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Hey! To begin, I already have experience with Bosh HUD scripts. I just want to move on from Bosh to a more advance scripting HUD and PXL seemed to be the one. I've read the manual and tried to follow along, but I have difficulties trying to understand it. Pictures do help and they have them in their manual, but damn... I'm so lost.

If there's anyone that is willing to help me 1 on 1, please IM me. I know learning scripting takes a lot of time and I don't mind paying for your time.


Thanks in advance!

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You'll have to contact the vendor who sold you that HUD.  Nobody else will be able to answer your questions as well.  This Scripting forum is a place for LSL scripters to trade ideas about projects they are working on, not a place to expect customer service on scripts you bought.

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