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Chic Aeon

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Posts posted by Chic Aeon

  1. Just wanted you to know that there is another testing method. You can use the ADITI (beta) grid which is free to upload. Since Blender is not the easiest of programs to use or get around in (let alone when models are added) I suggest that would be easier for you.


    It is free to upload and you can test to your hearts content. Since you won't be uploading mesh, you won't have to take a test and you should be able to get there easy enough.


    This wiki page looks pretty darn old but will likely be of some help. http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Preview_Grid


    And I am pretty sure there are some videos on getting to Aditi on YouTube. So a Google search should get you there if you decide that is a good way to test. You can upload tattoos anywhere but you might want to go to a SANDBOX where there are frequently naked mesh bodies being tested and no one cares :D. I use the MESH sandboxes and they are pretty much griefer free.



  2. Thanks. Will try and work around and hope it gets fixed soon. You can work "all day" and leave stuff out and then get things over to the main grid. Many times I do that so not a huge thing. If they can get it to actually work, it will be great :D.


    I very seldom clear my cache as the Firestorm folks have asked users REPEATEDLY not to do that unless absolutely necessary  LOL.   If I can't work around I will clear cache.



  3. The inventory sync sims to have more issues than reported :D

    I fixed this issue by logging out and into Aditi again (seemed a logical thing to try). So if you see this happening -- try that. Another thousand items showed up INCLUDING all of the things I cleaned out of my inventory last even on Agni - HMMMM .


    And while yesterday's work is there  -- sort of, the textures have disappeared from inventory so I need to upload those again. Indeed it looks like the textures on older things (a couple of weeks ago) are also missing :(       


    So BEWARE and adjust work accordingly.


    I am going to TRY putting the things I am working on in their own folder and see if that helps. Meanwhile expect quite a few issues. :D



    Well while I am glad to LOOK better, when I logged into Aditi this morning ALL my past worke was gone. Nothing from last night (10 pm SL time) is gone along with everything else from my Aditi inventory. 


    The only thing left THAT I CAN SEE in my inventory is the toolbelt I typically wore for the last few months over there. It is now in my objects folder. There is very little left IN my objects folder as I cleaned it last evening on Agni.


    The inventory SAYS I have 57,144 items and I have about 41,000 on the main grid. Searching for the items that I know should be there does no good. If they are there, I can't see them. 


    So unless you are lickety split working this isn't going to be a great thing. The only thing left in from my Aditi 


    Hopefully they will get this working better soon.   

  4. Well there used to be "land bots" that monitored the grid and bought up any land set at a low price. This is quite awhile ago when land was much more of a commodity. It caused isses as the bots bought things instantaneiously and sometimes there were errors OR the land was supposed to be sold to an alt for example at almost no money and the person setting the land forgot to put in the name -- etc.

    So reasonably that same scripting (I am NOT  a script person so no guarantees) could be adjusted to look for land ste to sale to someone. This only seems like it would be of use to someone that buys a LOT of land :D.


    That's all "I" know.

  5. With all mesh skins you pretty much need an applier to get a good match. It isn't just the COLOR that you are looking for -- it is the SHADING where the body skin goes up through the neck to the face. That will change with the skin. So if you can find appliers for that body, then that would be a good plan.

  6. I have your same body and head :D.


    I suggest trying Lumae skins (currently at Skin Fair with a new major release). These are packed full of appliers and typically have freckeles for both head and body as a choice. The black lipstick will likely need to be a makeup applier. Lots of folks make those.


    When looking at skin appliers I suggest that you pay particual attention to the bodies. Some skin designers make good head and the hands are completely awful for example. AND it is very difficult to get a smooth skin look tinting the Maitreya body unless you are using the standard Lelutka head (which I did for a long while).


    Good luck.

  7. Jeannedellalune Prudhomme wrote:

    Greetings Meshers!

    I am interested in creating textures for mesh jewelry templates. Yes, I know there's criticism about that, but my skill is with PS and not Blender or Maya. Maybe some day ...

    I have found that there is no good, definitive explanation for creating textures with PS and importing to SL, except in bits and pieces on the forum and starting here: 

    Some templates come with PSDs, most don't, I have found.

    Please let me know if I have this correct::

    1) download the ambient/shadow map to PS ( I have seen it referred to as both terms) and open;

    2) load texture above the map in Layers and blend both using "multiple" mode (at this point, I've been adding my own alpha designs, which seems to work ok);

    3)Save and import into SL as png or tga;

    Several questions: how do I get shine on the object? I've tried loading the shadow/ambient map in the Texture/Shine frame, which sorta works, though the mesh object looks transparent sometimes. Do I need to make specular map, and if so, how? what kind of settings do I need? do I need a glossy map? what settings?

    Also, what's the point of the UV layout map for what I'm doing, except it lets me see where to place stuff. Do I need it for anything else?

    One last question: best SL prim shape for the creator's/root prim? size? do I need to make it phantom as well as invisible?

    Thank you for any and all responses. I appreciate your help. It would be very nice if creators who sell templates would give us a Basics 101.



    To get a specular map on your jewelry (remember not everyone can see this) you would take your finished ambient map (the one where you added the textures) and make a specular map. There are several programs that do this. I use ShaderMap 2. There is also something called CrazyBump (or a similar name). If you are using Photoshop there is apparently a free program that goes with photoshop that will make maps for you. (I use another program so know nothing about that).


    You can also add subtle shine by using "BLANK" as the specular map. Remember again though only those with Advanced Lighting on will see the shine, so it is really best to "fake" the shine using high contrast in your graphics program.


    The UV map is often included as some folk prefer to draw on the map rather than adding textures to the ambient. So in essence they make there own ambient map with shading according to their tastes. If you are using the ambient map, you don't need the UV.


    A root prim can be any shape. or size. It is simply to make the item show as "yours" so that questions about your product go to YOU and not the mesh maker. In furniture the creator prim is often a shadow prim, but in jewelry something smaller would certainly make more sense.

    Hope that helps some.

  8. Just wanted to note that I have had my Maitreya body for over a year and wear it continously. I have never had any of the issues you discribe. The only thing that I have (rarely) seen is the texture on the hud button being fuzzy. So it is likely it is NOT the body but computers not being up to SL realistic standards. They are high. They have always been high. I don't see that changing :D.

  9. If you use PROJECT FROM VIEW when you unwrap you should be able to get something close to what you need. If there is height in those outside edges that needs to be adjusted for, you can stretch out those edgeloops in the UV mapping plane as needed.  


    You can check your scale buy using the GRID as your texture. The squares sizes will let you know what areas need to be changed, if any.


    In general NOW (for some time actually) when you are marking seams and using the UNWRAP method to unwrap, you need to go Object > Apply > Rotation and Scale  BEFORE you unwrap or things will not work as you expect. You need to be in Object mode to get to that  Object > Apply menu.


    To get the origin to the center of the object  (be in object mode again) use Origin > Transform > Origin to Geometry.


    Hope that helps some.


    PS. Drongle responded while I was typing and his answer makes me think I misunderstood the issue but leaving this here just in case that is not the case :D.  

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  10. Most bloggers (all that I know) take LARGE (that is 5000 pixels or better) shots using the FULL SCREEN (don't let the viewer crop it for you) then crop as needed and resize in a graphics program.


    I good close up photo doesn't really need to be THAT close (although I have very good luck doing it that way also). You can simply crop it afterwards.


    If you computer is less than hefty, it makes it harder. That is a give.


    Good luck.

  11. Area Search IS you friend. You will likely need to cam beneath the floor to get at it. That is where things usually end up. "Bad" mesh is the reason. If you don't have great camming skills you can DEREZyour house (in Firestorm and maybe some other third party viewers) .

    BE SURE NOT TO DEREZ AND BLACKLIST or it will be gone until you find it and say's it's OK to see again. Derez is a temperary thing.


    Good luck. It has happened to everyon :D


  12. Just some thoughts on reading your post.


    It seems like you are coming into SL with an agenda. From your avatar info you are two days old. This of course may be a "new" avatar but I am wondering if you have spent a lot of time in virtual worlds.


    I make machinima and in that process I have had lots of "outsiders" contact me wanting me to make a film for them. The films in their minds seemed perfectly valid but had nothing to do with the reality of virutal life. Hence, it was very difficult to explain things to them or to work on a project with them and indeed there were some big bucks involved and I said "no". They  hadn't been inworld long enough to even pick out a good outfit, let alone actually understand what is going on. It was like beating your head against the wall to break through their preconcieved notions.


    There are tons of folks who have been here for years spending several hours to all day behind the computer screen. Your post suggests you want folks to jump up, wave their hands and say, "whoa look at me -- I'm disfunctional and I want to be famous for it".  Honestly there are artists and creators and designers and teachers and entripenures all here -- some making a living in the vitural envirornment. Others just enjoy much or playing house with virtal goods. They can have many things here for pennies on the dollar compared to the corporeal world.


    If I am even close to my perception of where you are coming from, then I suggest taking the time to understand what you are trying to protray -- AND coming into the project with a more open mind that you seem to have. 


    Hopefully I have compltely misread your post OR you were just trying to get some hits on your film LOL which I did NOT click on *wink*.


    Best of success.

  13. The new Maitreya body has the ability to "accept" the new auto alphas (turning off certain alpha slots in the body) and then turning them back on when you take off the garment.


    I only have had ONE outfit that uses the new technology but it might be something you want to watch for the future. Assume if other bodies don't already have this feature -- they will.

  14. Easy in your case.

    Wear your body. Pick your skincolor from the choices.

    Note which color it was -- like third lightest for example.

    Put on your head and head hud and choose the SAME color.

    This ONLY works with Maitreya and Lelutka.


    You CAN buy applier skins. Make sure though that the applier (hud that let's you attach the specific skin) is for Lelultka heads or it won't work. Be sure and check the skin for the bodies (another applier by the same skin maker) as some folks make great heads and horrible (well a step down let's say) bodies.

    OR you can use the default ones for awhile as you get used to your new look.


    Good luck and have fun.

  15. Thanks to all the folks that were worried about me and wrote private IMs.

    I am OLD (please note posts and dates) :D.   I have several pieces of land but now and then I do need a sandbox for BIG items or coalesced builds that I am not really sure what is there. 



    And it is fixed this morning.

    And "sometimes" the folks in the know do drop by here (wink) -- especially the server and viewer areas.


    I just went to the support ticket area to make sure, but there is no place to report this type of incident in "MY" (not a premium member) list.  One could of course put it in an inappropriate area :D.


    Anyway. Working at the moment. And I do appreciate the notes.

  16. Plum and Lime (Linden sims with one a sandbox) have been consistantly griefed this last week. Each time I go over there is some very weird colorful prims (likely giant particals) that keeps one from doing anything.


    I WOULD of course report this but since I have no way to FIND the object (way too laggy) or the people responsible, there is no way to report it.


    So just in case a Linden is looking at this thread THERE IS AN ISSUE and it would be very good to have a way to report incidents like this just in general. I was inworld at the time when you just sent in a report -- easy peasy :D.


    Just saying.  I would like to be able to use the sandbox again sometime soon.

    AND as an afterthought  -- last week when this was happening I visited several of the other sandoxes (not sure which ones now but not premium) and the same griefing tool was being used there -- so NOWHERE to rez :(



  17. Try using some of your favorite Windlights and see if they look the same?

    If it is the pixelated edges you are referring to, check your anti aliased setting in the viewer.  It seems more likely that you have some viewer settings off than it is an actual issue.

    You might try posting in the Photography forum for other hints.

    AND aside from a bad picture, what exactly is worse than before?  We don't know, you see :D.


    If it is the darkness, then I would look at your Windlight Sky. If you are using the default days setting things look awful for everyone :D.

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