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Animation Physics ( Help )


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I have been using a physics Mod to add to the avastar animations " butt " deform bone and once baked the physics dont work  in secondlife.

However, when applying the physics mod to the avastar  Pecs and baked the physics work in second life.

Anyone have an idea how to make the " butt " move or what i need to do to make this work?.

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If you're trying to animate the butt's collision volume, yes, this will break avatar physics - this is a known quirk of SL's animation, wherein deforming a collision volume that is affected by physics will stop physics being applied to it.

In these situations, using a rigged mesh deformer is the better way to go (See here: https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Avatar_deformation )

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3 hours ago, Jenna Huntsman said:

this is a known quirk of SL's animation, wherein deforming a collision volume that is affected by physics will stop physics being applied to it.

I hadn't actually tested this before so I wasn't sure but I tested it just now and the physics does not become disabled as a result of animating a volume bone.

I don't doubt what you are experiencing but may I suggest that it's not a property of SL but, instead, a combination of other unassociated parameters.

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