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Feorie Frimon

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Everything posted by Feorie Frimon

  1. Lunaris LOFTS is a project of Operation Mainland - an experiment in offering high quality skyboxes with loads of prims on the mainland for an unbeatable price. Create your perfect home in SecondLife with a private skybox armed with an easy to use LOW Technologies Security System, and start living your best Second Life today! Virtual Tours: Click Here to See a Virtual Tour of Skybox 1 Click Here to See a Virtaul Tour of Skybox 2 Click Here to See a Virtual Tour of Skybox 3
  2. Now includes a gorgeous mesh cottage with the plot - keep it or pick it up and start fresh - your choice! $3,000L
  3. New PODscast is up! I finally reached the most North Eastern Tip of the Continent! 😍
  4. This might be my favorite parcel I've sold yet! Moderate 1024m for only 3500 L *351 prims* Won't last long!!! Parcel can be flat if desired - Roadside with genuine water view SURL: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Hydrangea/112/141/85 VIDEO TOUR: https://gyazo.com/a6996a6484d3b6fed736fad2947a6c30 *Part of the Operation Mainland Project
  5. Killer deal - 1024m for only 2500 L *351 prims* **Beautiful Mesh M&M Creations Cottage Included in Sale - (You can use or delete it) Part of the Operation Mainland Project VIDEO TOUR: https://gyazo.com/79bbaf6a128354704e447181111c9a91 SURL: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Sabra/84/78/80
  6. Killer deal - 1024m for only 2500 L *351 prims* **Beautiful Mesh M&M Creations Cottage Included in Sale - (You can use or delete it) VIDEO TOUR: https://gyazo.com/813db4b6f82ef765be8746276d5f93d4 SURL: https://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Scape/125/116/86 Part of the Operation Mainland Project
  7. I was lurking on that thread yesterday too. I think that thread alone could give me ideas for ages.
  8. 👆- Animats for President, folks! These are all fabulous ideas.
  9. New POD ride is up! I saw aliens in this one! o.0
  10. I'm working on a community board for the Operation Mainland project - the idea is to have LMs for vistors to snag a copy of about cool things to do on the mainland. I'd also like to use some of these suggestions in some up coming 'mainland featured' Youtube videos I'm working on where I try the experience (whatever it is) and then tell other people how to find it and try it, too. Think, like... me trying to sail or fly a plane...or try GTFO. These videos will not be negative in nature, but more designed to show residents how cool the mainland can be and some of the gems that are out there. I figured you all were the ones to ask - what are the SURLs of some of your favorite places on the SL Mainland?
  11. I wish more people agreed with you on this - I know I do. Someone was actually telling me the other day that 'you can just derender' anything you don't like...but that's really just not the case. I take the roads around the Atoll all the time looking for Abandoned Land that might have a good view and there are -so many- poorly textured massive sculpt mountains from over a decade ago right on the water that are so huge. Don't get me wrong - I'm all about doing what you want on the mainland, but jeez.... they just crush the view for an entire sim with huge plots behind them of abandoned land behind them. Derendering the mountain itself won't get rid of all the prims inside of the object. It's so sad.
  12. I wonder if there are rules about what can be used on 'Linden Land' though - like, does it have to be something they own rights to? Or were created by someone at the lab? Can the Moles buy stuff and stock their inventories and use it in their builds? I've always wanted to interrogate one and find out how it works.
  13. So kick that griefer out and return his prims. Done. I mean, you vet the volenteers first of course...have them jump through whatever hoops to make sure they are up to snuff...but then let them do whatever it is the Moles want them to do and don't have time to do themselves. The Moles have a look when the project is complete, give their seal of approval, then sell the land. Money for LL - prettier Mainland - happier residents.
  14. Yeah, I know.... but alot of those sims are inhabitted. I'm not talking about those. I'm talking about abandoned land - well, really abandoned sims. We're talking about making that abandoned land more desireable for residents that are already on the grid. Sim borders aren't a problem - you can terraform across sim boarders the same as any other part of land (at least I could when I build a theater with a stage on one side and an audience on another).
  15. Yeah, why not? Sorry for dragging us off topic here... but I think there are a huge number of SL residents that would do stuff like this - people that are plenty qualified and can follow instructions/details of what the Lab would want. SL Resident Volenteers are amazing - I can't tell you how many times I've gotten help from someone random that not only did what I needed, but did it better than I even thought could be done and did it for free.
  16. No, they get paid as far as I know. But, 10 hours per sim? Holy crap, that's alot - I meant for the entire project. Put me in that Linden building group and I'll adjust some water heights, terraform some lakes, and change some textures. Bam. Done.
  17. I don't know... changing some ratings, updating some terrain textures, and adding some water seems like it could be a Mole project, right? Sure, it's a little bit of $$ in hours spent (I can't imagine it would take more than 10 hours...tops?), but the parcels would sell fast and if they went through the same ticket process as Abandoned Land, LL stands to profit directly from the intital sale of the land. They'd make that $$ up pretty fast. That uses all current infrastructure with little work on the part of the Lab.
  18. I think less G rated sims, too! I find most of the abandoned land on my journeys there. I wonder how hard it would be to just bump the rating up from G to Moderate?
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