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Codewarrior Congrejo

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Everything posted by Codewarrior Congrejo

  1. @ joy: for direct transfere / wire from a bank account i understand that. but when a debit card is linked to paypal the payment is done within a second even the withdrawing from your bank account / should no money be uploaded on paypal. And normally it shouldn't matter for them if you have your debit or credit card linked to your paypal account. I am still trying to get a finite or valid answer on how these things are to handle from now on. (also in own interest) Ill drop a note here should i recieve a reply.
  2. Make sure to have DX pay out your money to you by either transfering the linden dollars directly to your SL account (if thats possible) or by exchanging it back into real life currency. You have had a prewarning and information, you even had to accept the changed EULA when starting your SL client the past few days. (If someone doesn't read what has changed - it's not really Linden Lab's fault : )) In any case you can either contact the Billing team (eventhough they won't be able to help you with thirdparty exchange services - since those are and always have been independent companies, to get help there you have to contact their own support teams.) Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada) 800.294.1067 Long-Distance 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Local Toll-Free numbers France: 0805.101.490 Germany: 0800.664.5510 Japan: 0066.33.132.830 Brazil: 0800.762.1132 Spain: 800.300.560 UK: 0800.048.4646 Support is in English Only For the future the following payment methods will be available: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-balance/ta-p/700015
  3. Hello Jim, it still works for me. but as we already figured in some other posts today it might have to do with paypal accounts which have their bank account / debit cards linked to it. These seem to still work fine. Did you try to link it to your bank account? I think some of the procedures are unclear at the moment and LL is switching to the changes payment methods, so it also could be just a temporarily issue. Ill try to figure out more. and return if i got an answer. In addition you can do the same by writing a support ticket under: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Edit: or as Rolig said jusr call the billing team.
  4. @ Joy : Odd, i also have just paypal from the very beginning, and Cerditcard is a complete own button / field in my biling informations. Maybe it's just temporary messy while they are switching it to the new system. PLus i don't see why you would need a creditcard in addition since paypal can be linked to your bank account / debitcard - just as Innula.
  5. The server side baking is introduced atm, and things might be a bit messy for the time being. And with SSB this problem will dissapear soon. But for right now: should you still have issues - have a look here: http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_bake_fail PS: make sure to update your SL viewers regularly these days to get the corresponding update as soon as Server Side baking is available. (be aware that some thirdparty viewers won't be able to run SSB and you might need to switch to the official viewer or firestorm)
  6. In addition to what Innula already answered nicely, you can also wire direct payments from your bank account. But i also prefer paypal, it is the easiest and cheapest method. All available transfer methods you can see here : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-balance/ta-p/700015
  7. [Posted] Unscheduled Maintenance Posted by Status Desk on May 13th, 2013 at 09:44 am PDT [Posted 9:45 AM PST, 13 May 2013] We are currently performing unscheduled maintenance. During this time, some residents may be logged off and will be temporarily unable to log in, or experience inventory loading issues. This maintenance may also disrupt transactions and logins. In addition, some web services such as profiles and my.secondlife.com may be inaccessible during this time. Some residents may also have delays with our support staff assistance due to the maintenance. Please refrain from transacting with L$ or rezzing valuable (no-copy) items until the all-clear is given. Please check back here for updates. [11:13 AM PST 13 May, 2013] Maintenance is complete on all services except LindeX transactions. We’re continuing to monitor all systems and will post updates as the situation evolves. PS: you can always look it up yourself here : http://status.secondlifegrid.net/ : )
  8. Unfortunately the answer is : Loss of objects as the result of a Region crash Recently rezzed objects that are missing after a Region crash have likely been lost. A Region rolls back to a previously saved state when it recovers from a crash. Sadly, anything lost as the result of a Region crash cannot be recovered. See more info here : http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss That's why there is no direct entry for support tickets of that type. LL also claims to not being responsible for this kind of loss. Which is understandable to a certain extend. Best is if you know the region you have rented a parcel on is unstable - to either move on to another region / parcel. Or try not to buy or rez no copy objects.
  9. Depending on the Viewer you are using and the Version, you might have the Body-Float value available: check if it is set to anything that would lift your avatar above the ground. and reset this to zero value. right-click on your avatar and select "Appearance" from the menu; choose "Shape" (if not already chosen); click on "Body"; and scroll down to the bottom of the list where "Hover" is the setting you need to check In all other cases it could be as Valerie already suggested and you just accidentally started flying. (pressinf "F" also toggles between flymode and normal)
  10. okay. Ich hab auch nochmal rum gegoogelt und kann da nichts finden dazu das LL die Premium accounts einstampfen will. (Mache ja auch irgendwo keinen Sinn) . Deine Vermutung mag durchaus richtig sein, so wie in den anderen Foren zu SL auch schon erwaehnt wurde versuchen wirklich viele gerade noch mal ab zu kassieren. Andererseits kann es aber auch sein, das sie selber einfach die momentanen Aenderungen komplett falsch verstanden hat und nun alle mit der Panik ansteckt. Falls das noch irgendwer irgendwo gehoert haben sollte, werden die das sicherlich als Antwort zu dem Post hier dazu packen, aber ich bezweifle es. Zusaetzlich frag sie doch einmal nach Ihren Quellen und Nachweisen / Links mit Informationen zu dieser Angelegenheit. Dann laesst sich meist ganz schnell eroertern ob es nur hoeren-sagen ist oder ggf. Panikmache zum eigenen Vorteil.
  11. As Rolig already said, we can't do much other than guessing. All you can do is what you have done already. If you feel like your electronically sent tickets are not treated correctly, you can try to send your appeal via FAX. But be aware that also the answer to this might be the same as the ones Linden Lab gave you in the replies to your tickets already. Submitting an appeal Linden Lab takes violations of the Second Life Terms of Service and Community Standards very seriously. The decision to apply a suspension or permanent closure for your Second Life account(s) is reached after investigation of your use of the Second Life software and service. Residents are not allowed to participate in the Second Life virtual world if their accounts have been suspended or disabled for violations of our Terms of Service. However, if you can maintain in good faith that the violations were not due to your actions or negligence, or the actions or negligence of others working for you, you may appeal the suspension or closure of your account(s) in writing to the address below. Please provide any relevant information that you believe would explain the violations we detected. Linden Lab reserves sole discretion in considering whether to take any action on a written appeal. If you would like to appeal your warning or suspension, you may contact Second Life Support, in writing, at the address below: Attn: Account Reviews: Appeals Linden Lab 945 Battery Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Or by fax: 415-651-9221 We also accept appeals filed electronically using the ticket submission process described above.
  12. Also vielleicht habe ich da etwas verschlafen, aber das ist mir nicht bekannt und ich kann auch keinerlei Info dazu finden. Warum LindenLab seine Premium accounts und somit 'zahlenden' User entfernen sollte ist mir auch nicht klar und macht eigentlich auch keinen Sinn. Damit wuerden sie sich ja selber ins finanzielle aus senden. Und dann noch oben drauf sperren, und den zahlenden Nutzern den Zugang zu SL verwehren? Also ich halte das mal fuer ein Geruecht und moeglicherweise Missinterpretation der aktuellen Aenderungen. Paypal funktioniert noch einwandfrei. Das einzige das momentan geaendert wurde war das keine Thirdparty Linden Exchange Services mehr akzeptiert werden, und auch das Security Tool das Third Party Linden Austausch sicherer gestalten sollte nun auch entfernt wurde. Und Linden Lab sich nun eindeutig von diesen Drittanbietern distanziert. Somit fielen auch einige der eher unueblichen Zahlmethoden weg die manche der Drittanbieter akzeptieren, LindeX selbst aber nicht unterstuetzt. (Siehe auch die angepasste Version der TOS http://secondlife.com/corporate/tos.php / sowie die neue EULA) Und die neue EULA sagt eben auch aus, das verdaechtige Transaktionen zurueck gezogen und accounts gesperrt werden koennen. Ich denke das hat mal wieder die Geruechtekueche aufgekocht - und die Fantasie ueber Bord gehen lassen. Es mag teils begruendeter Weise die Frage anregen, wie dann die Premium und VIP mitglieder ihre Zahlungen leisten sollen. Aber dafuer gibt es noch genuegend Wege und Moeglichkeiten. Mehr diskussion dazu: http://www.slinfo.de/forum/showthread.php?t=32855&page=29&p=555482
  13. Best and fastest Solution as paying customer is to contact the Linden Lab livechat : https://support.secondlife.com/start-chat/ to get direct help with your problem. They will also most likely have it easier to figure out what caused this error. compared to us here. Since we are only users - just like you =)
  14. Hallo doch du kannst zusaetzlich auch noch einen Zahlungsauftrag ueber den Bank-Weg geben. Um diesen anzustossen schreibe ein Ticket unter https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ und folgende den unten aufgefuehrten Instruktionen: Wire transfers Anyone can put money on account by sending Linden Lab a bank wire. If you wish to set up a wire transfer, please read and follow the instructions below carefully. If you are wiring money to pay for a Private Region (island), you should wire the money before ordering through the land store, or place a special order through our invoicing system. Delivery time for Private Regions ordered through our invoicing system is longer than through the land store. If you choose to use our invoicing system, you will need your invoice number in order to complete the wire transfer. To wire funds into your Second Life account, you must transfer the funds to Linden Lab's bank. Once you submit a support case for a wire transfer (explained below), we provide you with the information necessary to complete the transfer. Initiate the transfer with your bank promptly to avoid delays in delivery of your funds and processing of any Private Region orders. Note: Because of the high fees we incur for wiring funds, there is a US$25.00 transfer fee. There is also a minimum amount (US$100.00) required to credit your account. If, for example, you want to put US$100.00 on account with us, you'll need to wire us US$125.00. Wires can take up to five business days to post to your account, possibly longer for international transfers. Funds transferred must be in US$ currency. To submit a request for a wire transfer: Go to the Second Life Support Portal and make sure you're logged in. Click Submit a Support Case. Under What type of problem are you having? select Billing. From the Billing dropdown, select Other Billing Issues. Fill in the fields that appear and click Submit. Voice-activated wires To initiate a voice activated wire, call Wells Fargo Wire Transfer Services toll free at 1-888-384-8400 (within the US) or 001-800-964-4801 (from Mexico or Canada) or 001-303-384-8400 (all other international callers). Required information You will be asked for the following information: Your account number and any other identifying information. Your wire repetitive number (if applicable). The amount of the funds to be transferred. The currency type for international wire transfers. Contract number when foreign currency is equal to or over $15,000 US equivalent. Beneficiary bank information; this is Linden Lab's bank information, which we will supply to you after you've submitted a wire transfer request. Beneficiary bank routing instructions.Beneficiary account number. Beneficiary name and address. Any additional information for the receiving bank or beneficiary (i.e., invoice numbers, loan payment, etc.) Mehr info hier: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Account-balance/ta-p/700015 PS: ich wuerde Dir aber trotzdem raten nochmal zu gucken ob du nicht paypal nutzen moechtest / kannst. Es ist und bleibt die einfachste und guenstigste moeglichkeit und laesst sich auch simpel mit dem Bankkonto verbinden wenn man das moechte, um die leidigen hin und her Transaktionen und deren Wartezeiten zu vermeiden.
  15. @ Trini, yeah i've seen that, and commented. Doublestrike time for you : ) very nice !
  16. ..and there you strike again : D congratz
  17. It's a nice pic Trini, so i'd say it was well deserved =) PS: and be carefull with the falling out of your chair.. it's dangeours .. so i've heard ^.-
  18. as Drake already stated: this might be a copyright infrigment, unless you have the rare chance of finding someone owning the legal permissions to recreate that exact dress from the original creator and IPR holder. You can ask people to make similar styled clothings, but not exact replicates. And even with those you should refrain to use any names, refferences or descriptions of the originals to avoid further conflicts when selling or using these. In any case, this Post rather belongs into : the > Wanted Forum.
  19. In case you mean those scripted griefing taggers / taggs: You can try to drag a selection border around yourself (make sure its a big radius) in order to catch the item that is following you and 'tagging' you. mostly they are made really tiny and transparent so it wont be easy to catch them. If its a bigger prim follower just simply rightlick it. in both cases - once it's selected you can simply look in the editwindow under 'owner', this will tell you who rezzed this item. Also pressing CTRL+ALT+T can help to show transparent objects (if they aren't too tiny to visually recognize them) The Firestorm Viewer also has a show nearby objects function. Which might give you a hint which object it is - depending on their namings. If you have parcel / region rights you can return the item via rightclick > manage > return or via the About > Land menu. If not its best to ask the Region or parcelowner and tell them the name of the object to return or even the name of the owner in oder to remove all his/her objects and possibly even bann the person from this area. In all other cases it's most likely just a groupname, and can be disabled by leaving the group, setting another group to active, or have no groups being displayed.
  20. did you maybe forget to export the skeleton / armature 'along' with the model ? select both and export again and see if the problem still remains.
  21. There are several ways to show your friendslist: - in the official SL viewer you can open the Friendlist and People Window by using the 'People' button on the bottom of your viewer's window. Once you have this open you can click on the 'My Friends' tab. This will list all people in your friendlist and show the ones who are online ( and allow to be seen online) in 'bold'. For more Info have a look here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Second-Life-Quickstart/ta-p/1087919 Another way to see who is online while not being logged into the Viewer is on your account page under : https://secondlife.com/my/account/friends.php?
  22. Hello Vicwt, you can not export a mesh object ( no matter if static or wearable) from SL onto your harddrive. The only ways to do so are illegal and include ripping which we won't discuss here under any circumstances. And also are never valid even if you have a 'full perm' version. Because this just includes permissions for the file format as you have it. Which is the plain in-game mesh-asset in your case. The 'full permission' you have granted here by the creator, mostly includes the fact that you are allowed to : retexture the model, sell the model, scale the model, include the model into linksets, and similar. The reason why you can do this with the inbuild Avatar meshes is because they are hardcoded and accessable. With the usage of certain plugins or older thirdparty viewers. If you'd really would like to have the full 3D file for this outfit, to open it with any 3D software you will have to contact the creator and ask for the original files. (in your case Collada DAE format - for blender / SL usage) But be aware that the answer most likely will be no, or a request to pay a way higher fee than what you did for the inworld product. Regarding the fact that once you have the 3D model itself you can upload it under your name as creator and make money from it, alter it, change it etc.
  23. Depending on the Maya Version you are using you really might have run into this annoying and old bug where you get intersection bleeding. Have a look at ehoch's work around here (scroll down) : http://forums.cgsociety.org/archive/index.php/t-309266.html this might help you too. Though depending on how you made your UV map, and if maybe all the polygons have seams and are independent islands on your map, it might be that you'll need to change the 'fill texture seams' value and increase it. Also maybe have a look at this AO bake guide for mental ray to figure a better method or workaround: http://cg.tutsplus.com/tutorials/autodesk-maya/baking-ambient-occlusion-color-and-light-maps-in-maya-using-mentalray-3/
  24. Heya, we are also just users - helping other users. We can not change your account data. (Nor is it ever a good idea to write your email addresses openly into a forum : )) Generally you can change your e-mail adress in your account settings yourself. Just login on www.secondlife.com > account > contact information. Change your mailaddress and save the changes. Should you have forgotten your password you'd normally you'd reset your account via : https://secondlife.com/my/account/request.php But since you don't have access to this mail address anymore, the best is to submit a support ticket to linden lab and explain your problem: https://support.secondlife.com/create-case/ Be aware that you will need to verify your identity with valid proof, such as drivers license, passport or similar. Just wait for their answer to your ticket.
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