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Izabel Muircastle

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Everything posted by Izabel Muircastle

  1. You didn't say where these messages are sent from... Are they inworld ? or by mail ? If they are mails, I had these problem with an hotmail box. I had to change my passwords and I had to check a few things such as sending automated message.
  2. I agree with Rolig. But if the object that make this sound is in your parcel, you could return it to its owner. Left click on it and choose return.
  3. I am unable to log into JIRA. The login screen, looping me back to the same login screen Does anyone have an idea why ?
  4. Yes, of course. It was one of the 1st things I did.
  5. Maybe you will have to explain me what a Thrad is.... my language is French, not English.
  6. I do not receive email notifications since this morning (Europe Time). The last email I received was an Im sent at 9:52pm SLT. And since this one, I received nothing. I have a main account, an alt I use for RP, another to build, and another for business. I have this problem for each one: No IM notification, both IM and Notices. I changed nothing in my accounts nor my mail boxes. I opened a Ticket, I received the notification Email. It seems to be only notifications from Inworld that fail.
  7. I do not receive email notifications since this morning (Europe Time). The last email I received was an Im sent at 9:52pm SLT. And since this one, I received nothing. I have a main account, an alt I use for RP, another to build, and another for business. I have this problem for each one: No IM notification, both IM and Notices. I changed nothing in my accounts nor my mail boxes. @Rolig: I have done some tests. And IMs never arrived in my mails box. I also checked Spam folder.I received mails, but not IMs sent. It appears that the messages sent from a certain region are not transmitted by mail. Whereas if they are sent from another region, notifications arrive well.
  8. I have this problem since this morning (Europe Time). The last email I received was an Im sent at 9:52pm SLT. And since this one, I received nothing. I have a main account, an alt I use for RP, another to build, and another for business. I have this problem for each one: No IM notification, both IM and Notices.
  9. Don't waste your money in buying these kind of things. If you bought it, you could flag it, and write a review.... but I don't think that a review could be a good idea if you say what you told here.... I bet a lot of griefers will be interested.
  10. is it the NLP Learning Institute in Enceladus ? You could find it here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Enceladus/217/151/80/ . Everything was in your profile.
  11. Bonsoir. Je ne pense pas que ce soit possible, ce menu te donne des informations sur la région où tu te trouves. Tu devrais plutot poster ta question ici, du coté Francophone, tu auras plus de succés
  12. Je regarde mon historique, sur le site Officiel, et là je constate que prés de la moitié de mes L$ ont disparus, sans aucune trace dans cet historique.... aucune transaction pour expliquer où sont passés les L$ manquants. Je me connecte dans SL, et là, ouf, mes L$ sont toujours là.... Du moins, c'est ce qui est affiché.... Que croire, l'historique sur le site SecondLife.com, ou la somme que je vois affichée InWorld ? Edit: Apparemment, un probleme chez Linden, tout est revenu à la normale sans aucune manipulation. @Valérie: Je ne vois pas en quoi le changement de viewer aurait pu affecter l'historique de mes transactions sur le site Linden (°~°)
  13. Golden Hills is a place where many Goreans come to train and spare. The weapons used there are Medieval/Goreans, bows, swords, daggers, axes..... The meter is the free GM, you could find dispensers there. GOLDEN HILLS SLURL (not sure it is the right SLURL) Another place using the GM is Twilight Forest. You could fight, and RP if you wish.
  14. Bonjour, Je me permet de faire un petit correctif: Crt+Alt+T ne permet pas de visualiser les objets scriptés, mais les transparences. Par contre, le "Render Beacon", je ne vois pas trop à quoi ça sert, merci de m'informer Si tu utilises le viewer "Phoenix" il y a un truc trés utile dans le menu Phoenix de la barre de menu en haut de l'ecran, "Area Search". Tu tapes le nom ou une partie du nom de ce que tu cherches et s'il est dans les parages, il apparaitra dans la liste. Un double clic dessus, et une belle fleche rouge te montrera son emplacement.
  15. Eteinds ton ordi, puis ta box ou modem.... attends une dizaine de minutes, puis rallume ta box, et une fois qu'elle est synchronisé, rallumes ton ordi.... En principe, ça devrait marcher. Chez quel opérateur es-tu ?
  16. Si je me souviens bien, il faut entrer le N° sans les espaces entre les groupes de chiffres, et ne pas mettre de 0 avant la clé de sécurité.
  17. @Valerie: Il n'existe pas d'autre moyen que de contacter le vendeur pour se faire delivrer à nouveau l'objet ?
  18. Bonjour xVegaasSs, Est-ce que ton probleme est résolu ?
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