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The Escort Network (TEN) - Hiring


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The Escort Network (TEN) couples a strip club with a networking group reserved for Second Life escorts. 

The Escort Network (TEN) group is open enrollment. Connect, share advice, and discuss the work of sex in Second Life. Please do not advertise services in this group.

The Escort Network (TEN) strip club is currently hiring escorts and strippers. To apply, please read the following requirements, and send an inworld notecard to PerryWilks Resident for an application form.

- Join group: The Escort Network (TEN)
- Human, female, adult avatar and user
- Mesh avatar
- Behavior: respectful, tolerant, welcoming, warm, and friendly
- Language: fluent in English, conversational skills

- 90% tips + L$ 25 per hour salary

Visit us at: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Wirtz/128/90/4086


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On 3/13/2021 at 10:01 AM, senseart said:

ı went there but it is different place , did you move ? 


Hello, senseart. Thank you for your interest. TEN didn't move. Access to the location was temporarily restricted, but it's open again. Looking forward to see you there.

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