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Teagan Tobias

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Posts posted by Teagan Tobias

  1. 42 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

    I am a lifelong fan of logic and rational thinking, but sometimes reality wins the day. ?


    And the reality is that some of us like the “Classic” avatar and will not move to the expensive and challenging mesh avatars. (IMHO)


    And I have been doing demo mesh avatars for over a year, they are pretty! I have even bought Omega skins just to use with the demo. I just can't get the hang of them, they are just to much work for me. And I'm not in Second Life to make work for myself, so I'll stick with the “Classic” avatar.

  2. 9 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    For a while you've seen people with system avatars calling it 'classic' because they think it sounds better, call a spade a spade, and not an "antique earth relocation machine"...

    Teagan refrains from sticking her fingers in her ears and saying “Classic Avatar” over and over.


  3. 48 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    System Avatar... Not "classic", things do not automatically become "classics" just because they are old...

    For years now I have seen, on this forum and others, the LL Avatar referred to as the Classic avatar.

    And I think this is the first time I have ever seen anyone take issue with that.

  4. I just thought I would throw this out here.

    I do not use a mesh avatar, I do get a demo from time to time and have gone back to see if the demo of the ones that I think I may like have been updated or not.


    But if I get a demo of something new and I have no clue what do with the parts in the folder, I delete it, period!

    People selling the mesh avatars could possibly make more sales if they had better direction with them, just saying.

    And no, I'm not very good at this, I like SL but the classic avatar is so much easier, to me. I can easily see my self sticking with it to the end.

    • Like 1
  5. 12 minutes ago, ChinRey said:

    Yes and that is one of the reasons why there is no chance they'll fix the system avatar now, they don't want to risk hurting the mesh avatar business.

    That factor did not exist back in the days when users kept begging for improved avatars though and I find it very hard to believe the people at LL anticipated it.

    The economic aspect is a lot more complex than that though and since I indicated in another thread here that I preferred simplicity over complexity, I think I'll leave it. ;)


    Something like they did to the housing market by introducing Linden Homes?

    That would not slow them down at all if they thought it was a good idea.

  6. 9 hours ago, AmandaKeen said:

    Non-Mesh will probably continue to have followers, but the supply of new non-mesh skins and clothing will probably thin out dramatically as content creators go where the perceived money is.

    Hmm, non-mesh skin, never heard of that one.

    My classic avatar wears mostly mesh clothing, some system clothing because some of it looks good and works well if you use it wisely.

    And yes mesh clothing is getting harder to find for the classic avatar, but anyone looking needs to keep in mind that some of the fit mesh specificity made for a mesh body can be used by the classic avatar. I have found a couple of outfits that work for me (I'm not a big buyer). It all depends on your shape, but don't count out the other sizes if your looking for mesh clothing, try them all on because you may be surprised how well some fit you even though they are made for a specific mesh body, with a little modification to your shape in most cases, but try them all on, it could be worth your time. And DEMO DEMO DEMO.

    • Like 1
  7. I'm still in the demo stage of getting a mesh body, now you've given me another thing to look at, thanks a lot, lol.

    I too thought the appliers are painted on but it sounds like there is a lot more going on there. I hope you get a good answer, I'll be watching.

    Thanks for asking your question, I never would have expected that.

  8. 30 minutes ago, Klytyna said:

    Sorry to interrupt the "Mesh-Hating SL Neanderthal Victory Dance" but the sliders you use to fix "giants with short arms" work every bit as well on mesh avatars as they do on philip-linden-a-like 2003 avatars.

    Just so you know...  But... Thanks for the laugh...

    Number one, I do not hate mesh avatars, the hate is coming from the other direction. I am simply saying the classic avatar is not going away.

    And when I said sliders, I was referring to all sliders, the previous poster was about the short arms, sorry I was not clearer.

    And I will not put names here, but I have used demos that some, not all not even close to all, sliders did not work.

    They are getting better, but they just are not for me.

    • Like 1
  9. On 4/5/2017 at 0:03 PM, tako Absent said:

    Yes, they will be extinct like the dinosaurs. You know, they really look like dinos like T-rex...ugly giant with short arms. 

    LOL, ugly giant with short arms, someone needs to tell you about sliders. They work wonders the classic avatar, not so will with some of the mesh avatars {unless the demos are brain dead}. But thanks for the laugh.

    And the classic avatar will be around to the very end and you can take that to the bank.

  10. 6 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

    I wonder of you have used the demos enough, because the alpha cuts will make most, if not all, your new mesh clothing work. I have had a lot of cursing and mumbling over alpha layers that didn't fit the standard mesh clothes. The new mesh avatars can work well with their alpha cuts, and if some clip through can happen with the mesh standard clothes, well, I remember that it was so with the system body and alpha layers too.

    The system avatar layers, well, I remember from starting SL how I was struggling and trying to edit my shape to make the straps on a sleeveless top right. Finally some kind soul told me that it wasn't my editing skills, it was the polygons in the shape that made the straps go crazy in zigzag. I tossed that and other tops with thin straps. For my whole SL default avatar years, I bought only bras without straps

    The applier systems now fix most of that annoying part with textures that go blurry, or deform with the old avatar. The gowns had the lovely flexi skirts, but when you zoomed in on the butt, the fabric was painted on, showing two butt halves... eek. I wonder how many of your system clothes you really use? And if you use mostly tops under jackets and stockings and leggings, then some applier packs will take you a long way.

    But, it is all up to you. For me, letting go of system clothes was not easy, but when it was done, I don't miss them.


    I have been looking at demos for a couple years, yes that long.

    Some of the things you describe I found ways around or did not use opting for a different garment.

    And as for your butt under a flexi skirt, try an alpha, you get the beautiful movement with no show through.

    And using my system clothing, yes I do, I will use a tee shirt under a nice mesh corset. Or a pair of system jeans with mesh boots and a long mesh top. When I purchase clothing the first thing I look at is how can I use parts of the package, if I can't, I will keep looking. I'm kind of picky.

    I find it odd that people will scoff at system clothing but be all in favor of appliers, its still just paint on the avatar skin.



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  11. I still use the classic avatar, and if the DEMO's that I have tried are anything like the mesh avatar you get then I will be using the classic avatar for some time to come. The fact that I don't have any clothing for them is a total deal breaker. Not to mention that I will need to purchase all new skins. I really don't feel like starting all over again in Second Life, I like what I have.

    I use mostly mesh clothing but still mix system (applier) clothing with my mesh clothing. And yes it is getting harder to find good clothing that I can afford.

    I can't use fitmesh and will only buy standard size mesh, and although I can still find it, it is getting harder to find. But my 70K inventory will keep my classic avatar clothed for years to come if I can no longer find new clothes. I really don't mind saving that much money.

    • Like 1
  12. I have, out of the blue, been offered Host jobs and Modeling jobs and I have only the classic body. I do put a lot of work into my look.
    I have looked at a demo or three but the process of going to the new mesh bodies is laborious and expensive.
    What most people don't tell you is, keep your cloths on and you look great. But if your in the adult business then by all means get one of the expensive bodies, you will get better tips and pay. Although your clientele will most likely be in classic bodies.

  13. I have an older skin, one of the things I like about it is its not black around the eyes. I tried to look for an updated skin, one with appliers, but every where I look they all have black eyes. I think its really ugly and its everywhere. As a makeup option it would be nice, but to not be able to get away from it is unfortunate. I will be sticking with my old skin, but that's not a problem because it still looks good, and after looking at demo after demo of the mesh avatars they present more problems than they fix, so I don't need appliers. Good luck finding a skin, because that is where the black is coming from IMO.

  14. I was interested in TMP body when it came out so I logged in with an alt and went and got the free body. When I tried to install one of the HUD's there was a ToS to accept. After reading it, I found I could not accept it so I deleted the free body and went no further.
    I found it interesting that a lot of people I spoke to did not even see that they accepted the ToS and one person told me, they do not have a ToS.
    You really need to read these things for all products, they have a lot of information in them, and some times not what you can live with. And everyone is different with what they can tolerate.
    I for one can't use Flash Player, I'm not a lawyer and can't read the license agreement so its not on my computer.

  15. I have a Linden Home and have my setting turned on:
    avatars in this parcel can not be seen or heard by avatars outside this parcel.
    But I can see in chat a neighbor when they shout.
    Is this normal, or is something else going on that I see someone in chat outside my parcel when they shout?
    Does Shout bypass the setting?
    This has happened numerous times and not just recently.

  16. Penny said:

    But you're right, the system body is showing its age and was always flawed even from the beginning. I really wish LL had chosen to update it rather telling us all to move on to mesh bodies.


    LOL, I'm always the last one to get the message, but, LL said or implied that we should all get mesh bodies? Because I've tried and its just not going to happen, mesh bodies are way to much work and way, way, way to expensive, now what? Where did they say this, I'm sure it was not meaning that we will lose our system bodies, but I'm curious.

  17. I can't say I haven't looked at the mesh bodies, I have three DEMO's that I looked at for weeks. But with 65K inventory, a lot of it mesh clothing, and none that will fit the mesh bodies I've demo'ed I decided to keep my classic body and let others spend money on the mesh bodies. One reason is my finances are limited and it would take a 100% reboot to go to a mesh body, that is just not going to happen.
    I am rather fastidious dressing and my classic avi can't be to bad, I have been asked to model and asked to be a host, not sure that means anything, but I felt good thinking it did as I politely said no.
    Another thing is the work involved with the mesh bodies, wow what a chore just to get dressed, unless the demo has nothing to do with the product I am assuming it would be the same if I switched to a mesh body. And my Slink “Size” shoe collection, not spending as much as slink is asking for feet but there are other feet that the shoes fit, and a lot of mesh bodies you can't use them with.
    But the biggest problem with the mesh bodies is for the creators, instead of getting a dress in 5 Standard Sizes, now its sizes for each body, Standard Size, Fit Mesh Sizes (the biggest ugly mess ever on SL).
    But I have found I can wear the mesh that fits some of the mesh bodies (not often), remember to try all the sizes on from the demo because some of them not intended for the classic body do fit.
    And last but in no way the least is that I keep my clothes on, so some of the aspects that make the mesh bodies so appealing to some people do me no good at all. If I'm going to cover it with clothing, why spend thousands of Lindens on a mesh body.

  18. You can run more than one thing on your computer at one time.
    Make a directory on your computer, name it Inventory. Make sub-directories following the same naming convention as your SL Inventory. If your going to take screen shots anyhow, just use your computer to organize it all. I have a directory for everything I purchase, I'll go through the screen shots with a photo viewer to look for something I don't remember the name of or get ideas for an outfit. Sometimes I'll even see something and think, oh I never even opened that, and then go and have fun with it. Some things I keep in a word processor, index at the beginning to find things and even screen shots. And no upload fees and even accessible even when your not in SL.

  19. Theresa Tennyson wrote:

    Phil Deakins wrote:

    Why wouldn't they tell you? Surely, the organisers want merchants to display at the events.


    Well, here's a funny thing - when someone publically calls for a place to be boycotted, the people being boycotted often don't feel that generous about answering that person's questions.

    I'm not sure I understand your answer. Are you saying that if someone tells the cost, then the organizers of the event will call for a boycott of that creator?

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