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Jamie Ashland

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3 answers to this question

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Actually you are wrong.   They make more money on a premium account.  When you buy Linden, they only make a small transaction fee.  Your Linden then goes to other residents for purchases etc.   The dollars go to residents cashing out their USD credits.  It keeps the SL economy alive but it doesn't line LL's pockets.

If you have a problem which "only LL can fix" and which "they will only fix it if you are a premium account"  and you really want the account fixed, then go premium on a monthly, get your account fixed, then downgrade back to Basic.   If your account is not worth $10 to you, why have it?


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"Am I just as important as the next .... Money is money"


Yes, money is money.  But you are very misguided about who gets that money that you spend to purchase Lindens.  Linden Lab gets nothing from the Lindens you purchase until they are cashed out through the Linden Exchange.  And the amount they get is a very small percentage of the total USD equilavant (I believe it is 3%).  That would mean is you cashed out $L2500 (which is about $10.00 USD.....the minimum you can cash out) they get 30 cents and you get $9.70.  That 30 cents pays for the handling of the transaction and what LL has to pay PayPal for accepting the money transfer.....I don't think that 30 cents goes far for the work and expense involved in that transfer (it probably just barely breaks even).  Yeah, LL might make a few dollars if you cash out $1,000 USD but what's wrong with that?  A couple dollars and you got the lion's share with $970 in your pocket.  LL doesn't make money selling Lindens.  They make money on land sales and land tiers and a little bit on the membership fees.  When you buy land from LL (not land you "buy" from another resident) they make money.  When you pay tier, they make money.  Whey you pay membership fees them make money.  Everything else it's other residents making Lindens that when they cash them out, LL gets that 3%.  You can buy $1,000 USD a month worth or Lindens and LL won't get a dime until those Lindens are cashed out (and that's usually someone else besides you doing the cashing out..........you are paying others, not LL).

You seem to have a problem with LL making money.  You seem to think that it's unfair that LL requires you to be premium in order to get full customer support.  If it weren't for premium members and land owners paying tier you would not be able to have a basic and free account at all.  You choose to be basic and purchase Lindens as you need them......that's all fine and good as many people do exactly that.  But the draw back is that you don't have full support.  You knew that (or you should since it's clearly stated when you create the free account) when you opted for basic.  Now you're whinning because you think you should have full support because you think that because you buy Lindens regularly that you contribute as much to LL's coffers as I do as a premium member (or any other premium member).  You're wrong.........you do not contribute nearly as much as premium members unless you pay tier driectly to LL (private estate owners don't need the premium membership but they do pay about $300 a month tier for each sim they own).

Give people something for free and someone will always want more.......for free.  And whine when they can't have it.  Count your blessings that you have an account that you don't have to pay a penny for if you choose not to.

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