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Kuda Oh

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Everything posted by Kuda Oh

  1. Ok that makes sense, now I understand ALL_SIDES and it's relation to faces . Thanks alot for your replies and knowledge, it is much appreciated!
  2. Sorry about that it kept pasting all bunched up so I spaced it and just realized I had it pasted to a notecard like it would normaly appear instead I had cut and pasted from SL. I have a script to give me face numbers so that is no problem, I am just toying with the inside face of a hollow sphere. What was stumping me was what to replace ALL_SIDES with. I had tired FACE_5 or FACE_FIVE for example but knew that was not gonna work lol. So it is as simple as changind ALL_SIDES to just a specific number? Wow I feel dumb, never thought to do that. P.S. ie: llSetTexture(message, ALL_SIDES); into llSetTexture(message, 5); for face 5?
  3. I am not a scripter just a tinkerer. I have a script I got from script library that changes the texture of a prim at a touch, pops up a menu to select texture desired. How would one edit the script so it would change only one face ie: the inside face of a hollow sphere for example. I see the script has a parameter? ALL_SIDES, would that be the part to edit? What would I change ALL_SIDES to? I been searching through the forums and looking at the wiki, but I can't seem to find what to change it to so it would only do the face wanted. Here is the script I am tinkering with: // CATEGORY:Texture // DESCRIPTION:texture swithcer menu driven // ARCHIVED BY:Ferd Frederix list MENU1 = []; list MENU2 = []; integer listener; integer MENU_CHANNEL = 1000; // opens menu channel and displays dialog Dialog(key id, list menu) { llListenRemove(listener); listener = llListen(MENU_CHANNEL, "", NULL_KEY, ""); llDialog(id, "Select one object below: ", menu, MENU_CHANNEL); } default { on_rez(integer num) { // reset scripts on rez llResetScript(); } touch_start(integer total_number) { integer i = 0; MENU1 = []; MENU2 = []; // count the textures in the prim to see if we need pages integer c = llGetInventoryNumber(INVENTORY_TEXTURE); if (c <= 12) { for (; i < c; ++i) MENU1 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); } else { for (; i < 11; ++i) MENU1 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); if(c > 22) c = 22; for (; i < c; ++i) MENU2 += llGetInventoryName(INVENTORY_TEXTURE, i); MENU1 += ">>"; MENU2 += "<<"; } // display the dialog Dialog(llDetectedKey(0), MENU1); } listen(integer channel, string name, key id, string message) { if (channel == MENU_CHANNEL) { llListenRemove(listener); if (message == ">>") { Dialog(id, MENU2); } else if (message == "<<") { Dialog(id, MENU1); } else { // display the texture from menu selection llSetTexture(message, ALL_SIDES); } } } } // END //
  4. Not sure you can get rid of a full sim after getting a homestead. Full sim = 15000 prims, Homestead = 3750. 3750 x 4 = 15000. Full sim is $295/mo and Homestead is $125/mo maintenance. Full sim $1000; 4 Homesteads $375 x 4 = $1500, $125 x 4 = $500/mo for 15000 prims. Consider full sim divided into 4 3750's, average low price i seen for 3750 prims is 7500L a week. 4 weeks worth of tier depending on linden rates should be $125 US or around that figure. At the moment say $30 US buys you 7500L, $30 x 4 = $120 for just 4 weeks on 1/4 full sim. Say you rent out 3/4 the sim that is $360 US with $65 profit. Mainland is Linden land and you are restricted to what you can do rightswise ie: no terraforming. If you are planning to rent or sale out land a full sim may be profitable divided into 4 plots of 3750 prims versus obviously a homestead. Just my thoughts on the subject as my friend rents out skyboxes and had previously landlorded both full and homestead sims. In the end she would have been better off by buying a full sim considering how much she has spent in tiers these past 2 1/2 years .
  5. Yep with my phat ps3 blu ray drive would always go out not to mention I lost the ability to use other OS, so basically the modified something I bought into something I didn't. IMO that is over stepping bounds and saying I did not legally own that PS3.Either way devalued it. But if consumer's can not unite totally to send a message where it hurts (companies pocket books) that kind of behaviour will continue. Same goes for alot of other things like gas. Did you know they only pay around 8 cents a gallon in Argentina while in Saudi they pay under a dollar probably around 65 cents per gallon. Don't qoute me on exact prices, as I don't remember where I read that recently It used to be the customer is right (until proven wrong), now it's customer is wrong. nothing at fault on our side. Treating me bad as a customer only loses my buisness. I will not deal with Sony anymore or thier products (Bravia is one of thier brand lines I believe).
  6. Funny thing after posting this ... stream came back, so just leaving it on 80's music for now. Afraid if channel is changed stream will cut off again Update: So far the media on the land is behaving, must been a bad day for media lol.
  7. Off topic, Sony forums are heavily moderated; can't mention other consoles while XBox doesn't care. Can't even have anti-Sony/PS3 signatures lol.
  8. Today I have been "fighting" with music streams on group land. Media reciever is deeded. At times after rerezzing a new radio and putting in a new notecard before deeding; after deeding it sometimes work and then sometimes doesn't, usually doesn't. Sometimes the stream just stops playing then will start playing again. Clear cache, checked settings all fine. I hear ambient sounds no problem. Wondering if anyone else having issues or if it is just the sim I am on.
  9. Game Companies do have a tendency to destroy thier own creations, wether via bad updates or poor customer service if not releasing a very flawed product ie: Final Fantasy Online 14 (might have the number wrong so don't qoute me). Even if you do pay a subscription, you shouldn't expect to be treated better and a timely fashion than non-subscribers. Seems to be the general thing now-a-days with game companies, Sony being a big example as to bad updates and poor support. Just saying.....
  10. @ Monti you were probably delisted for keyword spam using "stripper"? Today i did a search for fish related textures, 1 seller popped up alot in the results . That being said they had alot of textures that were not fish related, only one that I did see was. Keyword spam perhaps on the others? Suspected. Could be a lazy merchant cut and pasting keywords. Either way irritating for anyone when stuff not related to thier keyword search shows up.
  11. Thanks for your response and help, it is a bit confusing and overwhelming when one doesn't have an idea of what to add/remove/change. I like tinkering with scripts but there are times when I get stumped because I don't have the knowledge of a scripter I tend to have friends ask me for help or to make stuff for them but sometimes can't find a script to do exactly what I want and not more. I only know of one seller who has door script that does do aperture but it also does other styles and uses notecard. More than I want. Thus I figured give it try to find or edit a script to do just what I want. I can now see where I was messing up when it came to the numbers ie: <0.0, 0.0, 0.0>, 0.90 etc . I will have to study up some more and do some more prim manipulating to increase my knowledge. Thanks again for the responses and help, it is very much appreciated! Question though, would it be ok to let others have copies of the script you wrote? Free as in open source not for sale itself credits to remain intact if modified by anyone else?
  12. Oh hello Actually I went by what it said in the script, it showed you as Cera with one e so thats why I didn't find you in search. I have been playing with your script trying to figure out how to make it be a square or hollow half sphere. But alas I am clueless as to what all the numbers are for. Looking at wiki I see that each PRIM_TYPE_ has less or more numbers following. I guess it would be more complicated to make it do in steps ie: 0%, 25%, 75% etc open. I am not a scripter and just an amateur with tinkering with scripts, usually out of curiousity. As for now I have removed some of the numbers ie: only 6 sets for a box? And changing a couple to see what it will do. Any help would be appreciated.
  13. Since I see no edit post option I am just adding was going to try and send message to script writer for iris door but apparently they must have deleted thier account
  14. Thanks for both replies, the iris script was basically what I was looking for :smileyhappy: I read about prim params so I would know what to change PRIM_TYPE_(prim shape here) to as I wanted to do a square and a sphere. As for the numbers in the script after PRIM_TYPE_ , all greek to me When I do a Box the box ends up opening into a triangle shape. Havent tried a sphere yet so I am assuming I have to change the numbers. Which will take me awhile to figure out what each number affects. Thanks again for the replies and help
  15. I am not a scripter, I just tinker with them ie: mess with the settings to see what happens. Is there a way to modify a script so it will act like an aperture? Or how would you modify an existing script to do so?
  16. The thing is I never even listed it for sale unlike the 2 listed ones. I may have gave a copy to someone for use in thier club, I don't really remember. Otherwise the only other one sat at a private hangout I made for a friend, that one was never out all the time tho. So I am curous who filed the complaint and how they would even know if it isn't someone I know or friends know. If it was Bacardi themselves I can understand specially if I was selling it for "finacial gain at thier expense". That said, how would the other 2 who are selling similar neons even know I had also made my version? That is if no one I know even knows the sellers, that is if one of them filed a complaint. If it was either of the 2 sellers then they really have no claim to intellectual property, only Bacardi does imo.
  17. @Darrius That does make sense on some items, though in my example what does skyboxes or houses have to do with building components? I am talking about fully built textured and sometimes completely furnished houses and skyboxes; not building components to make said items. The oddest stuff shows up at times lol.
  18. To those concerned, Do you really need to keyword spam? REALLY???? So annoying. Amazing how many things not related to a sub category appear in lisitngs. IE: Building Components I can find lots for rent, houses, skyboxes, demo's for stuff other than building components. Keyword spamming merchants should just be banned from marketplace.
  19. So today I decide to mess around with neons I made out of boredom. In one I find a notecard stating an Intellectual Property Complaint. No idea who made the complaint as I did not see any email for it. So I look up on market place, Bacardi neon; and I see 2 listings with a Bacardi neon. Being sold by 2 different people, one just by itself and the other with a Budwieser Chinese dragon neon and a non brand double mug neon. Think one of the two would have filed a complaint on the other right there. Neon I made for myself is the Bacardi bat but in red with out the label on the bat's chest, very plain. Quite a difference there right? Besides I didn't know someone else had made a bacardi bat neon as it was although different in look/style. So I don't know who filed the complaint, was it Bacardi or was it the one of the two who have the same neon listed in marketplace. That is to be seen when ever I get an email response from Linden Lab.
  20. Thanks for the reply was just curious about that seeing as that was the first time i seen the http:// slashed and in red
  21. Is the new marketplace going to be secure? As it is , it appears unsecured (no microsoft certificate?) on my browser's. That said should I be worried about anything?
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