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Help me understand Sims

Lord Derryth

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Full Region 15,000 Prims, $96 USD Upgrade 10,000 Prims $36 USD/8250L = $132/week
Homestead, 5,000 Prims $23 USD No Prim Upgrade (would love to pay the Extra $36 for 10,000 prims)

In Second Life, there are two types of virtual spaces you can own - homesteads and full regions. Homesteads are smaller and less expensive, but you get fewer building blocks (called "prims") to work with and limited options for upgrades. Full regions are bigger and more expensive, but you get more building blocks and better performance. Homesteads are stored on a shared server with other homesteads, while full regions get their own separate server. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Why can't homesteads be upgraded to 5,000 more prims?  I find myself falling short of 2,000 prims to achieve my goal. 

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2 hours ago, Lord Derryth said:

Full Region 15,000 Prims, $96 USD Upgrade 10,000 Prims $36 USD/8250L = $132/week
Homestead, 5,000 Prims $23 USD No Prim Upgrade (would love to pay the Extra $36 for 10,000 prims)

Homesteads are smaller and less expensive, but you get fewer building blocks (called "prims") to work with and limited options for upgrades. Full regions are bigger and more expensive, but you get more building blocks and better performance.
Homesteads are stored on a shared server with other homesteads, while full regions get their own separate server.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. Why can't homesteads be upgraded to 5,000 more prims?  I find myself falling short of 2,000 prims to achieve my goal. 

in the first line.. the cost for upgrading are monthly, not weekly. and a full region has  20k Li.
Both were upgraded to more Li some years ago.
The actual normal costs:


the upgrade to +10000 Li


This service incurs a fee of $30.00 at the time of the upgrade. This upgrade will also increase the monthly maintenance fee for the region by $30.00 each month.

Full regions, homesteads, Open Space region are all the same size, there is no difference, ónly the allowed Land Impact is different, and by that.. the price, ánd the serverspace they need to run smoothly.

all have their limits and possibilities, but as with all products, there are limits in use. That's why they have the price difference...
I never encountered a better or worse performance on a region where it is used as intended.
When you have a homestead and use all 5000 Li, ánd add a bit heavy load on script and textures.. yes that won't run very well for the user...

The way how regions use processor cores, not servers, has dramaticly changed during times. Orinially, full regions had one core to run on, homesteads 4 on a core, and opens spaver 16 on a core ( if i'm not wrong)
Development during the last 20 years changed that. And even more since the move to the cloud.
BTW it's here where the wrong names for a region comes from.. a core = a sim. But the product is a region.

We can wish so much more to upgrade regions .. but like cars.. if you drive a 2CV and need to transport 5 people, it's more luxurious to get a Audi .. thats a different product and you won't get it without paying more.
It is also the issue you encounter, no real issue, but you need a different product for what you want.

[disclaimer] the figures quoted and prices mentioned, are the prices i found with a fast search, i didn't check if this are still the actual prices ...

Edited by Alwin Alcott
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