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Fashion Blogging in Native Languages

Sasy Scarborough

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Over the years it has become more important to me as a resident, to want to see more done in peoples own language. I for one can only imagine how hard it must be coming to Second Life and getting completely lost in all that is English. I do not speak any other language but english, but would love to see Fashion bloggers especially take their own blogs to their roots.

During Hair Fair I encouraged one blogger to do all her posts in her own language and it looked amazing, and I can imagine was really nice for those that do speak limited english from her country. I also spoke to Ayla Verity this very mornting on the subject, encouraging her to do a fashion blog in Dutch, I mean look how many dutch designers we have. Also how amazing would it be for the designer to be spoken well of in their own tongue.

I also think that more languages means possibly more new residents, and that is even more of a plus.

What do you think? would you like to see more fashion blogging done in your native language? a mix of both ? or are you fine how it is ?



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Sasy !! I believe that Linden gave the first step and slowly people will post in other languages here. Asking portuguese speaking bloggers (including myself) for the Fashion Experts is really interesting and I see that like a big opportunity. I love, I really love speaking english, although I make some mistakes, but I´d really like to help brazilians to get involved and interact more with everybody and all the topics. My people soffers a lot because most of them doesn´t speak english. 

When we speak our native language we express ourselves much better, even if we speak english fluently. Its about being secure of what´s being said.

I´d like to see more posts here in many languages. If I find some that I don´t understand, google translator can helps me ^^

Hugs !!! 

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I agree them doing so here is a first step, but I would love to see it on peoples own blogs. I also agree not only much easier, but every language has its own fun way of expressing things, ways to joke about something or special words or phrases that mean more in your own language than any translation can do. 

Maybe people can even do both languages on their blogs if they want to, it is also great for them to learn, and to help others learn, when certain words become more and more familiar.



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Sasy Scarborough wrote:

I for one can only imagine how hard it must be coming to Second Life and getting completely lost in all that is English.

It's not hard at all :) I love the English language. When it comes to spoken language I prefer German, but writing in German is awkward and long-winded. When reading books, writing blogs, posting in forums, or roleplaying in SL, I'll take English over my mother tongue any day.

Besides, aren't all languages native languages? With the exception of Latin and Klingon of course :)

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Unfortunately I'm not completely fluent in any other language but I can imagine the familiarity one must feel reading something they can relate to and completely understand. I'm sure if more bloggers blogged in their own language, it would encourage others to do so as well. My only concern is you might lose english only readers. However there are some blogs in other languages I still look at because of their pictures and also google translate is extremely helpful. 



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I would hope we wouldn't lose any, but I am more thinking along the lines of gaining more. I have met so many fashionable people in SL that would love to blog, but feel their english isn't good enough. I would rather see them blog in their own language and enjoy the styling, than have them not blog at all. 

lol @ Klingon - I would love to see someone blog in that.


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Our blog second ladies is written in portuguese, simply because we are brazilian. :D I confess that I'm a little lazy to write in Englishmy English is not very good and I agree that we express ourselves better  when we speak in native language. On the blog we talk about various subjects and fashion. I have a good team to help me and we receive aprox. 10.000 visits/month.


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I have to admit that I'm somewhat against things like the localization of software, the translation of books (other than into the world language English), and the dubbing of movies. When I grew up, home computer operating systems and software only came in English, which forced me to learn this language beyond the limits of my meager school English.  

Learning English (and continuing to improve it; there is no end to my learning process in sight) has not only enabled me to communicate with native English speakers, but also with my fellow Europeans and people from all over the world. In my last job, I had to talk to Dutch, Belgian, Spanish and Polish customers, which would have been impossible without English. I find it sad that there are still EU citizens who can't have a conversation with their fellow EU dwellers.

Since all media comes in German nowadays, there are less and less Germans who speak English. School English simply doesn't cut it; people tend to completely forget their vocabulary, just like they quickly forget about Pythagoras or the atomic mass of hydrogen after graduating. You can't learn a language unless you are forced to use it on a regular basis.

Especially in SL, I find it very important that residents are able to communicate with all other residents. Germans who join SL with the typical German tourist mentality and expect that everyone speaks at least a little German will be at a loss when they encounter problems with products made by English-speaking creators. Or even problems with SL itself, since Linden Lab offers very limited localized support. Even I as a German person can't help a fellow German with viewer problems, since I prefer the English viewer interface and have no idea how the various menu entries have been translated.


Bottom line: The world needs to learn English. It is immensely important that we are all able to understand one another. Especially in this day and age, where humanity faces problems on a global scale that affect all of us. English is also the language of science, technology and research. Without English, there would be no worldwide exchange of knowledge, which means that localization efforts are counter-productive to the goal of global understanding, information exchange and progress.

(Of course native English speakers should also learn and regularly use a second language, Spanish for example. Being bilingual greatly improves people's cognitive skills and can even delay the onset of old age dementia and Alzheimer's.)

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Ishtara those are incredible points, thank you. For me it was more along the line of ' If you talk to them, they will come' thinking it may bring us more residents, if the enticements, such as fashion, were explained in their own language. But I agree wholeheartedly on the sharing of english also.

I have a Japanese creator friend, who at the begining used to just say she couldn't understand and try and get out of conversing, I just wouldn't stop talking or let her. Eventually she would IM me and ask me what silly things I had said on my blog meant, and now she types english so well, and has such a better understanding, you would not think she didn't speak english all along.

Now I want everyone to blog in both lol 

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When i have started my blog, i thought to write in english, but i have abandonned fast this idea, my vocabulary was very too much light ^^

i have thought to write in french will be an handicap, and i think i was wrong.

Because my blog concept is to mix fashion, stories, poetry, and travel it's like a road book and my photos go everytime with my stories or the feeling i want to share. That's why, i think, many non-french people read me.



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