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Zak Kozlov

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Everything posted by Zak Kozlov

  1. Oh I missed that one. Very clever work around. Thank you
  2. Hello, I searched this topic but all thread dates and I wondered if there was anything new now. I made this clock and I naively thought that I would just have to set the origin in blender and export the clock hands and their pivot point would be the origin, but I was wrong. Any idea how I can make these hands rotate where they should? (while being linked, ideally) Thank you
  3. Oh gawd. I posted this topic and digged deeper in my head. Tried to think of stuffs that I didnt think of... and I've figured it out. That's a colorwheel that I've made before I started working on the HUD as a standalone thing. When I changed my HUD while restructuring it, I forgot to remove it's own script with its own touch event. That's why it was still working yet not responding to the touch event of the HUD main script. Fixed. Sorry for the useless post. Tho I probably wouldn't have figured it out if I hadn't made it. Maybe it'll still help someone else.
  4. Hello, So, I been working on a HUD for my mesh body. I was about to make the last part (presets) then realized that I needed to restructure much of how the HUD is communicating to make this easier. So I did just that. After such big changes on a 600ish code, I had to debug some stuffs, and I did just fine. But then this thing... The color changing part wasn't working anymore. Tried to print stuff and realized that the body just didn't get any message from it. I tried to OwnerSay the message, I got nothing. I tried to print just "touched" on the first line of it's condition (if (touched prim is colorhweel { do things }) and I didn't get anything. Now that's a really odd behavior, considering that the wheel itself is changing colors and that the things making this happen are in the very same condition. I decided to just print "TOUCHED" on everything. Right after the touch event. And the result is what you see in the GIF right here: https://i.imgur.com/oHzySGX.gifv This is ULTRA weird. The wheel itself seems to work just fine when clicked, but it's as if it's not able to say anything (either as OwnerSay or as RegionSay, which explains why my body don't get anything) Did anyone else ever had that issue? any idea what's happening here? I'm thinking corrupted prim, but then again why it's reacting when it comes to change color but not when it comes to output anything. I unlinked and relinked the whole hud, didn't help. Thanks for your help
  5. Hello, I understand the conversion from Cartasian to Polar, I'm not sure why would I need the differences in coordinates? I use the touched surface position on top of a cylinder and did some progress, when i'm entering the coordinate of x and y that I use with llAtan2() on the website I linked in my OP, I'm getting the right polar coordinate, but what llAtan2 returns with them doesn't make sense and I'm not sure why. This is what I have right now: (I print lots of things to try to figure out the differences and whats happening with llAtan2 (the HSVtoRGB is taken from the wiki)) This is not as an HUD for now but from what I saw when I attach it as a HUD, i'd only have to change the axis for the same result float hue; float sat; float val; float touchX; float touchY; vector hsv; vector HSVtoRGB( vector hsv ) { integer i; float H = hsv.x; if (H<0) // catch malformed H input H=0; else if (H>=360) H=0; float S = hsv.y; if (S<0) // catch malformed S input S=0; else if (S>1) S=1; float V = hsv.z; if (V<0) // catch malformed V input V=0; else if (V>1) V=1; float R; float G; float B; float f; // variables for calculating base color mixing around the "spectrum circle" float p; float q; float t; vector rgb; if( S == 0 ) { // achromatic (grey) simply set R,G, & B = Value R = V; G = V; B = V; rgb.x = R; rgb.y = G; rgb.z = B; return rgb; } H /= 60; // Hue factored into range 0 to 5 i = llFloor( H ); // integer floor of Hue f = H - i; // factorial part of H p = V * ( 1 - S ); q = V * ( 1 - S * f ); t = V * ( 1 - S * ( 1 - f ) ); if (i==0){ R = V; G = t; B = p; } else if (i==1){ R = q; G = V; B = p; } else if (i==2){ R = p; G = V; B = t; } else if (i==3){ R = p; G = q; B = V; } else if (i==4){ R = t; G = p; B = V; } else { R = V; G = p; B = q; } rgb.x = R; rgb.y = G; rgb.z = B; return rgb; } default { touch_start(integer total_number) { integer touchFace = llDetectedTouchFace(0); vector touchST = llDetectedTouchST(0); if (touchFace == 0) { touchX = (touchST.x*100)-50; touchY = (touchST.y*100)-50; hsv.x = llAtan2(touchY, touchX); hsv.y = ((touchX*touchX)+(touchY*touchY))*0.5; hsv.z = 1.0; llSay(0,"TouchX: "+ (string)touchX + " TouchY: " + (string)touchY); llSay(0, "Hue: "+(string)hsv.x); llSay(0, "Saturation: " +(string)hsv.x); llSay(0, "Value: " +(string)hsv.y); llSay(0,"HSV: " +(string)hsv); llSay(0,"RGB: " +(string)HSVtoRGB(hsv)); llSay(0,"__________________________________________________"); llSetColor( HSVtoRGB(hsv), 1 ); } } }
  6. Hello I am trying to make a HSV color picker since I can't find any around and I'm making a circular HUD. I've been researching this for a while now and I think that I'm in the right path, but I lack putting it all together, maybe someone can help me? I did some touch face position test to figure out how the top of a cylinder worked and then did research about how to convert those xy coordinate to HSV and found some things that seems to be on the right track: http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/converting-cartesian-polar-coordinates-d_1347.html http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6279999/finding-a-dot-on-a-circle-by-degree But when I did some math with the raw coordinate that my prim gave out when clicked randomly, things didn't really made any sense. Am I missing something? Maybe the whole radian thing with SL that can't get in my head? Do I need to convert anything from that? Would appreciate any help, Thanks!
  7. I've sent you a notecard about 2days ago. I'm sorry if that's a wrong way to contact you, i'll create a ticket next time. From my understanding of the webpage you linked, if I'm creating a ticket I will be getting the test version available? I know that you are aware of the issue now but I'd really like to be able to check it out on the test version, can I do that? Thank you
  8. Hello, I'm trying to make my avatar both fitted and bento compatible, so I have to go with Avastar 2 for Bento despite it not being production ready, and there seem to have a problem with the fitted part of it. The whole body seems to get misaligned when Fitted: http://i.imgur.com/phCNb1n.png I don't have that issue with the very same rig on version 1.7.3: http://i.imgur.com/NQsRsCL.png Also, I guess it's worth noting that the misalignment is not visible in Blender, everything seems just fine. It looks that way only in SL, so I've tried all kind of different export and import settings but nothing seems to do it. Anybody know how to make that work? I've already tried Blender Avastar group and Gaia but got no answers. I'm hoping someone can save me here! Thank you
  9. Thank you, I was using 1.7.2 just updated to 1.7.3 and it works as expected. I have v2 but it's not yet ready/recommended right? Is there an estimated time frame for when there will be a production ready version? I want to play with Bento hehe Thanks again!
  10. Hello! I been working on a mesh avatar and i'm having some issues making it fitted. Now I do know that only hitting "Fully Fitted" is not gonna do it and there's a balance and lots of work to do to make it behave properly, but it's a good start so I'm doing that, and as soon as I'm doing that, the head of the legacy mesh under it goes up and gets bigger, having watched the whole playlist of Gaia about fitted mesh I believe it's not a normal behavior and there must be something wrong in my set up. Here it is in images: Before I hit "Fully Fitted": https://gyazo.com/5ea1adc362feacf87c5f19179020c8fc After I transfer to fully fitted: https://gyazo.com/5892d83cfa5770f4671150b748f3bbc6 Result in world: https://gyazo.com/6783fdf7ba4409920cb66ec5beac62f8 (How it normaly is: https://gyazo.com/36ff47921bdc278c99b3187fcd7a5550 ) As you can see it appears to be spaghettified or something after I convert to fitted. In blender the legacy shape gets bigger, and in SL it's the body that gets thinner compared to the shape. What am I doing wrong? I really want to make this body fully fitted but I might only be able to partly fit it if I can't figure that out. Thank you
  11. Hello! Sometimes for many reasons I create my mesh not in T-Pose. and I figured out a workflow for rigging them that works but it's quite annoying to do: One: unbind / freeze the avatar in the same position as the clothing (or it will deform back on step two) Two: Snap rig to pose Three: Reattach the avatar in the new position and start rigging my clothe When done weight painting I detach my clothing while keeping its weight and start with a fresh Avastar, pose it, re-attach my clothing and alter to rest pose. My mesh clothe is now smoothly weighted and is in T-Pose However, I seen some mesh around that were not frozen in T-Pose at all yet still followed the animation positions in SL as if it was. Here is an example, you can see the mesh geometry is not in T-Pose and it dosnt seem to affect the animation bones position. Which is something I've been trying to figure out how to do for a long time and never been able to despite messing around with every seemingly default-pose related options there is Knowing how to do that would be very helpful to me right now so I been looking at it again and still can't figure it out If you can help me I promise a never ending supply of gummybears.
  12. Your mission, should you choose to accept it would be: - Design a nice concept store (draw or build basic prim mockup) - Create detailed and realistic base templates (.psd) for mesh clothing - Work on ads and vendor poster templates for our products If you are interested please contact Zak Kozlov and we will discuss all the details. Portfolio expected - Experience in Marketing would be a big plus.
  13. Thank you hehe But you kind of get the wrong feeling then. I did get the point. maybe I explained myself wrong and i'm not going to try further because there is a language barrier and I would likely explain my thoughts just as wrong again I just want to precise again that I have not been looking for a lazy or simple way. I was testing with the default and i've learned in Gaia post why this was wrong and got a better understanding of how Fitted Mesh works. I actually love weight painting and find it to be the easiest and funniest step in mesh clothing creation. With that new understanding of how Fitted works I've already managed to almost fully eliminate that issue and i'm likely going to provide fitted + standard sizings in the future
  14. Thanks for answering! I do understand rigging pretty well I think, it's my favorite part of making clothes. I would never use the default weights hehe they are pretty horrible. I was using those trying to debug my issue around the waist, I was sortof expecting the default to react properly and when I saw that it didnt I assumed I was maybe doing something wrong from start. But maybe not, maybe Fitted is just bad! as I mention in the video I dont expect it to be perfect, poking through is normal, alpha layers always needed. but that waist issue is not a little imperfection, its a big a** issue / difference! hehe I did however see fitted mesh clothes without that huge of an issue around the waist, I have yet to figure out the way to weight my meshes to lessen it and take my hat off to those who did hehe I guess i'll stick to the standard sizings for now. seems like the best use of fitted mesh is on mesh avatars with clothes fitting for it. Big mess for legacy! The problem / dilema is customers asking for Fitted mesh. as a creator I want to provide what people desire, but I could never stand releasing something that's not at the best I can do and so far the standard sizing still seem like the best solution versus Fitted. The video looks pretty good, It's what made me look back into fitted. I'm subscribed to your channel and this is mostly the video I was refering to (and those now seemingly gone videos uploaded in the last few days which showed the transfers) I cant wait to see the new avastar weights.
  15. Hiyas! So I recently started doing mesh clothes again and initialy my new collection was in Fitted Mesh. I was providing 2 sizes per gender that seemed to cover the standard sizings pretty well. I had that side issues which I kinda accepted then. Until it was time to release full perms kits and I was not happy to deliver with that imperfection. Last minute, I readjusted all my meshes to the 10 standard sizings instead and ditched Fitted. I went back to attempts with Fitted mesh and this time I've tried to take the default, keep it as is and just switch it to Fitted Mesh and the issue is still there. Avastar official videos on fitted mesh seem flawless (or at least, without that huge issue!) so I want to know if i'm doing anything wrong... I've made a video (that you will hopefully understand through my accent and shyness) to show you the issue and what exact steps I am taking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xTOXHsD6VtU
  16. Hello! Since my project is SL related, I thought i'd post here before oDesk! I'm looking for a 3d texture artist for my next mesh clothes collection. I'm pretty good when it comes to upper body textures but my weakness come out in jeans and pants. I'm looking for extreme realistic base texture for jeans / pants Right now there is one saggy jeans mesh to texture and this month should see at least 2 more. Here is how it could work: - Send me a notecard in world with your hourly rate and some example of your work - I send you picture of the mesh along with it's UV layouts and some specifications - You provide me with an estimated time for the job to be done - I give you the mesh for you to work with, I can pay part upfront of course. Here is some important informations to consider: - The texture should come in well layered .PSD and allow for good flexibility for me to make variations - The UV Layout can't be changed as I will be working on rigging the meshes while the textures are being done - Those mesh are eventually gonna be sold FP with that base texture provided Attached is an example of the mesh you would be working with If interested please send me a NC inworld (Zak Kozlov) Thanks for your time!
  17. What if someome make a token system? What if i'm giving away a vendor that's selling you a game for price X and the payout system of playing that game is grid-wide kind of thing? Technicaly, you don't buy-in to play the game! You just buy a game (an object) that allows you to play it and potentialy win money... in the same way getting into a free-to-enter building contest, where let's say.. you paid for the textures you are using. This policy is unfair, it has potential to kill some of the biggest markets in Second Life or create a monopoly of them if i'm contacting a lawyer it will be to figure out if some of the loopholes I can think of can be used with no problems. Hey, everything have a good side! ... this whole policy is so crazy that it motivates me to be productive again and find a workaround!
  18. Hello For some reason my offline IMs were no longer delivered to my email I have made sure to check the box in Preference viewer settings (it was already checked, I unchecked it and re-checked it using official viewer) and it still was not getting delivered I try to pass from the website Contact Information page (where it is not checked) Whenever I try to save change I'm getting told that my password is incorrect I have searched this and it seem to be a regular problem... I seen people telling to enter only the first 15 or 16 chars of your password - Didnt worked all the others were saying "make sure you entered it right" - I have tried about 20 times, logged off / logged back on website to make sure I wasnt mixing things up. I'm entering the right password properly What are the options now? Thank you edit @ Madelaine McMasters & all: Of course I am entering my Second Life password hehe and I must say that I have trouble conceiving that in 2014 someone could understand and enter their email password in there
  19. Hiya This mod is not working creates 2 errors and 1 warning now: # Error: line 1: Cannot perform boolean operation # # Warning: Can't perform polyMoveVertex3 on selection # # Error: line 1: TypeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\Python\DLLs\mdSetupMesh.py line 92: Object [] is invalid # and unfortunately i can't take it from there either because if you noticed in the video, this error happen when only 2 of the 4 islands are transformed to quads. unless theres something i don't understand and the 2 others are hidding somewhere i can't finish it hehe I think i'll give up on this method hehe i still have a few options to retopo those pants, not the bests but considering that i've been stuck 2 days exploring this one, they kinda become hehe Thanks for your time and help and if anybody can still make it work that'd be awesome for the futur projects, and for the fact that ALOT of people seem to have this boolean issue and that if those scripts would be working fully, that'd be amazing
  20. Make sure you have selected Stick and press Stick Shapes under Rig Display Like this here: http://oi62.tinypic.com/33tqwpk.jpg
  21. Ok i figured out the problems with the scripts loading I was putting the scripts in the wrong path and had the loading line wrote wrong Now the scripts seem to work until theres a bug I'm not sure if any of you know python but it seem that the objects to delete is not defined it create 2 of the 4 "islands" properly with quads and seem to bug when its time to delete the non-quad copies of them The message is: Error: line 1: TypeError: file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2013\Python\DLLs\mdSetupMesh.py line 92: Object [] is invalid # The line 92 is: cmds.delete(toDel) in the MakePlanarMesh function: #makePlanarMesh(cmds.ls(sl=True)[0],100) def makePlanarMesh(mesh, subdivs): cMesh = cmds.duplicate(mesh)[0] nf = cmds.polyEvaluate(cMesh,f=True) cmds.polyExtrudeFacet('%s.f[0:%d]' % (cMesh,nf),ltz=0.2,kft=True) cmds.delete(cMesh,ch=True) pPlane = cmds.polyCube(w=1,h=1,d=0.05,sx=subdivs,sy=subdivs,sz=0,ch=0)[0] cmds.move(0.5,0.5,0.1,pPlane) bMesh = cmds.polyBoolOp(cMesh,pPlane, op=3, ch=1, useThresholds=0, preserveColor=0)[0] cmds.delete(bMesh,ch=True) nf = cmds.polyEvaluate(bMesh,f=True) nv = cmds.polyEvaluate(bMesh,v=True) # shift back to z plane cmds.polyMoveVertex( '%s.vtx[0:%d]' % (bMesh,nv), tz=-0.075 ) toDel = [] for f in range(0,nf): face = '%s.f[%d]' % (bMesh,f) pos = cmds.xform(face,q=True,ws=True,t=True) z = 0 for i in range(0,len(pos),3): z += pos[i+2] if abs(z) > 0.01: toDel.append(face) cmds.delete(toDel) return cMesh I have made a video of all the steps and you can see it interupt right there: Is there some Python genius? hehe
  22. Hi Thanks for your help I'm trying to run these scripts (Maya noob) I found this tutorial right here: http://cgartistry.com/running-python-scripts-in-maya/ Following it, i have put the scripts in the script folder and use the script editor typing: import avMergeMeshEdges import getUVShells import mdSetupMesh mdSetupMesh.(mdSetupMesh) When doing that the history returns: # Error: line 1: invalid syntax # What would i do wrong? on another note, my mesh is almost as high poly as those displayed but its so i have more control at the end and remove edgeloops that are affecting more or less certain area, the final is going to be much lower hehe and also i'm going to use this high poly version to bake normal maps for the lower poly
  23. Hello! I'm exploring a complete new workflow for mesh clothes creation using Marvelous designer and maya to retopo the mesh using this tutorial right here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZMuw0sfMKQs (Total maya noob compared to Blender and zBrush hehe) So i'm having a problem when its time to do boolean intersect , the meshes are vanishing I did lots of search and apparently it's a common problem on Maya but no solution i found worked Even found a thread with the same issue on SL forum right here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Mesh/Please-help-problem-with-Maya/td-p/2166339 I made sure that everything suggested by Chosen Few was done properly The density is quite the same, size too, my normals are facing the right direction, i'm freezing transformations and deleting history Aaaand it's still not working :o I have uploaded my file in dropbox if any of you would like to look at it and see what's wrong and explain to me that'd be awesome (keep in mind i'm a total noob in Maya, i still have problem with camming around haha) Here is the link of the file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/33v0zfw68893f0p/BooleanIssue.mb Thank you!
  24. Artemis Lavender wrote: Hey guys, I need someone to be willing to work on a custom mesh clothing for me. I can't spend too much on a mesh clothing, maybe someone who's willing to take under L$1k for a custom rigged mesh clothing. Please IM me if you're interested. Artemis Lavender Open a 3d modeling software and start learning, because it's going to take less time than finding someone willing to work at this wage a rigged piece of clothing, depending of its complexity can take days (full time!) from start to finish I don't think it's possible to do anything under 1 day of work 1000$L is 4$US would you accept a $0.50 / h job? I'm replying to you because i'm getting this kind of request all time! I guess it can be difficult putting true value in here because a thousand sound huge! when we spend Lindens, it's usualy a few hundreds ... and when we talking about work, it's usualy greeting someone at a club... but 1000$L is nothing. 3D modeling take hours, it's a real job... you have to think about it when throwing a number for an order hehe Sorry if my post sound a little bit rude, it's not my intention at all.. I realise reading it that it might, but i cant think of any other way to putting it
  25. LisaMarie McWinnie wrote: Hello! So on my latest project, I would like to use a texture like this, of a chiffron fabric, on the main part of the dress: http://texturetaddka.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Chiffon_fabric_texture_6.jpg I don't know how to use the blender materials, and I don't know if I can make those details with it, can someone help me please? Thank you in advance! This would be quite simple to make with cloth simulation in Blender Here is a good tutorial about it: http://cgcookie.com/blender/2013/03/12/modeling-with-cloth-simulation-in-blender/ It goes a little deeper than what you'd need to make such thing but, how can that be bad!? more learning! YAY hehe Now by material, if you mean material (hehe ( normal,spec,diffuse and such )) the fastest way would be to take a texture just like the one you showed, use Crazybump,nDO2 or similar software who would generate such map for you in a flash! the long way would be to make a high poly plane on zBrush, sculpt your chiffon and bake the details Hope it helped
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