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Really disappointed in some merchants.

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First, let me start out by saying I really do not know if I am posting under the right section, but these are concerns and things that really both me for years in SL just getting worse every single day it seems like.

Back in 2010 I had an incident where one person couldn't stand OOC opinions from this RP sim I played in, and since then they have done nothing but been a problem for me. Okay so to keep this as short as possible. I made an appeal for my actions and took responsibility that it was my fault I shared these with this person, and sure it was, what I did not expect is that like two weeks later they got griefed by either themselves, or having people do it, or random Lulz griefers that saw my post on the search engine because their moderator did not restrict google bot access either way it turned into a nightmare, simply put I got banned from 13 simulators, and that was perfectly legal for them to do under our TOS.

Now What is not legal for them to be doing.

1. Their covenant says they are allowed to get involved with Im's which are private between individuals to resolve disputes without consent of all parties.

2. Their GM's from their own simulator sent me an Email, with an IP address in it, and some random griefer griefing them with certain posts made which is not mine, in their log they talked behind my back calling me a griefer, and they have done this multiple times to other people I somewhat know as two friends treid to talk to them knock some sense into them, and they refuse to listen and keep talking behind my back, even the owner of these 13 regions accused me of being a Domestic Terrorist, threatend the FBI, or police, and I have sent in abuse reports to Linden Lab on this issue already, but wait it gets better.

3. I have been threatend, my SL account IM's spammed Via scripted objects from their Estates, and simulators, sent rude things by my email from griefer objects used on their sim, and they refused to check anything, and again ive filed AR's on everyone involved griefing me , I tried to talk things over with them all first because hey I would honestly love to save LL's time, and resolve a dispute like an adult than a pissing contest and such.

Recently Just 3 days ago, I had a person with a similar name of the previous griefers spamming me with objects send me an IM informing me that a notice was sent out in (Censored) group about me being a CopyBot, the claim accuses me of stealing hairs from creators I have shop from before, other creators ive never met in my life in SL, and I have no idea if this person is informing me, or just a random griefer doing it for the lulz yet, but either way I checked their group open enrollment, and I saw a notice sent out about me saying this.

CENSORED (CENSORED) - Caught coppybotter. Stole Items from *CENSORED* and a collar of myself as well as from Truth hair. Might be worth banning from your land

Ty *CENSORED* for letting us know

 *CENSORED* is also known more famously as GothGirl Demonia (this is their second notice)

I sent IM's to this person who sent this notice which is the owner of this group, and all they tell me is they got like Several Complaints about me, I asked for evidence that proves such, and they have not came up with a single thing other than giving me the name of the previous RP sim where they created issues from, and I investergated everyones profile that I knew from the person who hated me enough to start this, to another person who randomly IM me, and another person ive only spoken to once in my entire SL Life, and the owner of this one group, all part of the same exact group which explains it to me it looks like friends looking together the Lulz Grief me, or other griefers griefing in my name, which is quite obvious because I have multiple snapshots from these griefers blogs talking about me, snapshots from other blogs outside SL service and forums lulz griefing/trolling me. Which leads to two things.

1. It is related to people who did not want me returning to the Sim because they hated me so much, and did this themselves, or hired people or friends.

2. It is the same griefer group who has griefed me in the past many times with threates, blackmail, hate, and the group responsible for cloning many skins from illusory a store ive never bought from and sending them to many people saying it was from me, their mistake however is I never purchased a fatpack from them, and how can a theif obtain a fatpack unless they download it from an external site illegaly import, and that made it obvious it wasn't from me.

Now my concern is simple.

I have been griefed by first CDS, and Red Zone in SL accused of being a Thief aka someone who steals goods from others and defamed since 2009, that not being much of a problem anymore as much anyways but still wrongfully done, I now have these people who sent out these notices falsely about me in this group, I have filed an AR because they refused to listen even accept that it might be another griefer doing this as they have no proof it is from me, and now I am banned from at least one store accused by them myself of being a Thief who stole their products Yes I have seen them for sale way back on the market place no I didnt buy, but still I never did such but yet my rep goes down the drain, and I have done nothing but seperate myself as far away as I can get from anyone that I know who steals content, any group, any affilation, I do not want to be part of it, I do not want to be near it, and I do everything to try to make sure I never am even around such ever, its like running to the sink RL constantly to scrub my hands constantly over and over because im afraid of germs that bad.

Now what  will be done?

1. Well Obviously I have been found guilty with no evidence shown accused of stuff I have never done or been part of, How will I prove I am innocent of such, I honestly do not know as I have told them I work computers, I know what an IP ban is, I know what a MAC ban is, I have many CPU's Motherboards, Processors, Modems, Routers I can easily get around such in any game or service, I can easily avoid spyware now in SL through media or things I consider such I have learned a lot in SL over the years, and this is not a confession that I am a griefer either because obviously I am not, and if I were such I would never have said anything I would have just griefed never said my name, so its quite obvious.

2. What will Linden Lab do, I honestly have no idea what they will do at this point, all I know is that I am really disappointed in these, or this merchant that has made such claims, I know that they do what is in the best interest to protect their friends, staff, and community, and what they do I respect, but I will not sit on my behind, and watch as they spread false rumors with no actual evidence and do nothing, as the TOS, and CS says disclosure of Logs, and names only applies in SL & SL service, so I guess that is a good start to prove that I am being accused in a court with no evidence sent out about me, which hey I would love to hear and see who and what is going on hey I would love to talk it over with whoever it is in peace and get to the bottom of it all, but doesn't look like that will happen.

3. I have asked that security in SL be improved to prevent such griefers from doing this type of stuff, I have asked that people be able to choose last names again, or make their own, this prevents confusion among the last name of resident, and hey if age verification were restricted to people who actually show ID, valid Creditcard required to make an account griefers wouldn't be using so many griefer accounts daily and get away with it, yes there are ways around it all, but if security is done properly we wouldn't have this many issues, and hey I have sent LL my concerns about all of this, and I have seen LL working on changes, but when I would really appriciate it if people would follow our dang TOS/CS, and hey I appricate, and respect peoples privacy in Private Im's where it be allowed to disclose outside SL & SL Forums, but the moment a person decides to grief me, threaten me, or harass me in any way I will do what I must to make sure it stops, and no I am not talking about anything that violates our TOS/CS, or harms our community in any way, but talking about friendly talks among people outside SL disclosure of such outside SL & SL forums, and a report to Linden Lab.

As the TOS says they have the right to do what they want on their own land such as a ban list, eject from groups, and such, they do not have the right to send out false notices tehy can't back up with actual evidence, and they do not have the right to grief me and ask me to prove that I am innocent, and such, otherwise they have clearly said that unless I do that in other words they will remain sending out this false propaganda/rumors, and will not retract, or do anything about it. Honestly as much as I love free speech, respect a persons opinions, and hey I dont ban people over telling me to Frack myself, I clear my ban list 6-12 months usually, and I understand this is a virtual game, and there is no need for this type of stuff, let alone the harm it does to our communty down the road speaking as a whole in general when everyone is pointing fingers at everyone simply without reason should it be allowed to continue.

I have not wrote this to upset anyone here, I have also removed any and all names from it, except for mine, and I am not asking for a flamming response either or rude comments, or posts, and creating a new account running like a coward, and hiding behind alt's, or other accounts isn't my type of game, I have friends on this account people ive known since I started SL really, I trust some of them, I can't leave that behind, and even if I could make a new account hide behind it all over again, chances are I could get the same thing down the road from a similar system, I would tell some of my friends and some how it would get around of who I am and there we go again, but either way I have purchased too many items over the years things I cant replace, things way before LL ever update to their new TOS.

I hope to get some good answers, and I hope that really this is good enough to prove to them that I am not interested in bringing any type of harm to our community, or any creator, or developer in our communty. Hey I understand I get pissed off I rage it happens, and I understand that I can't AR, or do anything about a griefer until I see it, and as far as anything that goes on outside LL Service, I can't AR anything outside of their service no matter how bad I want to even if it is a violation of Copyright, nothing can be done by LL, and would have to be done by the copyright holder legally.

Oh yeah and I am not in any way saying I dont like SL, I love it, I love the social community, and friends who will not backstab me, and hey I really like love and enjoy the content people create, I may not create much on this grid, but that doesn't make me guilty of anything because I rather play Battle Field 3, or League OF Legends, I create when I want simple stuff, I learn certain things when I can about creation, and most importantly I am not a graphics artist, I wish I was for many reasons some are personal, but that takes money and lots of it, and down here they dont teach that, not saying its not possible to learn either but creating textures from scratch, and Mesh, or 3D Sculpts not entirely my thing, Yes I am willing to learn when I can and such, and I love SL as I said but I do not like what some people can try to do to others on this grid, I don't like people who assoicate with griefers in any way I try to remove myself from all that I can to get away from this type of stuff, and I do not like people on my list who are going to assoicate with such either, hey I respect people as individuals, and some have a very kind heart it is true ive seen it, Ive cried over such because they were friends to me, but I couldn't be around it and it has came and gone a few times, but I guess life goes on sad or not.

Thanks Everyone, and yes it is very late so I am getting off, and hope for the best.

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It's hard to say that you are innocent and that merchants have no justification for what they are doing to you when you post this just over a year ago.  You can't say you are innocent when you freely admit to having used an illegal viewer and using it to copybot items.  And it really is no defence to say thay you carried on using an illegal viewer so that you could report stolen items.

It may well be that you are now on the path to redemption and good luck to you in that, but unlike RL people in SL can to a large extent discriminate against you based on hearsay, rumour or maybe in this case past facts of your wrongdoing and there really is nothing that you can do about it unless they cross the line of the TOS or RL law.  Oscar Wilde said that the real punishment of prison is not the sentence but going back into society afterwards, in that you are forever tarnished by it.

It seems to me by your frequent posts that your AV is always carrying baggage with it and if I was you I'd create an alt, transfer what you can to it and start your SL again and scrub your friends list of all those except who really really really really trust.

Just my L$2 worth as your post was too long and scattershot to give you an all encompassing answer.

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