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**XeoLife** and Other Scripts. Which ones?


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Hello Lovelies, 

  I have recently purchased/been gifted some full permission food/drink items off of the marketplace. I'm wanting to script them with Xeolife and other scripts. I'm not sure which Xeolife affiliate scripts and/or other marketplace scripts to buy to accomplish what I want the items to do. Such as:

1. An avatar can click the food item to buy and recieve 1 slice/drink that will attach to the avatar. 

2. Not inventory based. 

3. Item will dissapear after it is empty/eaten. 

4. One use and cannot be reset. (Going for realistic) 

5. Need base item/giver to be rezzable and able to set permissions for access. (Owner, anyone, group, etc.) 

Thank you so much to anyone who can help me, recommend scripts, or point me in the right direction! ❤


Edited by LadyGore4
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That's not really what this forum is for. We're scripters here.  We write our own scripts and then debate about how to make them work better (or moan about why they don't work). We don't evaluate scripted products. If you want to start a discussion about what to buy,  you should probably ask in General Discussion. 

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20 minutes ago, Rolig Loon said:

That's not really what this forum is for. We're scripters here.  We write our own scripts and then debate about how to make them work better (or moan about why they don't work). We don't evaluate scripted products. If you want to start a discussion about what to buy,  you should probably ask in General Discussion. 

Thank you. I'll repost there. 

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