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artifactsofmars Omegaman

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Everything posted by artifactsofmars Omegaman

  1. I want the following animations. Pay is $L1800; half up front. Person standing reaches down to touch their right leg somewhere in the knee area. Hold for a few seconds. Person standing reaches down to touch their left leg somewhere in the knee area. Hold for a few seconds. Repeat steps one and two for low calf area in front and mid thigh area in front. Repeat steps one and two for left hand touching wrist/ lower forearm area of right and right touching left. Sitting person female sit touches her stomach fairly low. Hold for a few seconds.Repeat step 5, but she touches her knee area. I don't care which hand she uses. Person standing reaches back and they touch their back somewhere near the center. I don't care which hand they use. Interested parties IM me in world and I will send the half down payment. First come, first served. I don't want static poses, but animations where they reach for the body part. Thanks. These animations will be shared among alts but not sold.
  2. Well thank you all for your replies. This could very quickly put an end to roleplay on SL and maybe a few other things too. See my you-tube video on the subject.
  3. By now most of you know that there is this new thing called avatar complexity with some not being rendered correctly if they go over a certain complexity. My problem is that I RP as a tusk boar and other role players need to see me as a boar, not a big blob of red as has been reported to me. I cannot expect other role players to go into their preferences and set the slider to "unlimited". I cannot take off parts of my avatar either. Does anyone have any idea on how to go around SL's newest problem that they have thrown at us? They need to see my avatar as a brown boar with tusks, not a red blob. :manmad:
  4. One thing I found out is that Second Life viewers are specific to the IP address that your computer has. Simply put, if you get a second computer and try to log in on a viewer, your password will be rejected. Why? When you log into the site it records the IP address of the computer that you are using. Without it, any attempt to log in will be fruitless. An IP address is your computer's electronic fingerprint. The way to fix the problem again is to log in to Second Life.com (or the Marketplace) and then log in on your viewer. I guess the viewers don't like strange computers.
  5. It seems that it was the settings for number of particles that was the problem. You have to click on the advanced tab on the Graphics section and change the "max particles" setting. . I did some poking around and finally found out how to do it. Thanks so much for everyone's efforts. AOM
  6. No I owned the land. I was not able to get any help with the problem and with this griefer having help on the inside I had no choice but to relocate Alien Artifacts. People keep telling me that it is not possible for someone to do what happened but the fact that it did happen is proof that it can. :catmad:
  7. I know for a fact that this griefer has help on the inside. I was very careful when I set up my site not to impinge on other people's turf. I looked at marketplace. I am not sure if any of them will keep specific people out. Obviously a determined griefer can find a way to weasil onto your land even when they are banned. Like I said, he has help on the inside. I banned two of his helpers already.
  8. It is hard to tell from descriptions what does what.. I need a security orb which is a) copyable b) Will only exclude members that I hand pick. I have a public place and only need to add some security to deal with specific griefers. Money is not an object. Please link to it or if you cannot link to your security thing here just IM me inworld and send me a LM. I do not want to exclude the public from my place as it is a hands on, public use area but that trust has been abused by a relative few individuals. The griefers that I am having trouble with have somehow gone around Linden Labs security. They have already been put on my banned list but somehow have gone around that and are returning MY objects from MY parcels. I did file a complaint but I already know it will fall on the proverbial deaf ears. Private security is my only hope if I am to save my property but I need three copies as I have three parcels altogether. Thanks.
  9. Even though my situation is totally different I can understand where you are coming from. My thread disappeared when I was trying to get some help with someone who is returning items from MY own land. I cannot figure out how this griefer is doing it. People were blaming me for this griefer's actions, and then to make it worse my thread inexplicably vanished. Maybe they can do without my $25 per month too. I had the ideal setup until this jerk, who is a neighbor started griefing me. :catmad:
  10. I have a 32 bit Vista machine which I have had for years and did not have this problem. Firestorm is somewhat different from the others and is more user friendly. The Linden Labs viewer I am sure you are aware is a disastrously difficult viewer to use but sometimes I have to use it as each viewer has its own issues.
  11. Before anyone asks, yes I have checked all settings. Particles are enabled, yet I cannot see them on Kokua viewer, Dolphin viewer or Linden Labs viewer. I can see them on Singularity and Firestorm which leads me to believe that this is a V3 issue. I have double and triple checked to make sure that particles are enabled but they are not showing. Anyone with information on this kindly help. Thanks.
  12. I need someone at SL to take a full abuse report not that tiny one on the viewer. I am having trouble with an obsessed resident. I did use the viewer but I need someone to email me from SL so I can post a full report. Thanks.
  13. Every viewer seems to have its issues, like gray faces and parts of avatars that should not be there, but Singularity and Dolphin both have a really strange problem. They will not show Linden Labs grass and trees. I checked the rendering section on the advanced menu and yes "trees" is checked. I am baffled. Are some third party viewers just unable to show these, or is there a reason that I can fix? Thanks in advance.
  14. Well thanks. The previous incident I mentioned was harassment but I guess I cannot do anything about this one except to not go there until this idiot pastor is gone and they lighten up on the rules.
  15. There is a religious sim, God's House of Prayer, which is telling anyone who visits that they can only use a human avatar. I was there looking for a specific weekly function when the pastor told me to change my avatar (a tusk boar that I use for roleplay). Now changing into a human does not take much time, but because of incessant and predictable second life malfunctions, I have to change into the RP avatar in stages, and all told it takes about 5 minutes that I don't need to be taking just because someone demands human only avatars. The pastor IM'd me and told me to change my avatar. I elected instead to return home, not having found the specific function in session. I have warned HOP before about his harassing me, and that time he did harass me, as I was off sim and he interfered with my communications with another sim. What I want to know is, are they within their rights on their own religious sim to tell people that they cannot have for instance an animal avatar? If not, I am going to file a complaint. I understand about nudity and such and i certainly would not go there with a sexually explicit avatar but I am thinking this may cross the line. There is nothing specific in community guidelines that covers this situation so i would appreciate an answer. Thanks in advance.
  16. Well Parrish if I decide to try again I will copy the bizarre messages I am getting. Here is one: Product state not changed: Current state cannot transition via "list".
  17. Well I just braved the new Marketplace system and it is a nightmare. I can list several RL items on Ebay using Turbo Lister than I can one of these virtural ones. I can't believe the number of steps you have to go through. The magic box was not always reliable but at least it was fast and easy. I spent over two hours batlling tech issues and bizarre messages, and did not succeed in getting one listing active. I want my magic box back!
  18. I am a man, and I want to morph my voice into a female voice and record it as a female voice. Can I record the morphed (female) voice or am I unable to hear and record it?
  19. Well I resolved the shared media problem and it had nothing to do with SL. The other issue has not been resolved.
  20. I was trying an experiment with shared media on firestorm. I put my website on the face of an ordinary prim. It worked for about 10 seconds and then refused to appear after that. The little plus button that you use to add the URL was then grayed out and I got a nasty message about problems with media or something. Then it crashed so I switched to V2. V2 was worse. I had the same problem with the shared media, plus the graphics (set on low) refused to rez colors. It was pretty much just a black and white screen. All attempts to get graphics to load properly failed and so did all attempts to get the shared media to work. The little plus button was still grayed out. A full system restart had no effect. I checked my firewall and it is not blocking anything. I went through preferences and added my site's URL to the allowed list but have not tested it yet. Any ideas? :matte-motes-crying:
  21. I have many models which I have made, and now SL is coming out with this mesh mess which will make V1 viewers obsolete. It is bad enough that I will have to use the user unfriendly V2 (Firestorm is a 1000 times worse, trust me) but will this make old objects like the models I have made obsolete as well or can I continue building? Do I have to use this mesh mess whatever it is or can I just carry on, though crippled, by using V2? Thanks.
  22. I want to change the color of the soil on my site in Jumeoni to another color. I have seen other colors besides that dull green that currently I am stuck with. Jumeoni is on the mainland if that matters.
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