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The Frustrated, Happy Thread


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The frustrated, happy thread:

Say one thing each in SL and in RL that you are today frustrated or happy about. 

Such as I will give an example:


Frustrated/SL:  Not today, I had a pretty good day on SL.  I met a very nice person who'd like me as a neighbor.  I thought the weekly rental was excellent as were the furnishings.  It was five stars and had a grand piano!  However, it was modern and I'm a steampunk (antique's) and I love the antique's.  However, I've never done modern decor, so I'm a little frustrated as whether I should change my first preference of Steampunk and take this beautiful 5-star furnished modern place with the grand piano or not.  The neighbor's are terrific too and there is a club dance hangout for the residents and a great music steam; very relaxing.

Frustrated/RL:  We spent a lot on plumbing recently.  We weren't expecting to pay that much to have to upgrade our plumbing right now.  However, the plumbing has given us so much more good water pressure, so the money was well worth it, but still very expensive. 

Happy/SL:  Currently happy in that I had a good SL day overall.

Happy/RL:   Happy for the couple I know who is getting married.  Hope everyone has a chance to get hitched to the person they love. 

If you want to skip the frustrated/happy part about RL you can also, so this is an either or.  You can just do the SL part, make it as short or as long as you'd like. 

ETA:  Also you can do any combination you like such as just saying one happy thing whether SL or RL or one frustrating thing whether SL or RL.  See some examples below.    Feel free to do any combination you'd like. 

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Mayalily rolls her eyes and thinks some people think this is a juding thread.  There is no judging in this thread.  People don't even have to respond to one another, unless it's funny or flirty of course.  Funny and flirty of course, but nothing else.  No judging thread.

Happy/SL:  Very happy and thankful to the person who gave me a free home to stay in until I get one.  That was very kind of that person to do.  I will visit the free home tomorrow and find a way to thank her.   That was so kind to be offered that beautiful free home.  It was gorgeous from the outside.  That was really nice of that person to do. 

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I judge you to be a frustratingly happy person... lol.

Frustrated/RL: It was exceedingly frustrating having to spend all day in the hot New Orleans sun laying down a patio, only to realize half way through the damned thing was crooked.

Happy/RL: I have a whole bottle of rum, which might help me forget that I'll have to straighten it out at some point. Guess I just don't do straight very well.

Frustrated/SL: Not having the opportunity to get on SL today and see my new little playmate.

Happy/SL: I have a new little playmate... yay!


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Frustrated SL: I have no idea if there will be an Inworld User Group meeting for the Community platform.

Frustrated RL: Quote: “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act. ... H.G. Wells

Happy SL: I made some steps leading to a Linden bridge a long time ago, the stairs are still there. I would try to sneak over there and update/improve the stairs but I don't want to risk goofing around with it and having it auto-returned.    

Happy RL: I will be debt free by 2012.   

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@ Dres... lol (Yes that might seem a little confusing so you can ALSO just say one thing such as one happy or frustrating thing, or any combination such as you want to say your happy things only or your current frustrating things only.  Any combination is fine.

@ Knowl, I hope we become debt free from our plumbing by 3012! 

Happy/RL:  Happy to wake up to Starbuck's coffee this morning.

Happy/SL:  Glad to wake up to the forum's every day and find something interesting to read.  Or to just search Marketplace for a little fun and relaxation in the morning.  Tho I am frustrated that Marketplace doesn't have a wish list like eBay where one can store a lot of stuff, and then move things from their wishlist to checkout.  I'd like a wish list so I could store more designers and not lose them.  

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RL is much of a muchness lately, so i'll skip.

SL frustrated - the lag which has been so pervasive over the past couple of days.  I'd forgotten how irritating it was.  Did i get used to lag lack?

SL happy - prospect of new skins.  Skins always get me a little bit happy, and i've seen some new ones that look thoroughly delectable.  

If you're talking about overwhelming joy, however, no, not today.  :matte-motes-bored:   I'm not always such a miserable sod... :matte-motes-asleep:  but, yeah.... i kind of am, actually.  Today, i am.   *moan*  *gripe*  etc.

To end on a plus note, this was a great idea for a thread.  We need more like this.

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Frustrated RL: waiting for your dream job application to bear fruit and having to study in the meantime :(

Frustrated SL: Vendor makers going belly up and wondering about if I can do mesh.

Happy RL: Our flowers and veggies and everything  :)

Happy SL: Shopping and posting pics of new things on Flkr :)

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