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Windows 8 Driver issue


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I recently changed rom Win 7 Home Premium to the Win 8 Consumer Preview. When I try to open Phoenix Viewer, I get the message about SL can't run because the driver was not installed properly, out of date, or fun unsupported hardware. My question is, has anybody have trouble with the drivers when upgrading to Windows 8? I am using the AMD Radeon HD 6320 video card, and I did update the drivers for it after I migrated to Win 8. I even uninstalled the driver and reinstalled it, error message persists. Could this potentially be SL not supporting this particular driver?

This message goes for any viewer that I try to run, so it most definitely has to be a driver issue.

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When was the Windows 8 Consumer Preview released?  The first I read about it was yesterday.  Even if it was released a month ago, it's a very new operatiing system and since Microsoft did not release the OS as an "official" release, it's actually a beta release.  And being a beta release it's prone to bugs and problems.  People who are pretty experienced with operating systems would be the ideal people to download and try the OS out..........inexperienced people might not be the best to do the same thing.  Even in over their head.

It sounds like you might not be all that experienced with beta testing operatiing systems.  I'm basing that on your discription of the problem and the fact that you did not give your driver version, nor where you obtained the driver (and experienced person using a brand new operating system would know enough to include that information in their question).  They would also know that with a new OS the video card manufacturers would very likely not have drivers for the OS.  They would also expect problems with some programs...........all due to the fact that something new, without an official release, has to have time for drivers and programs to catch up with the OS.  The "Consumer Preview" might be something the folks at nVidia and AMD would be interested in to hash out drivers for the new system.  I'm sure Microsoft would love to know if there are program problems or driver problems before they release the final official Windows 8.

Now for my suggestion.  You said your reinstalled the driver for you video card.  Where did you obtain that driver?  From the AMD driver download site would be the place to get the latest driver (though, with the newness of Windows 8, you'll probably need the latest driver for Win 7).  But there's no guarantee that that driver is going to work simply because of the OS (though it probably should...but I don't know for sure).  Go to AMD's driver download site and download the driver, uninstall the current driver and install the driver you downloaded.  Don't use a driver that Microsoft gives you.........it could be a year or more old and even the improper driver.

I hope you installed the Windows 8 Consumer Preview on a separate partition or a second drive on your computer and use dual boot to choose which OS to boot to.  If not then you have not choice about which OS your computer is going to boot to.........you're stuck with Windows 8 until you remove it and reinstall your older OS (Win 7). 


I don't think you'll find many here who have any experience with WIndows 8..........it's just too new.

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I have resolved the issue. Thank you for your response. I am familiar with OS and I do realize that they are prone to issue, but I am not inexperienced with computers at all. And yes, this is my first time actually beta testing an operating system.

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Well that's three requests (counting mine) for information that could help others..........I don't think an answer is in the works.  Funny how people are quick to ask for help but when there's a chance that something they did or found they disappear.  We'll only see this resident the next time he/she has a problem or question........then off to the secret place only they know about.  Sometimes that makes me want to pull my hair out. 

I'm trying to be good......honest I am.

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My problem was similar to his/hers.


If your driver is the "default Windows 8 Consumer Preview driver" (whatever that is), the Firestorm viewer will tell you, upon startup, that "SL can't run because the driver was not installed properly, out of date, or fun unsupported hardware" (quote from previous poster, not the Firestorm message). My graphics driver WAS up to date before I installed W8CP on top of W7 Home Premium, but apparently the W8CP overwrote it with its own default graphics driver.


How to solve this: You simply go to the Nvidia or ATI driver download site (or whichever graphics card manufacturer you need), and download the very latest graphics driver for your operating system. Once I did that and rebooted, Firestorm worked perfectly. The official SL viewer also worked well. Hope this helps someone.

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The problem is not with the SL Viewers. The problem is that the Windows 8 Preview OS overwrites the computers video driver with a generic WIndows compatible video driver. This overwrite causes SL VIewer to not recognize the generic video driver as being up to date and compatible with SL requirements.

You can solve the problem by re-installing the newest video driver on your computer. Linden Lab (and the 3rd party viewer producers) can also solve this by adding the WIndows 8 generic viewer driver to the approved video drivers that the Viewers check for.

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  • 2 months later...

I have the same problem but, I cant update my gfx driver because AMD is no longer releasing drivers for my radeon HD4850 in windows 8. So I'm using whatever windows came with installed as descrived by the avobe post... so please Linden labs add that driver to the aprove list... I can run most games at maximum settings so I'm sure second life would run well on them. Thank you.

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  • 1 month later...

Woud be nice if linden did something about this. I cant use w7 anymore I just cant. (literally I cant but even if I could I dont want to) I know it's not their fault AMD is not releasing any more drivers for this gfx card on w8 but c'mon linden add the damn driver w8 uses to the aproved drivers. I can run skyrim but not second life? give us a break.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Windows 8 & Second Life do work. Here's proof >>


Second Life 3.3.3 (259953) Jun 18 2012 19:31:54 (Second Life Beta Viewer)
Release Notes

You are at 252,355.0, 284,951.0, 1,006.4 in Rinji located at sim6036.agni.lindenlab.com (
Second Life Server
Release Notes

CPU: Intel® Core i5 CPU       M 430  @ 2.27GHz (2261.03 MHz)
Memory: 7982 MB
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 8 64-bit  (Build 8250)
Graphics Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
Graphics Card: GeForce GT 325M/PCIe/SSE2

Windows Graphics Driver Version: 8.15.0010.2302
OpenGL Version: 3.3.0

libcurl Version: libcurl/7.21.1 OpenSSL/0.9.8q zlib/1.2.5 c-ares/1.7.1
J2C Decoder Version: KDU v6.4.1
Audio Driver Version: FMOD version 3.750000
Qt Webkit Version: 4.7.1 (version number hard-coded)
Voice Server Version: Vivox 3.2.0002.10426

Built with MSVC version 1600
Packets Lost: 841/38,340 (2.2%)

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  • 4 weeks later...

Resurrecting this thread to see if there have been any SL updates on this. I sent in a ticket and nothing new on a patch. I'm using an ATI Radeon HD 4600 (similar to another mentioned in this thread) and have uninstalled the default drivers and installed the most recent ATI drivers, with a reboot and still SL and Singularity viewers are saying drivers are out of date. Not sure where to go from here :/

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  • 3 months later...

I've done everything you said and even uninstalled my graphic drivers and reinstalling the new ones and I still get the same message....Phoenix, Firestorm and SL viewer don't open ......I'm completely stumped, I don't know what to do anymnore except do a recovery and lose everything.......

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