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Rowan Villiers wrote:

I gained 15-20+ fps everywhere I go switching from Pheonix to Firestorm.  I have almost no visual lag in even crowded places.  Things rez much faster.  I don't know what those geeky geniuses did, but I ♥ them for it.  Now if only it will hide my "look at" crosshairs like it says it will... and show me other people's =P

This is pretty much my experience also.  And except for crowded SIMS, I can actually run graphics at "High" at times with out freezing up.  It's pretty awesome.

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Apologies if this is not the correct place for this question.  After a long settling in period I have decided to try my hand at optimising my lighting in SL I use Max OS X 10.6.8, viewer SL2 version and tried to follow a few of the tutorials re windlighting.  Unfortunately, I seem stuck at the very beginning.   I am told to go into World - environmental settings -environmental editor and choose advance sky settings.  

My menu bar does not appear to work that way it gives me World - environmental editor - environmental settings which has nothing named advance sky settings..under environmental settings appears a drop down menu of water presets, sky presets and day presets.  The sky presets allows you to change most of what the tutorial advises but does not come up with the same screen dumps as the tutorial examples.

Am I unable to to find the advance sky settings because I am using a Mac or the wrong viewer or am I just losing the plot and there is a very simple explanation?

Help would be most appreciated.

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Hello LadyEboni, welcome to the forum.

Go to Preferences (Ctrl+P), click on the Graphics tab and see where your Render Quality is set.  It needs to be set to High or Ultra in order to use the Advanced Sky Editor.  I'm hoping that's your issue... if not, you may want to ask in the Answers section (link).  You'll probably get a quicker reply there.

Hope this helps ...Dres

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Thank you so much for the welcome and for the reply.  I tried the suggestion but it did not work.  I then tried my phoenix viewer and sure enough the advance sky setting menu is on that as per all the tutorials.  I can only assume that SLv2 does not have the same sky preset menus as other viewers used.

Thank you again

Lady E

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I'm not exactly sure what your problem is.  Here's a page that shows you exactly where the Advanced Sky Editor is in the official V2 (link).

If you're looking for the sky presets that come with Phoenix in LLV2, they're not all included but you can add them manually.  Hopefully I can explain it in a way that you will understand... unfortunately, I don't use Mac, so I can't be really specific, but I'll try. 

From what I can gather, I believe the LLV2 folder for windlight presets is ./Resources/app_settings/windlight/skies/ - if there are no presets installed then I assume this folder would be empty, but there are probably some installed already... I wouldn't know (I use Firestorm).  If you can find a comparable folder for Phoenix, it will have a bunch of files in it ending with .xml.  I'm thinking you can also find the folder by searching for one of the specific file names such as "wastelands.xml".

Once you find that folder, look for ~/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/user_settings/windlight/skies - this one I know for sure because it's on the windlight settings preset installation page in the wiki (link).  Then copy all the .xml files in the Phoenix folder into that one and that should be all you need to do.  Once you sign back on to V2, all the presets should be available.

Btw, the reason you put it into a different folder than the one I mentioned first, is so that if you update your viewer you'll still have the presets installed, unless you clear out that user settings folder (the last one I mentioned).  Otherwise, you'd have to install them all over again after an update... and that would be a pain in the ass.

I hope this made any sort of sense.


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