Hello every one my name is Eve and I'm a rental agent in Balanvi. If you are searching for for something to rent u click on the right post, in balanvi we offer beautifull units with 5 differnt land themes Paradise trail, Estate, Beach, Retreat and Developers Retreat. Depenting on the theme land u are looking each unit has some customization options like the fence, scene or ground to add to that 4/5 of these lands give you the option to choose from the huge list of houses we offer . Also Paradase trail, Estate and Beach is a neightborhood themed land and have a common space for the tenants, but or retreats are private. In Balanvi we offer units that go almost as high as 4000 prims and as low as 250 prims with reasonable prices. If you are interested you can visit the site http://balanvi.com/VirtualProperty/ which also contains the LM for the Balanvi Region and of course if u dont have the time to look through our rentals u can contact me and tell what are u looking for and i will norrow down the search for you.