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DNS issue.. can't login

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Hello really and welcome to SL Forums. It is a known problem with the last editions of viewer 2 and users with Mac's. Check out the jira: https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/VWR-25627

A solution for this problem described at the following link and seems that it works for most users:

Here's the URL: http://neilrobinson.wordpress.com/2008/05/19/a-fix​-for-dns-errors/

You need to add the following additional DNS servers to your DNS settings in Network settings under System Preferences:

If this doesn't fix your problem download again an older version of Viewer 2 again and set your software updates NO to be installed automatically. Older versions of Viewer 2 you can find here.

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Hi and thanks for this, LoveAngel

I couldn't connect with anything useful via the neil robinson URL and got a bit confused with the DNS settings (I'm not that great with that kind of thing).   Anyway... I downloaded an older version (2.2) of sl and I could login and it worked ok (though nowhere near as good as later versions obviously).  I was kind've impatient with it so I took a chance and updated to the latest version and yay... it worked.  So all fixed...except the latest version is kinda unpredictable... and lots more lag currently and frequent crashes.  At least I can log in tho.

Best wishes.


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  • 1 month later...

I'm having this same problem, only none of the solutions are working for me.  I've tried the DNS numbers and they don't work.  The Mesh Project Viewer isn't working for me.  I even tried the current BETA version.  I can't log into any of these, wihtout getting the DNS error.  I tried 2.2 and that just says I must upgrade to 2.8.  I even tried the old Mesh Project Viewer, but it also says I must upgrade.

I can log in using the original official SL viewer, Phoenix, and surprisingly with Firestorm.  Unfortunately, this doesn't help me much.  I build models in Maya and want to get ready to bring them into SL as Meshes.  But none of the current Mesh enabled viewers are working for me.

I even tried on both of my systems: Leopard and Snow Leopard.

Can anyone give me some ideas as to how I can fix this?  Or is there any hope that this apparent bug will be fixed realitively soon?



edit: I've got it working on the Snow Leopard System finally (a desktop), but I still can't login using the Leopard Macbook.

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  • 3 months later...

Before you try anything else, try simply rebooting your router.  Unplug it from the power for a few minutes while you go out for coffee.  When you plug it back in, the router will have had a chance to clear its RAM and then get a fresh grasp on an IP address.  Often that's all it takes.

If that doesn't work, the advice that Angel posted earler is the way to go.  The only thing I might do differently is to change from what ever DSN settings your ISP assigns by default to the free public Google DNS servers instead of the ones in the Neil Robinson article.  You'll find clear, easy instructions for changing those settings at http://code.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using.html 

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  • 4 months later...

I've tried everything including several viewers: Dolphin, Firestorm, Secondlife's latest (3), and Unrestrained Love. I have tried restarting the router, and I have entered the google DNS numbers, as well as the other two provided. Nothing is working. I've even re-routed my wireless settings. I'm running on a mac.

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Your Mac ought to work fine.  There are thousands of Mac users in world, using the full range of viewers.  The fact that you are having trouble on all viewers suggests that they aren't the source of the trouble.  Problems like your are almost always very close to home. The best guess is still your router, your modem, your operating system, or something else right there.  Using wireless at all is a poor idea, so if you are still doing that, replace it with a direct cable.  You can do a quick test to rule out your router by bypassing it completely for a while.   Plug your data cable from the computer directly into the modem temporarily.  If that helps things, you'll know that the router is your weak spot.  If not, at least you have ruled it out.  Consider upgrading your operating system, too.  There are several JIRA reports about users having trouble with Mac OS X 10.5.x (Leopard) , so you may do better with OS X 10.6.x, which ought to cost about $30 US.

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