vendor like gachas to spam the machine and roll many times for a rarity. Nixing that gambler itch. You must wait for the animals to breed, however long that takes. Yes, you can just get more but you still wait regardless.
    • No regulations currently exist related to breedables.

    7Seas Fishing

    • Pay lindens for starter kit
    • Fishing is free but no level or rare items for fishing, you must buy bait
    • Only 1 true seller of 7seas fishing products.
    • Bait is extremely cheap (literal pennies) and provides 100 uses or so. Each one is a chance at a rare item.
    • Rare items have no monetary value (aka no one resells in marketplace anyway).
    • Fishing takes time even with bait, there is no way to spam the fishing with cash to get your rare items quicker.
    • You can still play with friends without spending a single linden beyond initial fee. Levels and rare items are optional.
    • There is a semblance of a game with the levels and crafting you can do.
    • No laws would bother with this given there is zero monetary value with the game's products.

    Conveyor Belt idea

    • Pay vendor for random item.
    • Rarity and market value is dependent on brand.
    • Sellers would be vast and there will be no regulation. Even if LL released their own conveyor belt script (they won't) people will still try to sell their versions of the conveyor belt script or try to hack the LL one in some way with clever coding.
    • While no laws specifically target the Conveyor Belt idea, there will be a country that will eventually nail it. Plus there was a case about this in the US: https://www.moberlymonitor.com/story/news/2021/02/25/moberlys-deskins-1913-gumball-machine-led-illegal-gambling/4576611001/
    • There no other game element to it.
    • You must pay to play, no free plays.


    When you compare it like this you can see why Gacha and the Coveyor Belt idea are in their own little boxes and different from other random change games, because you know those are actual games while Gacha (and gumball machine) is not. They are just product dispensers and sure getting a random gumball that is could be purple instead of red might seem innocent.

    However when the prize award can be worth from $50L to $4000L ($0.20 to $16) then we are reaching claw machine level of prizes and those two are regulated by the law. Yet even they are more of a game than say a gacha machine that just takes coin and spits out a prize.

    • Thanks 2
  13. 14 minutes ago, AmyBlackwood said:

    From which governments? Not even Belgium law defines the conveyor belt vendor as gambling. You can't be punished for following the letter of the law even if it circumvents the spirit of the law.

    The Netherland laws would deem them illegal if the prizes have a market value and since gachas generally do have market value because you can resell them, then they would get hit with fines.

    Just because the RNG numbers have been displayed for the next 5 slots doesn't remove the gambling aspects of it. The gambler will just be eyeing the 5th slot and feed lindens into the machine waiting for that epic rare to drop in the 5th slot.

    • Thanks 1
  14. Quote

    Q:  Could a “conveyor belt” system work?  

    Example:  The vendor board selects an item at random and displays it for purchase.  That item remains on display and available for purchase until a buyer touches the vendor which locks it to them for purchase.  This allowed the buyer to purchase the item and deliver it.  The vendor unlocks and then selects another item at random and displays it for purchase and the cycle repeats.

    Example image here and credit to Nadi Vemo for the approved vendor design.

    A:  Yes, as long as the item currently being purchased is known. Note however that you should discontinue the use of the “gacha” term for these sales. 


    This is a terrible idea and will probably get LL nailed with a fine or something from governments. I also do not like this idea at all. I don't care what I can see is available for purchase even if you showed me the next 10 items in a sequence. The reseller will come in and buy it all up if they see a rare.

    If there isn't a rare or popular color they will go away and wait for someone else to drop some lindens into it and check back later and if they see something valuable, they'll buy it up again. In the end, the reseller will greatly win out of this while the casual player will definitely NOT get any of the rare items.

    By it's nature alone it is worse than current gacha cause at least everyone had the same random chances. Now it is rigged in favor for resellers.


    This entire thing should be put to rest and die. I am sorry, try a new business models. Plenty of stores and vendors out there selling well with fatpacks and such. Join new events and fairs that cater to your products themes. Run your own events, do something but get off the gacha train, it is ending time to face the music.



    • Like 5
    • Thanks 3
  15. To gacha creators who fear the worse:

    Do not fret. Your audience and market reach has opened up. You can now take part in new events and themed events that can generate more sales for you. There are potentially more costumers out there now thanks to this. In the long run you will be better off, you just have to keep pushing forward.

    I am one of many who didn't buy gacha items from vendors and rarely bought gacha from resellers. Only when I absolutely had no other options to pick from did I grab some gacha items. The no-copy, no-mod and sheer volume of items to get all the colors I wanted was just... frustrating. I rather buy a fatpack of colors to fit my needs.

    I look forward to buy from many makers that might actually now sell items that aren't no-copy.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  16. So today I figured out what I'll be doing. Since the people I am renting land from are offering a paypal option to pay for tier with I'll be doing that from now on.

    LL won't get a cut of me buying lindens nor a cut of the cash when my landlord cashes out. This will save me money in the long run.

    As for my shopping sprees... I don't know, maybe it is time I'll temper it down and wait to see how shops respond. See if they cut prices or do more specials.

    • Like 5
  17. This will have a major impact on impulse spending, shopping, and content creators. Those who casually spend $30, $50, $100 or more on linden purchases will do less of it cause of this fee. Not because they can't afford it, they certainly can! It is just that now the usual amount of money they dedicated for SL doesn't go as far as it use to. The L$ itself has lost value and it is represented with an actual lower L$ gain per purchase.

    So less L$ per purchase, means less L$ to content creators. Some might not think this is a big deal but for each time someone hits that $9.99 cap that is about L$2000 that could've gone to a content creator, friend, rent, etc. just vanishing into the ether of fees.

    Now for someone to hit that they say you need to spend around $139 which is about L$35,000 lindens. So L$2000 less per purchase is a disappointment and will stack with each purchase and it is sad and annoying to see happen. You want that person who likes dropping $100 or more on impulse buying to keep doing that and you want their money to go far so everyone enjoys it.

    So because of that slight tightening of the L$ wallet they will impulse buy less. Maybe they don't need those few pairs of shoes they saw that one time. Maybe they don't buy a fatpack when 2 or 3 single colors is just fine. Creators will have to bring their prices down to compensate and encourage similar levels of spending. You tell me what creator will actually think that is a good idea.

    This is just a bad move all around. Now I get that LL needs to make money but there has to be other ways to encourage that. Here are some ideas off the top of my head so this post doesn't sound so whiny:


    -Reduce fees for those on premium accounts. This way you encourage more to get one and encourage more impulse linden purchases.

    -Push the fees towards land sales. Land Barons are more capable of absorbing the brunt of this fee. Sure, for the average person who buys land in the future will deal with a price hike but that is a one-time price hike. Versus it following you with every purchase.

    -Invest in larger pre-built premium homes. I didn't get a premium account for that tiny parcel house. I got it for the tech support. Private sandboxes are meh,

    -Introduce a subscription service to support content creators. It works for youtube, twitch and the like. Content creators can decide what they want offer on a monthly basis. This gives them new ways to monetize their business and will make it easier for others as well.

    -Introduce a new premium feature that connects the inventories of your alts. Add a fee to increase the number of alts with connected inventories. You might think this will reduce purchases but it will infact do the inverse as you now don't need to worry about what alt gets what or which alt had what.


    I am sure I could come up with others and with some work I bet LL could introduce new features and systems they can monetize in some way. However, tapping into someone's spending is a sure fire way to hurt the economy and discourage more spending.



    • Like 5
    • Haha 2
  18. I honestly stop buying no-mod furniture. It was becoming a pain to work them into rezzers and make them fit the scenes I have. It is a shame too cause I've seen some really nice things but I just can't anymore with no-mod furniture.



    I still buy no-mod clothing but am slowly leaning towards more mod stuff. Problem is majority of clothing creators make no-mod stuff. Probably to just sell the colors in singles, which I get but also.. why?

    Do you know how annoying it is to spend $1300L or more L per item just so you can get all the colors to play with? This is obnoxious. I know some have made a killing like this but not everyone is going to buy that and would more likely buy their favorite color.

    To me I would rather if the creator sold the fatpack version at around 300L-500L. Then I could buy 3-4 items for the same L$ and have more of their clothes to wear. Versus me getting this one cute top or set of jeans that I'll wear a few days and won't wear again for a few months (has happened). If I bought more from this creator for the same L$ spent, I'd wear more of their products, which in turn helps advertise for them.

    Plus if it is mod, then I can go add material shine to my liking, maybe make a latex version of it and really enjoy the clothes I got, which will (and has) enticed others to get the same thing.

    • Thanks 1
  19. And to the curious about my PC specs:

    Kokua Release FTRLV (64bit)
    Release Notes

    CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10700K CPU @ 3.80GHz (3792.01 MHz)
    Memory: 32691 MB
    OS Version: Microsoft Windows 10 64-bit (Build 19041.746)
    Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Graphics Card: GeForce RTX 2070/PCIe/SSE2

    Windows Graphics Driver Version:
    OpenGL Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 456.71

    Window size: 1920x1017
    Font Size Adjustment: 96pt
    UI Scaling: 1
    Draw distance: 64m
    Bandwidth: 1300kbit/s
    LOD factor: 4
    Render quality: 5
    Advanced Lighting Model: Enabled
    Texture memory: 2048MB
    VFS (cache) creation time: December 03 2020 16:41:20

    RestrainedLove API: RestrainedLove viewer v2.09.28.03 (6.4.11)
    J2C Decoder Version: KDU v8.0.5
    Audio Driver Version: FMOD Studio 2.01.01
    CEF-Version: Dullahan:
      CEF: 81.3.10+gb223419+chromium-81.0.4044.138
      Chromium: 81.0.4044.138
    LibVLC Version: 2.2.8
    Voice Server Version: Not Connected
    Built with MSVC version 1916
    February 01 2021 13:24:10

  20. I've been having this same issue for the past few months and have yet to pin-point the matter. I use the Kokua viewer and have been in talks with the creator about it in a bug report. So somethings to note for the tech savy:

    • -I have Fiber optic internet (Verizon FIOS)
    • -I've ran ping to the sim I am on for hours while waiting for my usual disconnection to happen and when it did, the ping reported 0% packet loss.
    • This happens on Firestorm and Kokua viewer
    • This happens on a different computer on the same network
    • This happens at separate occasions from the other computer IE: I may disconnect but the other one remains online and visa versa
    • The connections to said router are all wired, not wireless (will try wireless soon when an adapter arrives in the mail)
    • Used other pinging programs and none found any issue before and after my disconnection
    • I've reported it to LL customer support, they say use their viewer then get back to them (obvious response is obvious)
    • I've collected the crash logs and all show similar messages to this: 2021-01-28T20:15:40Z WARNING # llmessage/llcircuit.cpp(1053) LLCircuitData::checkCircuitTimeout : LLCircuitData::checkCircuitTimeout for last ping 104.090404s seconds ago.
    • I've collected detailed crash logs with network messaging inside of them (Develop -> Network -> Enable message log). Again nothing out of the ordinary until sudden disconnect and everything spirals into a disconnection with similar messages as above.
    • When experiencing a disconnection it is immediately apparent as people stop chatting, things stop moving and I can't move. I can usually tell majority of the time. Also when UDP packets received is suddenly 0, then I am disconnected. I realize it long before SL. Prior to that moment I could be locked in an engaging conversation, typed my response and get disconnected right after. I am connected, at fiber optic speeds, until suddenly I am not. Like someone clipped the line or pull the plug.
    • I've port forwarded all ports I can for SL, to the best of my ability.
    • I've disabled the firewall on my PC and router and still disconnections.
    • Immediately after disconnecting or realizing I disconnect, I restart and can login instantly.
    • Disconnections happen at any time while I am listening to music or watching a video aka data is still streaming to my PC from other sources.
    • This does not happen with any other MMOs I play. It is only with SL.


    Now with that said there are a few things I haven't tried yet:

    • Contacting my ISP (cause lord knows I'm gonna get looped back to SL support team, then 3rd party viewer, and back around)
    • Connect to SL via another internet provider like a neighbor's wifi or hotspot (waiting for adapter in mail)
    • Perform a summoning ritual and beg the old gods to fix my internet.


    That's it. That's basically all I am left to do to try and figure out where the source of this issue is and I am 99.99% certain it isn't my hardware or network. This PC of my mine is brand new and this issue happened on my old PC as well.

    I think what is the most frustrating thing about this matter is that when I contact support or others about this; no matter how much detail or knowledge I provide on the issue and the number of things tested. They want me to test something again or go try a new avenue, basically pointing to a network hardware issue when I am pretty damn sure it is a viewer or SL server issue at this point.

    Still if you got any other ideas of what I can try let me know so that when I do contact support again I can dump a laundry list of things I tried and give them stink eye to finally realize the issue is not me but something else.


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