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artifactsofmars Omegaman

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Everything posted by artifactsofmars Omegaman

  1. Here is something to try. From the viewer type <control p> (on Firestorm) and go to sound and media. Select "voice". The menu is just "sound and media" on the LL viewer. Uncheck the box saying "Move avatar lips when speaking". Close out "preferences". Next, reverse what you did and click the "Move avatar lips when speaking" box. It seems to have worked. Now I am going to roleplay.
  2. Lips are not moving when speaking. That goes for the LL viewer and Firestorm. Singularity appears to be OK. I have gone over settings, gone to Voice Echo Canyon and other sims and the result is the same. I went as far as to shut down my entire system and bleed out the power. It did not help. This has to be a problem with the recent update.
  3. Hi I want a script that will move an object 25-30 Meters, NSEW depending how I set it. I want to put it into an abject and when the object is touched by anyone it moves. I want it to move very quickly but be visible as it flies like an arrow or a thrown baseball. Full perm please. I only share with alts. Please do not include sound. Pay is $L250. IM me in world and I will pay you ahead of time. Thanks.
  4. I want a couples dance ball or gadget where a male avatar asks a female avatar to dance and then they dance together. I want this to be user friendly, with a few dances and nothing else to buy. A search on Marketplace brings up things like a hammock, palm trees and, I swear, a streetlight. I don't have time to search through non-related items like that. I don't want line dances. If I see the words "add on" or such I will immediately click the back arrow button immediately. This has to be ready to use right out of the box. (The female may alternately just click on it and begin dancing with the male). Perms are C/M and price cap is $L500. Preference will be given to country dance styles but I will accept ballroom dancing or big bands style.
  5. SL needs to post a plain language tutorial on what this all means and how to use it.
  6. Then we have ourselves a little confusion here. I have done thousands of objects on SL, including 400 new female outfits and all I have ever seen is the texture window. My movie studio is second to none (in VR).
  7. https://releasenotes.secondlife.com/viewer/ This new system is straight out of a bad horror film, or maybe Plan 9 from Outer Space. There are at least 3 editing modes (on Firestorm) that no one has ever heard of. PBR, and I swear, Blinn-Phong plus "media". At first it did not appear that the transparency could be adjusted. However the Chinese system appears to allow it. Applying textures and colors is also extremely complex. Just when I get things going good, along comes a Luddite with a wrench and drops it in the machinery. This is the editing system from hell. There will be a steep learning curve on this one. 😡
  8. The main problem has been traced to the region that I have my sim in. They restarted it, but that has not solved anything. I hope I don't have to abandon my land.
  9. Well I don't know. I still can't get on. I live in Western NY. I have a support ticket in.
  10. Here is what I have learned. I tried going instead to another region, and wound up at some newbie hub instead. That was Amiville that I tried to log in at. I then was able to TP to Dove Creek and go to Bear River and then I walked into Amiville from there. Those are Wild West roleplay sims where I play a boar. I went to SL maps and the region that I have my Frightville Studios sim, Ichoen, is not even on SL maps! That appears to be most of the problem. So essentially my home region has vanished. It is not a restart. I hope they have not deleted the entire region. So I was able to get online, but there is definitely some kind of problem.
  11. Thank you, but I had the same problem on a second computer that I use. It is not my machine.
  12. I will try it. All three viewers gave me the same results so reinstalling them will not do anything.
  13. I have tried different viewers and an alt, and I cannot log in. I keep getting some message about not being able to set default permissions, and this gobbledy***** too: File "SLVersionChecker.py", line 659, in <module> File "SLVersionChecker.py", line 655, in main File "SLVersionChecker.py", line 138, in leap File "SLVersionChecker.py", line 244, in leap_body File "util.py", line 100, in wrapper File "update_manager.py", line 657, in pick_target_platform File "update_manager.py", line 520, in isUnsupported File "update_manager.py", line 327, in pshell File "update_manager.py", line 349, in _pshell File "subprocess.py", line 466, in check_output File "subprocess.py", line 571, in run subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '('C:/Windows/System32/WindowsPowerShell/v1.0/powershell.exe', '-Command', 'CimCmdlets\\Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_VideoController | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name')' returned non-zero exit status 1. The message I also get is that either SL is down OR my internet is down. It is not my internet. The reaction is the same no matter the viewer.
  14. I was working up in my movie studio, experimenting with prim based skirts. Here is what I found. I hope it helps. The hemisphere is a little difficult to work with, but you can do some great tricks with it by tweaking the parameters on the edit mode. Work at it and you have a decent looking skirt. Then I tried a hollow cylinder. You have to tweak the taper parameter but the result can be a good pencil shirt. The torus takes quite a bit of work but it too makes a good skirt. Like the hemisphere, it needs to be inverted 180 degrees but it too makes a pretty skirt if you work at it. Finally there is a hollowed out cone. That gives the wide open type of skirt. While I do have some mesh items, I am not a mesh fan. I don't use mesh bodies. I am just offering these suggestions to newbies as a mesh alternative. I transfer my creations to my alts for my various theatrical productions. Try it. It might work for you. Artifactsofmars (Frightville studios)
  15. Hi I have the most advanced virtual reality movie studio anywhere, thanks to Second Life. It is called Frightville Studios on Ichoen. I am in constant need of new structures, spacecraft, alien-looking plants and gadgets. I am thinking of taking a hiatus so that I can work around the house. Here is what I want: Price range on all items <=$L500. Perms on spacecraft must be at least copy. Perms on everything else must be at least copy/mod as I use a rezzing system. The big idea here is to build more sets. I do 5 original series plus Star Trek fan films (i currently have 49 Star Treks). Star trek sets are highly prized by me. They must be copy-mod at least. You can do this one of 2 ways. Send me a link to Marketplace, OR drop by my Frightville studios. Leave the items in a box in the visitor's area. I will check the area periodically. I will evaluate the item, and buy it if it fits my specifications, and then return the box. Be advised that I don't use third part vendors so put it in a box and leave it OR send a Marketplace link. You will be taken directly to the visitor's center when you TP there. When New Years comes, I will turn auto return back on.
  16. OK thanks for the information. I built a movie set using one of my existing buildings. I am a capable builder, but my time is limited.
  17. Marketplace is down. I am looking for pre-built hospital buildings. Perms must be copy-mod because I use a rezzing system. Price is less than $L 1000. I will have to buy it in a box. Contact me and I will come to your place or you can come to mine.
  18. I went to buy some hospital structures and I got a bad gateway error 502 when I tried to buy from cart. Buying directly does not work either. I checked with SL and sure enough it is down. You are out of luck luck if you were going to buy anything. I guess I will have to build my own.
  19. I want 6 prims with different creepy crawly things, insects like grasshoppers and worms like mealworms. I need that in looped animations so it looks like they are crawling around. Flat prims will be good. Permissions are copy/mod. I need to drop scripts and notecards in them for a rezzing system. This is for my new series, Habitat 15. Pay is $L1000. Contact me in world.
  20. Thanks for letting me know about the Serenity series. What I am proposing will be fact-based and not related to the series you mentioned, so I don't have to worry about copyright on that. I will take a look at your Ohio suggestion,.
  21. I am probably going to mod one of those Grendel's wolves with fur textures. I did it once with one of their wildcats.
  22. I am looking for fully functional city buildings. I would rather not buy skyscrapers. Fully furnished items will be given preference. No grunge buildings. I am beginning preparations for a new internet series called Serenity which will be based on the 15 minute city concept. Needed perms are C/M. Must have modern textures. Nothing over $L1000. Also apartment houses, same information. Contact me in world and drop a link or LM.
  23. Just FYI the Great Dane is one of the world's largest dog breeds, and the pug is a small one. I am looking for something in between.
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