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Gordon Nadezda

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Everything posted by Gordon Nadezda

  1. I only have roughly 35 minutes before I have to mow the grass (in my real yard). Here's hoping something good happens between now and then.
  2. For some reason, Auto Refresh Plus isn't giving me an audible alarm this morning. The theme is spelled Bellisseria, right?
  3. Anybody else get this kind of screen after a refresh? Sometimes, it'll populate with themes, etc., sometimes it doesn't.
  4. My reflexes are also bad. It took all of about 4 seconds for me to click everything and, still, no house!
  5. Yeah...I saw those, too. Of course, I didn't get one either.
  6. I can't imagine what the complaints would have been for releasing all at once versus rationing them out, but I'm sure you're right.
  7. I don't mean to sound whiny or grumbling (I know, too late), but come on! Why ration these homes out in such a way? I'd much rather they simply prepare a huge number of regions and release all the homes at one time.
  8. Was this what it was like when SL released their first Linden homes?
  9. My alarm went off, but, of course, it was gone before agreeing to the terms and clicking Submit.
  10. I've been running refresh all morning and early afternoon. Nothing.
  11. All I did was wait one full minute after initially loading the page before starting Auto Refresh. It's been running for over an hour now without hitting the refresh limit. If that's not everyone's experience, I'm not sure what else is in play.
  12. Now that I'm counting that first "landing" on the page before starting the refresh timer, 73 seconds seems to be working for me. It's been over 20 minutes and I haven't exceeded the limit, yet.
  13. I figured it out (I hope). I wasn't counting the first time I loaded the page before starting Auto Refresh. So, once I first landed on the page, I waited 70 seconds before starting the timer.
  14. I have Auto Refresh Plus set to refresh every 72 seconds. If the new policy is to only allow 10 refreshes per 10 minutes, I find it hard to understand how I met my 'refresh limit' when it refreshes every 1 minute and 12 seconds. Anyone experiencing this bit of a glitch? Suggestions on a good interval?
  15. That's a good question. I'm not certain that I know the answer. I've tried both - going back to the page using the back button and doing an extra refresh.
  16. Over the last 40-45 minutes, I've seen around 10 offerings, but each time I get to the "agreements" checkbox and click submit, all available inventory had already been claimed (or so they're system said).
  17. I think it's a combination of the two. There's just too much demand and too little supply.
  18. No, I'm saying, once you see the available house, it's like you have a millisecond to click Next.
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