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Chic Aeon

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Posts posted by Chic Aeon

  1. There are quite a few posts on this board explaining how to get your physics models to work with your linkset. I am not the expert on that having only done it once I think.


    BUT I wanted to comment that land impact wise it is likely better to import each piece separately and then link in world. Your "root prim" will be just like with regular prims the last piece "clicked" before linking.

    So if you haven't done this before (or often) it might be good to head over to the beta grid and do some testing. So far, I have never found a house that imported better as a linkset than in separate pieces. It isn't that big a deal to put them together in world :D.


    Imagine someone will point you in the right direction re the physics models and naming thing should you decide to go that route.


    Good luck.

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  2. Sassy Romano wrote:

     I did see the advert for Blueberry in the other thread, that's nice, since they're one of the select 24 with the Maitreya Lara body creators kits.  A different competitive advantage but nice to be super pimped too by LL.

    So THAT's why things fit so perfectly. I am not in the fashing making game so had no clue. Thanks for the insights. There are some "noticably better fitting" garments. Happily these folks also know how to weight properly. My mesh body thanks them. :D


    Going to continue reading this thread now ----

  3. I have never done what you are doing but I do know that you need to RENAME the UV maps when you have imported objects (hence more than one map) BEFORE you join them. Then all works fine uploading the new object and keeping the UV mapping.

    The only thing that I can think that might work would be to give each object its own material (or possibly vertex group as I don't use those or understand them but you might :D) , change the name of the UV maps to be the exact same, JOIN the objects, then use the materials setting to separate the mesh again.(I am assuming you need it not to be joined - hence the issue) and export the linkset.

    LOGICALLY that should work, but I have never had the occasion to do that.

    Redoing the UVs has NO effect on this issue in my experience (I tried that just the other day when I forgot about the multiple UV map issue (I rarely import objects into a file and so I forget :D). 


    If you can JOIN them before export and have renamed the maps before joining, that works well -- at least in all my tries it has.




  4. Well it ONLY appears when I write to them and shows up in the bottom of the screen with group logos and such (in Firestorm).


    (Thanks Dresden for the huge photo - it was 512 at best when I put it up -  LOL)


    --- so I don't know as a lot of folks (designers and such) wouldn't know if it was old or not. As far as I know everyone sees the correct PROFILE photo, that isn't an issue.


    But this picture is from three years ago so really couldn't be stuck in someone's cache after all that time. Next time I am talking to someone ELSE that I know I will ask them what icon they see. The old one is pretty PINK where the new one is pretty BROWN so even tiny on the screen it would be easy to tell the difference.

    Definitely a puzzle. 

  5. Had to smile at the long explaination which I assume is for the official Linden viewer.


    If you are in Firestorm you simply open up the Quickpreferences tab and make sure there isn't a checkbox in "Use Region Windlight". 


    I have used region Windlight in five years at least :D.



  6. Well my issue shouldn't have anything to do with this since it says Demondrille is on RC Magnum 15.11.13 which I am guessing means there was NO change. However, since the rollout time ( I noticed when I logged in the afternoon), I have lost shadows in Demondrille (mainland).

    I asked for a region restart and that didn't fix it. I asked the help desk to pass along the info to those that needed to know. I have shadows on all the other sims I visit, just not in Demondrille (same Windlight - just TPing).  I have never had an issue with shadows before and I take lots of photos on this sim so it would be very apparent.


    Have no clue, but still no shadows :(      Very very strange.   

  7. I don't know if "the simpliest answer is the best" but to me, it looked like you moved the vertices on your stair risers AFTER you UV mapped them origianlly and didn't remap. Hence the texture was stretched. Unless you are looking at the BAKED textures as the actual texture on the model in Blender, it will still look fine.

    Not sure if I am explaining it well. I have done that once or twice, hence it is familiar.  :D


    ALMOST instant edit  -- OR you straigtened the UV map not remembering that those pieces actually WERE at an angle and needed to stay that way (a better bet in my book).

  8. While this is the forum for MAKING mesh and issues that arrive, I will pipe in here anyway.


    If you go with many mesh bodies that are on the marketplace (Maitreya, Belleza, Slink etc) then you can wear either fitmesh or standard sizing mesh (assuming your avatar is fairly standard in shape). To be completely mesh you will also need to get a head. Some heads come in skin color lines to match bodies (example Lelutka heads and Maitreya body which is what I have). Some skin designers make appliers for heads as well as bodies so you can "wear" a skin on one of the commercial mesh bodies much like you would wear a skin on the legacy non-mesh SL avatar.

    You can no longer use texture garment (you need special appliers for that) or most of your old shoes (some boots will still work). You can still wear SOME of your older mesh garments. It will depend in part on the alpha layer set up on your body hud and how well things match up. Note that each hud on each body is different so it is VERY IMPORTANT that you play with the huds before purchasing as the hud is as least as important as the body - head. IMHO of course.


    I love my all mesh avatar. IF however you get an avatar that is not compatible with skin lines, clothes etc you will not be able to have a wardrobe, so a custom avatar would be like that. Certainly not my thing, but for folks that never change clothes (like a lot of guys) that works :D.


    Do a lot of research as this gets to be pretty expensive and you want to make the best decision for you.

    And yes, you can wear mesh shoes and clothes and hair etc on a classic avatar. You don't NEED a body, it just looks better.  :D

  9. You can also EARN some money. Over at Linden Realms is a good place now.  AND as mentioned make sure that you aren't in any groups where you are charged for ads and such from that group. Sometimes (often) that is just an oversite by the person that made the group.


    You can see if you are getting charged by some group in your transaction history. Just leave that group.

    If you only need 1 linden to get you back to 0 you can just go run through red crystals (you need 50 of those) and then make your way "carefully" to the turn in area and you will have a Linden.  And you might find you enjoy running around the realms. I still go over in alt form now and then :D. Just like the exercise and relaxation.

  10. I of course wasn't interested enough to download (LOL) but as I watched the building of walls I was really wanting to see the topology :D.  So thanks for that comment!  


    It is easy to forget that Blender does TONS of stuff, it isn't just for low poly game objects *wink*. So lots of great features just don't work well for us. VERY hard to get when you are just starting out :(



  11. Just an off the wall comment as this issue was reminiscent of a problem maybe seven years ago with prims. For me, when I textured a whole prim (let's say cube) the bottom face (forgot which one that is now) NEVER textured. So I would have to do that by using select face. Long story a few others with the issue (there was a bug tracker then, not a JIRA) and about a YEAR later they figured out it was the firmware on my modem (not wifi).


    So if you have access to another internet connection or a friend with an SL viewer you might want to check that. It is likely that it is a bug, but it "could" be you LOL.


    Good luck.


    OH, and you could also try using a different viewer like Singularity to see if it is YOU :D.

  12. I read that there were lots of issues with rigged mesh and the new version of Firestorm (and you would think the code that was adopted from LL? so perhaps before for some folks).


    I didn't update and I don't plan to. Too many people having issues.


    I suspect there is somewhere to know about newness like using the pre release "alpha" version of the Ll viewer for one.  There are a few odd things going on over on the beta grid but hopefully they will figure out the issues before bringing things into mainstream --- or not.

    Welcome to the adventure.



  13. I don't think the materials limit will be an issue for most folks. It is the cycles "need" that makes it complex. If you are "making" your comined textures using Blender rather than a graphics program and doing anything fancy then I can see how it could be tricky.

    I have in the past mapped and baked textures and then pasted them all together in graphics and eliminated some materials. That is doable but not handy.   This BIG window came in at 2.3 in SL and I am very happy with that. I normally can go overboard with fine grained texturing so I got all the window on one texture plane and I was happy with that.


    MOST things won't be an issue, but if you are adding light or glow or color change ability you do need those different material faces.


    And yes, it is a bit puzzling as to the WHY of this change unless it has something to do with how Sansar will work and we are the test bed and recipient of early "goodness". (Some new improvements have been great; not sure this is one though :D). 


    I made the walls for this last night and they came out beautifully the first time (whew) so I will see what the difference in upload will be if I put the window IN the wall and upload that way. Walls are .5 at this point so either way will work.


    Later note: The window with walls (inside and outside separate in this case) came in at 3 when uploaded separately and almost 7 when uploade as a joined object. Same uploading perameters, same mesh, same number of materials (in all).  I didn't really expect THAT much difference :D. So single upload it will be.





  14. Not sure what you mean by illegal. Yes, there is a lot of mesh uploaded by people who clearly didn't make the items themselves, probably don't know how to make mesh themselves, and unfortunately don't know how to make mesh work in SL. But I'm sure it's all open soruce, public domain items or items where the creators have given explicit permission. Anybody who tries to sell illegal content in SL will have the LL SWAT team dropping on their head like a ton of prims before they can ssay "Level Of Detail".

    Well according to the TOS of August 2013 and not changed in any manner I have heard of since then :D open source is not supposed to be uploaded as the uploading person in this case does NOT hold the copyright.


    Not sure you were here then,  but there was a huge (HUGE) uproar -- not because of the uploading of 3rd party goods but for many other reasons. And I noted today that CG Textures who has changed there TOS since I was there last now has it written in that you cannot use any of their textures in ANY LINDEN PRODUCT *wink*. 


    So anyone that hasn't made their own mesh object is not supposed to be uploading. And  it is surprising that there was this change if that is what it was aimed at. To me that is doubtful.


    As I was working on a fairly complex object in Blender cycles today I noted that if you want to use the full extent (well, as much as I know anyway) of Cycles then there could certainly be occassions when you would need more than eight materials. You can of course work around that and I have, but having the option to keep it easier would be good.  I have four five materials on a window now. If I want to upload it with the wall and corners which was my original plan that will add another three.  So you see it doesn't take too long to use up that EIGHT :D.  

    I will keep it to eight though and just upload in pieces as I have before. Enough new stuff in this project as it is.



  15. Now aren't you all glad I brought this up? 

    LOL. I knew you would want to know if you didn't already.


    And I do agree that it seems to accommodate the illegal (remember we all took that uploader test and signed the TOS a few times) importing of free to use web mesh. I really can't see why I would NEED to use this except as mentioned in a large project ( I was thinking on a Victorian recycled house in the process).  Nothing I would need often --- even if it worked well.


    And yes, sometimes (often) it is much better to upload in pieces and then link (LI wise and all). It might have been nice if it actually worked as it seemed to SUGGEST :D, but oh well.


    And there are apparently a lot of issues with the new uploader and changes to rigging. Since I don't do that except VERY simply if at all I won't worry about that.


    Thanks for all the input. I am going to put the link to this thread in a Google group for those that want to check out the details.



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  16. According to Inara Pey's run down of the new Firestorm viewer --- " Firestorm 4.7.5 includes the updated mesh uploader from Linden Lab, as seen in the SL viewer release.

    This feature modifies the mesh importer to (optionally) improve debug output, perform name-based LOD association, and handle models with many materials, and allows models with more than 8 unique faces to be imported."


    So since I know some of you use the Linden viewer and have had this for awhile (I have not updated FS as there is little that I care about that is new except "perhaps" this) -- does this mean that one mesh object can have a dozen or more materials defined (more than eight anyway) and is there a limit?  

    That certainly sounds like what it is saying. I frequently use a lot of materials (sometimes in place of what I suspect I should be using vertex groups for (on my list)) and so that I have more options with specular options and such. I can't actually think of a time when I needed more than eight materials but I am also making more complex and possible larger (more areas joined before uploading) than I have in the past.

    So any info would be appreciated. Thanks.



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  17. There are really too many variables to answer that question. Some folks do well in retail, others in full perm mesh. It depends somewhat MORE I would think on what you LIKE to do. So the only way you will know which is best for YOU is to try both and see :D.

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  18. I don't know of any way you can do what you want to do. The height of course is set by the person making the animation (and likely testing on their own avatar :D). 

    You may already know this but there IS a "hover height" adjustment in Firestorm on the Quick Preferences bar. You can use that to easily change your height off the ground when needed. There is likely something in the official viewer also, I just don't know where it might be.

  19. Linden Lab stays out of citizen disagreements and that is what this is. It wasn't fraud and if they buyer doesn't like said head, it is TRANSFER and THEY can sell it. If they don't want to send it back, then I wouldn't worry about it. Honestly if it were me and I got that note I probably wouldn't even want it back in order to refund their money.  Many listing of gachas on the Marketplace come with warnings about being sure you are online, no way to redeliver etc.


    Folks that buy gachas on the Market always take a risk. Any RESALE buying of gachas is tricky. I have been very lucky as most folks are very honest. One time I was missing an alpha layer but that is easy to deal with. 

    Actually thinking about it, YOU have a better case on harassment charges than they do on "unhappiness with purchase" charges. I am sure that many retailers have disgruntled customers all the time. 

    If they were going to buy a VERY expensive (I am assuming RARE) head, then they should have found a place to view it inworld before buying. That is certainly the SMART thing :D.

    I have only had one item flagged and that was because "someone" thought it should have been in adult (plants that are legal in my state but not legal in all -- and you do have to be 18 so I could see that ADULT was a reasonable category and just relisted). No one slapped my wrist, they just took the listing down until I fixed it. So I don't see that is a big deal unless I am missing something.






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