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I want to photograph you!! (I am in no way a professional photographer on sl but I think I'm pretty ok).

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I've recently decided to dive into photography on second life, I've always loved taking pictures in real life so I thought I'd bring that over onto this platform. 

Here are a few pictures I have taken of my avatar: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JeAd_UBTC6MXLLALS6xXLhuXCE5Lp6ONC1Ki736hJ64/edit?usp=sharing

I'm constantly learning and trying different styles of photos everyday when I can.

I don't currently use photoshop but hopefully in the future.

I use firestorm in ultra with a pose and my face light ( don't currently have a photo lighting thing )

If you're interested please send me an im or notecard inworld @ addictedtodrugos!

Not sure about pricing just yet!

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hello i want to ask if you are looking for photomodels to photograph or just generaly photograph. if you are looking for an avi to photograph in order to practice your skills i am interesed it. i have done this one before with a differnt photographer. This is my flickr acount if you are interested https://www.flickr.com/photos/190070102@N03/with/50428197926/ and my user name is evean01

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2 hours ago, EveAn01 said:

hello i want to ask if you are looking for photomodels to photograph or just generaly photograph. if you are looking for an avi to photograph in order to practice your skills i am interesed it. i have done this one before with a differnt photographer. This is my flickr acount if you are interested https://www.flickr.com/photos/190070102@N03/with/50428197926/ and my user name is evean01

Hi sorry for the confusion I want to take pictures of you for like a profile photo or a flickr photo

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