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This Forum is a Crock

Mickey Vandeverre

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I'm not happy about that thread with a simple question being pulled this morning.

All I wanted to know was why I was not getting email notifications for pulled posts.

There was nothing wrong with the phrasing of the question.

I followed every single freakin' rule.

Some yahoo that has way too much time on his hands butted in and started raging in the thread.

I am not here in this forum to babysit This Yahoo all day - and I'll be damned if he follows me around like a lost puppy on a Dr. Phil show that needs 24 hour care.  I'm not the one.  Plenty people here can take on that role.

I don't have a copy of the simple question. 

But I'll tell you what I'm going to do.  I'm going to formulate the sequence of events the best I can - - then send a letter to The Man.  And then I'm going to blog my ass off about it.

Their moderators are catering to people with serious "issues"

I do have a copy of The Yahoo's last response - all I asked long after he had wrecked my simple question thread.....was what doe "kvetch" mean. 

And then he starts calling us all bigots:

Y'know .. I didn't live around a lot of other nationalities growing up either. But I knew the definition of "kvetch" very early on anyway. I learned to read, listen, ask questions and study to expand my knowledge. I learned to accept differences among people and respect their own influences and societies as part of what made them interesting and valuable. I didn't look at them as "different is bad", I looked at them as "different is an opportunity to learn more and grow more."

There are a number of other voices in this thread that have made it their mantra to exclude others because they are different. In fact, their "grande debut" to the Lithium Forums was to create an exclusive, bigoted and "insular core" that treated others as less than worthy because of some very superficial and ultimately racist criteria. And now those same people are attempting to insult or demean me for trying to help you out. They've even decided to twist history in the mistaken belief that people have forgotten what they really said .. and what I really stand for.

There were a lot of ways this could have gone Mickey. I chose a path that would spare your dignity and still get you to a solution that made you feel less persecuted and less ignored. I tried to make you "whole" again while not making you publicly say the words "it was my fault .. sorry folks". And for that effort, I have been attacked, called pompous and targeted as the next "victim" in the long line of crushed souls and hurt feelings those same people rack up daily.

Of course the problem is .. I am neither crushed nor hurt .. nor even minutely upset .. except for one thing. I am disappointed that you would turn your anger on me for aiding you, even behind the scenes aid, without asking so much as a thank you from you in repayment. Had you just let it be, no one would ever have been the wiser, you could have just enabled your PMs and kept the whole thing as just another of those moments we humans all encounter once in a while.

I've lent you a hand many times. Some you knew and some you didn't .. and never once did I expect anything in return other than a polite thank you (for those times when it was obvious. When it was hidden, I expected nothing at all.) And yet somehow my having respect for your feelings, caring and paying attention to what you felt, how you felt and what you wanted to portray about yourself .. somehow those turned around inside your mind to insults and attacks against you.

I am disappointed Mickey that you think so little of others that even an earnest show of basic human decency becomes an evil thing that must be removed from your world. That outlook on life will not ever bring you happiness or satisfaction .. ever. It will handicap you with the need to protect everything from everyone and result in a life of isolation and heartache. So really, I am disappointed that the one thing you most need in this life .. a peace in your soul that lets you accept a hand of friendship .. is the one thing you will reject at every turn.

And I will still help you out whenever I can Mickey .. no matter what.


That's insanity.

if that's what this forum is for....

double insanity


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There is no sense in spending precious time from your life mixed in with a bunch of goons with issues that drown out at least a halfway centered individual's voice.

If they want to market SL as a haven for those who cannot cope in the normal world all day....


they certainly have it represented right here.

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It's not fair to list ? name when ? is not here to defend ---self.

And, even ? was here to defend ---self, this is not the Proper Forum in which to fight with Residents.

The second a Resident(s) start derailing your thread you should report inappropiate content.


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Excuse me....

But I have played by ALL THE RULES.....

and my stuff still gets pulled.


They are catering to a dozen people who are manipulative.. Two of them have practically stalked me for a solid year, to the point that it is downright scary.

If that's the type of person that they cater to in forum.....

it's a representation of what they want inworld.

that's not the virtual world that I arrived in several years ago.

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Welcome to my world ;)

Sorry, had to say it. Less of that myself since my recent disenchantment with SL, but I'll gladly don those pom-poms to take some heat ... no, forget that.

Posers pose.

Or, how to professionally stand for the good of everyone on the backs of others.

Or, how to be non-combatively combatant.

Or, how to display wisdom by condescention.

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The rules clearly state not to name names of other Residents.


Why; because I think you have important relevant topics to discuss and I would like to continue to be able to read your comments.

Yes, the current policy does require a lot of wordsmithing to get one's point across without stepping out of bounds but it is possible.

I haven't found anything which I cannot say when I carefully word what I say.


edit: typo

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If you believe that moderation is not producing results and that a Resident is specifically targeting you, you should file an AR Inworld and follow up by filing a ticket with Support and inquire about the Forum Policy. List and detail incidents that you believe have gone un-moderated and request clarification.

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Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

They are catering to a dozen people who are manipulative..

Would that be the GFT or the LWL? Or some other unnamed group?


Mickey Vandeverre wrote:

Two of them have practically stalked me for a solid year, to the point that it is downright scary.

You accused someone of "stalking" you in another thread just recently. Paranoid much?



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It does matter Mickey, I can promise you that this Forum is very important to LL and they will not allow one Resident to ruin it for everyone.

The Individuals responsible for the oversight of this Forum are being PAID. They were hired and can be fired if they do not perform as directed.

The person who hired them does care, they care some much that they put their money where their mouth is.   


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That's not paranoid, in this case ... been around that block myself with the same person for literally a year. If you go head to head with a debate, you'll get a novella on the opposing view no matter where and what you post.

Those threads absolutely won't stop until the other has the last word, and those threads can get mighty long.

They'll probably remove this thread anyway shortly when a moderator shows up for work this morning.

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